
George Campbell & Jim Packard – Eliminating Self Sabotaging Behavior: How the Power of Habit Is Essential to Goal Achievement (AoL 193)

Self sabotaging behavior is a common theme when it comes to personal and business development (or the lack thereof). Whether it’s the lack of willpower to get healthier, the determination it takes to go through college, or the focus it takes to build one’s business, there’s one thing that is certain when it comes to accomplishment: setting a goal is one thing – but actually achieving that goal is something completely different.

In this session of the show, Ya’el Johnson and I get to talk to two completely different kinds of individuals who have made it their passion to help others figure out how to achieve goals like this.

Through their app called the Consistency Chain, they’re helping tons of people build good habits in place of the ones that have lead them to where they are now.

In their recent book built on the same premise, The Consistency Chain for Network Marketing, authors George Campbell & Jim Packard suggest that the main reason that people don’t do well with network marketing is that they simply haven’t built the right habits to actually grow their business. Interestingly, George goes on to say that he was only successful when he realized he was the common denominator between all these opportunities.

In this conversion, we explore how they came to that conclusion and some of the concepts one should consider when trying to achieve anything in this world – let alone building a network marketing business!



  • As enthusiasts of the industry, how did George and Jim get into Network Marketing initially? 12:55
  • How do you know when you’re working with the right business when it comes to network marketing? 21:18
  • How did Jim & George realize they were on to something when they felt the 80/20 rule applies to those who are successful in network marketing? 26:24
  • How do they give themselves milestones on a regular basis to keep them going in their journey? 30:17
  • What are some of the ways that people are using the Consistency Chain app in their daily lives? 37:17
  • What are some of the things George and Jim are looking forward to moving forward in 2021? 42:10
  • Who are Jim and George’s personal influencers and teachers? 45:23
  • What’s the biggest plot twist they’ve seen in their day to day life? 48:43
  • Is there a particular gift they like giving others? 50:31
  • What is something they’ve become good at saying no to? 52:33
  • How does someone realize they’re living their own personal mission? 53:59


George and Jim Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn
Cohost: Ya’el Johnson
Powered By: Groove Funnels – Join Us in Exploring the power of this awesome new tool! (Get started free today!)

Marshmallow Test
Jay Abraham – Getting Everything You Can Out of All You Got (Amazon Link)
Jim Rohn
Dale Carnegie

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Joe Malarkey at the United States Bowling Congress’ Event

Joe Malarkey on Customer Service

Tom Chenault interviews Jim and George (MLM Application)

Margo Lovett and Deborah Thorn interview Jim and George (Traditional Business Application)

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


best nootropics

Prady Tewarie – Peak Performance in a Bottle: How Body Building & Business Systems Lead to the Best Nootropics Based Supplement (AoL 159)

When it comes to peak performance, most experts on the matter suggest that we learn how to care for ourselves, plan, and execute accordingly. However, even the most disciplined of us will have problems from time to time. Whether it’s a physical ailment or a mental breakdown, we all have issues from time to time. Thankfully, there’s some supplements on the market that can really impact your mental state. In fact, some of them contain some of best nootropics in existence.

If you’re not familiar with term nootropics, Veronica and I weren’t either before this interview. However, the way that our guest, Prady Tewarie, described them, it almost sounds too good to be true! Something better than coffee?! Blasphemy!

In today’s conversation, Prady shares with us his journey in starting his business Azoth, one of the fastest growing nootropic supplement companies today. What’s cool to me is that his entire journey in starting his business has been rather organic. He didn’t force it by starting a business first and then finding a product. In fact, he did it the way that it should be done.

If starting and growing a business based on your interests is something you’re wondering if you should do, let Prady’s story inspire you to give it a shot.



