
Social Confidence Mastery

Myke Macapinlac: Helping Shy Guys Succeed in Life via Social Confidence Mastery (AoL 022)

Being anxious is part of life. And, as we all know, it can be a problem. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to give a speech. Stage fright is definitely a thing. The question is whether you let it control you, or you use it to boost your ability to connect with someone.

Likewise, when we’re dating and meeting new people, anxiety has that ability to get in our heads. What if those people don’t like me? What if I don’t come across as my true self? What if my true self is too weird? What if… what if… what if?

There’s many ways to deal with this anxiety. Many of us learn how to cope with it early in life when making friends. Others, tend to avoid it. Those that tend to avoid it… we say that they’re shy.

Kids (especially teenagers) don’t want to stick out. In their mind, being part of the herd is part of what it is to be popular. If you don’t fit in, then you’re going to be ridiculed for being the odd one out.

When I was growing up, I didn’t fit into any one group. Being the biggest kid in my class AND being a geek, I kinda stuck out. Needless to say, I was picked on quite a bit.

That stuff sticks with you and can have a great affect on who you are later in life. So much so that instead of opening up to the world, you get further into a shell.

Today’s guest, Myke Macapinlac, wants to get guys out of that shell. Being a big kid himself, and not being able to speak English when he first moved to Canada, he was ostracized quite a bit. In fact, he felt it so much that he’d eat his lunch in the bathroom by himself.

Eventually, he felt that life was passing him by and that’s when he started to make a change.

Now he helps other guys make that change.

In today’s talk, I chat with Myke about how he got started, where the idea of the Social Man Project came from, where he gets some of his coaching techniques, and what separates him from other coaches.


  • How he fell into the coaching arena.
  • When he knew it was time to start his own path.
  • How he landed his first client.
  • How he finds space to do his bootcamps and courses.
  • Where the idea of the Social Man Project (now called Social Confidence Mastery) came from.
  • Where he gets some of his coaching techniques and how those set him apart from other coaches.
  • What are Myke’s 3 cornerstones of his coaching.
  • How to be a Nice Guy without being a pushover.
  • Thoughts on Neil Strauss and his teachings.
  • 4 questions answered on dating issues.
  • …and MUCH more.

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Myke on City TV for the Calgary Stampede in 2014

Cam and Myke discuss how you can create Charisma on Game Quitters:

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Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcher, and/or Podbean. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


marrying an entrepreneur

AoL 019: Marrying an Entrepreneur and