  • After spending so much time going after a law degree and becoming a lawyer, what inspired Prady to become an entrepreneur? 9:32
  • How did he realize that fitness was essential to being in the right state of mind for his business, partners, and clients? 11:46
  • Where did the idea for Azoth come from? 14:56
  • How did Prady come to realize that systems were critical to building his business? 21:44
  • How did Prady find himself getting involved with Real Estate Investing? 33:10
  • What is he looking forward to in the end of 2019 and beyond? 40:40
  • If he could add one book, one song, and one film to the national curriculum, what would they be? 42:33
  • One thing under $100 that has changed his life? 44:07
  • What’s a believe, behavior, or habit that he’s started in the last 5 years that’s helped him improve his life? 46:16
  • What’s something he believed when he was 18 but now feels is inaccurate? 47:44
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 49:19


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Prady and Justin Hall on Having the Right Info on Supplements

Enlightened Millennial: Why Hard Work Is Not Enough!

Should I Quit my 9-5 and Start My Own Business?

The Reason You’re Not Achieving Wealth

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


get stuff done

Focus at Work – Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing and Get Stuff Done!

In the last post, I wrote about how deep focus might be the key to actually get stuff done in your craft or industry. Focus on the 20% of the effort that makes you the 80% of your income. You simply don’t have the capacity to do everything under the sun.
Since that post, I’ve had a few readers of that post message me and ask why I was going against the traditional advice of building an online business.

And as I thought about it, I realized that while I might be going against the more traditional advice of building a digital business, there are examples in the real world that suggest that less can be more.

So in this post, we’re going to look at just a few such examples.

Is Less Always More?

Now you might be thinking, there are plenty of examples of businesses that have grown after they offered more products and services. One such example is Amazon. Without knowing their history, you might think that they’ve always sold all the products and online services that they offer today.

However, this wasn’t always the case. When the company first started, it was an online book store based out of Jeff Bezos’ garage. Did he know that it was going to become what it is today? Probably not. But as the company offered more products and brought more people on to help manage those products, it is definitely an example of “More is More”.

Sometimes Scaling Doesn’t Always Work as Expected

But for every Amazon who scales correctly from the beginning, there’s also going to be examples where adding more to the menu might not be the best course of action.

Example 1: McDonald’s

Take McDonald’s for example. I remember in the late 00’s when McDonald’s was losing out on customers because people started to get smarter about what they were eating. It was during this time that chains like Panera, Starbucks, and Subway grew like bandits. In fact, it was pretty common to hear about places in large cities that had a couple of Starbucks on the same street.

These companies were eating McDonald’s lunch. So what did the golden arches do in response? They grew their menus and model to include some competitive products to what these other places were offering. By 2013, it had 145 items on its menu.

This was nuts and completely unsustainable. It’s no wonder that they were losing money at this point.

In an attempt to right the ship, they hired their most recent CEO, Steve Easterbrook. What Steve ended up doing was removing the items that weren’t selling as well and went back to the basics of the business. This seems to have worked because in the last year or so, their stock has actually risen.

Example 2: Apple

While this might not be the best recent example, it wasn’t too long ago that Apple was the tech company to watch out for – as an investor and a competitor.

In the Beginning…

Personally, I’ve always been an Apple user. My first computer was one and currently I’m writing this on a Macbook Pro.

During that time, the company has seen its ups and downs. I remember when I was first learning about computers, I found out the hard way that Windows 95 would not work on my Mac. How could this be? I thought everyone was going to be able to use it!

Nope, I was in the minority. Windows based PCs were what everyone else had. I can’t tell you how many conversations I had in high school answering questions about why I had a Mac… even when Steve Jobs came back as the CEO!

As I got involved in the Purdue University Mac Users Group (PUMUG), I started to learn how awesome of a group Mac users actually were. I had found my people! But interestingly, we were still a small group. All the clones had been taken off the market by that point. Those of us who were still users were because we were creatives or simply loved the Mac.

The Epic Growth of Apple

However, it was also during this time that the iPod was released. And interestingly, this was about the same time that I started paying attention to the stock market. I remember in 2001 watching the AAPL stock rise almost 50% until 9-11. 

Of course, stocks were down for just about everyone at that point. But as new and better versions of the iPod came out, their stock rose. And then, the point where everyone became familiar with Apple was in 2007 when the iPhone debuted. Wow… I really should have got some shares then. (Unfortunately, I thought I had already missed the boat. Ha!)

But there’s a point in me telling you this personal story of watching Apple rise. No one would have believed it would happen when I first got my computer – an Apple Performa 575. Had they stuck around trying to compete directly with Microsoft PCs, I think the company would have folded. Even to this day, but especially back then, they were known to jack up the price on products that were matched by less expensive PC options.

But it was because Steve was able to focus on building the next best thing (as he originally did with the original Mac) that they were able to be as great as they did during his time as CEO.

On a Smaller Scale

So, there’s a couple of examples of large companies that righted their ships after bloating to try and be everything to everyone. But it’s not something that just companies that size have to deal with. There are much smaller companies that struggle simply because they don’t focus on keeping the main thing the main thing.

And because they often don’t have the necessary resources or connections to keep going, they tend to not have the time to get their act together in time.

Example 3: Marsh

One such example is a local grocery store chain here in Indiana which was named Marsh. Like many local groceries, it folded in the last couple of years. It couldn’t find its niche in the market. I believe the main reason is that they tried to be everything to everyone. Instead of focusing on having its stores in certain profitable locations, it kept trying to keep open stores that were underperforming due to local competition – no matter what the cost.

Even after the company folded a couple of years ago, there are still locations that have not been bought by other chains. When I see them, I’m reminded of the struggles they had before going belly up. 

Interestingly, though, the places that were bought by other chains seem to be doing pretty well if not better than they did while they were under the Marsh banner. Some were bought by Kroger while others were bought by a regional chain called Needler’s. In fact, the Needler store in downtown Indy is considered by many to be one of the best groceries around!

Had Marsh realized that they should just cut anchor and focus on these stores that were actually making them income, they might be around yet today!

Action Steps

So, hope that gives a little more perspective on why it’s important to focus. If you’re good at building sales funnels, do that until you can outsource it. But don’t try to do that AND build a Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) business AND build a podcast AND build a YouTube channel.

Pick one, get a handful of clients. Once you’ve done that, scale that business using ads on social media. Then from there, you can think about doing something else when the first job is sustainable.

personal motivation

Andy Dix – Be the Best Version of You: The Importance of Understanding Our Own Personal Motivation (AoL 154)

Having the knowledge about different personalities is a bit of a super power. When you know someone’s personality and personal motivation, you can understand what makes them tick. However, a lot of people simply don’t have this knowledge. They get frustrated when other people don’t act the way they do or don’t set an importance on various things like they do.

Today’s guest, Andy Dix, helps individuals and teams figure out what motivates them through the Reiss Motivation Profile.

As a leader, it’s important that not only do we know the makeup of any one person, but we also understand how others are going to engage with them.

If you don’t have much knowledge about how personalities and motivations work, this is a great conversation to start at!

So, join Harrison and I as we learn why Andy chose to work in this field, what he’s learned, and why he started his The Hopeful Hoosier Podcast.



  • How’d Andy get into what he’s doing today? 8:40
  • What’s the Reiss Motivational Profile and how does he incorporate in his work? 13:01
  • Has he been surprised by the profile results of any one person or people? 16:13
  • Does the Motivational Profile prove the truth of “natural born” leaders and entrepreneurs? 25:12
  • What motivated Andy to start his podcast “Hopeful Hoosier”? 27:12
  • What kind of things is he looking forward to the rest of this year? 36:43
  • Who are Andy’s top three people he’s been influenced by? 38:13
  • One thing under $100 that has changed his life? 40:08
  • Is there advice out that he hears adults giving kids that he’d call BS on? 40:43
  • What does Andy do when he becomes overwhelmed or unfocused? 41:39
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 42:35


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Andy Interviewed by Engel Jones:

Steven Reiss on his book The 16 Strivings for God

Andy’s Webinar on Using the Science of Motivation Within an Organization

NPR’s Talk of the Nation: The Art and Science of Motivation

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


be consistent

Engineered Success – What it Means to be Consistent with your Priorities, Time, and Intentions with Tony Whatley (AoL 147)

To be consistent. It’s a phrase that’s thrown around in all kinds of industries as a part of their success. But what does it mean? If you own an agency that relies on you to get the job done, then you have to show up everyday. If you own a website that sells certain products, then there’s a good chance you’ll need to go to various events to let potential customers that your site exists. Maybe you’re trying to build a personal brand on social media – then you’re going to have to commit to building that brand and showing up daily.

So, that being the case, consistency can come in different forms. It’s really dependent on what you want the end goal to be.

However, if you really want to shoot for the stars in the online entrepreneurial space, then today’s guest is some you’ll appreciate.

In this session, Tony Whatley speaks to Veronica and I about what it took for him to not only build a company outside of his day job, but to also sell that company for what it was worth. We also touch on the kind of work it’s taking for him to build his own personal brand online.

Join us as we pick the brain of the Side Hustle Millionaire!



  • How did Tony get into mechanical engineering? 10:41
  • What lead him to start side businesses outside of his day job as an engineer? 12:14
  • How was Tony able to scale his business so he could have a “10 hour work week”? 17:38
  • If he were to start over today, would Tony have used the same marketing and sales strategies he used to first grow his businesses? 22:24
  • After selling his first big business, what was life like? 35:20
  • What was the process of selling this business like? 40:32
  • What’s the future hold for Tony’s brand? 46:40
  • Who are three influencers who have helped him get to where he’s at today? 51:21
  • If he could ask anyone living or dead a question, who and what would Tony ask? 54:25
  • What is something that most people don’t realize is a huge waste of money? 55:56
  • Something that cost less than $100 which changed his life? 59:07
  • What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:00:17


Tony Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Veronica Kirin
Session Sponsor: Uncover Your Personal Mission
Blinkist (Book Summaries)
Mike Rowe Works Foundation

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Business Coach vs Business Mentor

Fear! (The Viper Crash Story)

Tony on Entrepreneurship at the Speakers Authors Coaches Summit

Tony on Heather Parady’s Show

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


leadership accountability

Leadership Accountability – A Great Way to Get Better Results

Leadership is something that I talk about quite a bit on this blog. Most recently, I’ve used the Colts and general success in the NFL as case studies. We’ve looked at how the new leadership has changed the culture to one of winning. We’ve also discussed how the “offseason” can be equally important to success as the actual “season” as well.

But how do you get people to buy in and commit to the plan? How do you actually get moving in the right direction?

How do you hold people responsible to obtain the desired results?

There’s a simple word that many teams use to describe the solution to this: accountability.

Why Accountability?

There are several reasons why a person would want to be held accountable for their actions. There’s networking involved, sure. Someone that’s accountable will tend to build better relations than someone who isn’t. But there’s another thing. Accountability makes most of us perform better. Simply put, when we have accountability, we move from intentions to actions. And even more than this, you strengthen a feedback loop that enables you to get better and better.

3 Levels of Accountability

Personal Accountability

Now when we’re talking about accountability, we’re all familiar with the first level: personal accountability. At this level, we leverage accountability with ourselves, another individual, or a group of individuals to achieve individual desired results. So, for example, we use personal accountability when we’re wanting to lose weight by going to the gym more. Or we might use it in mastermind when all the members have different goals in their own business.

Team Accountability

The next type of accountability is team accountability. At this level, not only are you accountable to your own goals, but you’re accountable to the goals of the team. Meaning, not only are you getting something out of what you’re committing to do, but your teammates are expecting you to follow through. For example, in sports, if you don’t do what you’re supposed to do in a given situation, then it gets harder for your teammates to rely on you in the future. So it’s pretty obvious, I think, that at this level, it’s imperative for us to meet or even exceed the expectations of our team members.

Leadership Accountability

The next and final level of accountability is called leadership accountability. At this level, it’s your job to manage the team and help its members not only stay accountable to themselves, but to the team as well. A leader who uses this type of accountability regularly will often be looked at as a servant leader. For example, if you were the manager and/or owner of a restaurant, you would have to make sure that the place runs as efficient as possible. Your job isn’t to do a particular job like washing dishes or making the actual food. Your job is to make sure that those on the team who are in charge of a particular job are actually able to do their jobs without you or someone else doing it for them. You need to be able to give 10% with the wait staff, 15% with the chefs, 8% with the cleaning crew, etc. However, when those people need to be relieved, it’s your job to be able to get in there and do their job.

As a leader who wants to practice more accountability, keep this idea in mind: When you pay attention to others and how they’re doing, you’ll get respect. When you expect them to perform at a certain level, you’ll get results.

Characteristics of Accountable People

Now that we’ve looked at why you’d want to use accountability to move your team forward, let’s look at the characteristics of individuals who are accountable.

  1. They are consistent. People who are accountable follow through on what they say they’ll follow through on.
  2. They have credibility. Being consistent with your actions says something about who you are as a person. However, if you ever wain on doing what you say you’re going to do, then there’s a good chance you’ll credibility.
  3. They improve performance of the team as a whole. Have you ever known someone that when they’re a present part of a team, the team just seems to be in a more positive mood when they’re around? That’s the impact that a credible and consistent leader can have!

Easy enough to say that if you or your team members illustrate these characteristics, then they have what it takes to be accountable.

Characteristics of Non-Accountable People

However, on the flip side, there’s some folks that you can’t expect to be accountable. Here are some characteristics of these individuals:

  1. They make excuses. Let’s face it, you probably know plenty of people who are good at making excuses. Would you want them part of your team to actually get something done? Probably not. When people use excuses, it often becomes more of a deterrent than anything else. Even if they’re good reasons for not getting something done, they still didn’t get something done that they said they would.
  2. They play the victim card. If they blame anything or anyone else for not being able to follow through on a commitment, then they’re essentially saying that they’re not responsible. The most accountable people always take the blame even when they’re not the one at fault for bad performance.
  3. They favor appearance above all else. Something else you might notice about non-accountable people is that they have a tendency to make things look better than they really are. They tend to sweep things under the rug as opposed to really dealing with a situation. If you feel that your team is treading water and not really moving forward, it might be because someone isn’t truly pulling their weight.

Action Steps

So that’s what accountability can do for your team and how to spot it. If you’re working with a group to do amazing things, be on the lookout for these signs from potential or current team members. It will help you determine if you’re going to go places or simply spin your wheels.

evolution of marketing

Avi Arya – It’s Not All About the Hustle: Life Balance, Creative Fulfillment, and the Evolution of Marketing Online (AoL 140)

The ongoing evolution of marketing has yield today’s social media. Facebook along with its peers are an interesting tool. Most of the world looks at it as a distraction or a way to share with family and friends. However, those of us who are in the entrepreneurial / creative space – we see it as a little bit more than that. Sure, we like to let people know what we’re up to, but we also like to share our projects and/or our message.

If you’re good at digital marketing, you’ll have no problem blending in your personal posts with your business posts. If your business is part of your personal mission, then it’s even easier.

Today’s guest, Avi Arya, is all about helping companies reach out and connect to native social media users. He travels the world not only as a speaker, but as a consultant.

However, this doesn’t define him. This is simply the work he does.

When he’s not traveling around the world, he spends as much time as he can with his family, dogs, and doing the things he really enjoys doing.

The key is this: He works to live, not live to work.

In this installment of the AoL Podcast, listen as we talk about how he rose to the the top of the industry, some of the mistakes that new marketers make, and his perspective on work/life balance.



  • How did working with his dad help Avi get started in digital marketing? 11:31
  • What has changed since he first started work in digital marketing? 20:18
  • How has Avi incorporated a traveling lifestyle into what he does online? 24:06
  • What are his thoughts on having life balance? 26:41
  • Are there certain mistakes that he sees novice online advertisers making on a regular basis? 30:54
  • What’s the secret in finding fulfillment in what we do as creatives? 40:40
  • How does Avi strive to become a better version of himself? 48:05
  • Is there a process he goes through to get him psyched to do live streams? 49:41
  • What else is he looking forward to in 2019? 52:17
  • What are three books he often gives or tells others about? 53:48
  • Does he have a favorite social custom that he’s seem in his travels? 55:04
  • What is something Avi believes all high school students must know? 56:02
  • Are there any travel tips he has for new travelers? 57:21
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 58:24


Avi Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Session Sponsor: Namecheap
Elon Musk on AI
Technological Singularity
Crushing It – Gary Vaynerchuk
New Earth – Eckhart Tolle
5 AM Club – Robin Sharma

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Fear No More

Avi Meets Gary V.

On Location at Social Media Marketing World (Day 1 of 3)

Avi talks with Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner

Thanks for Listening!

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
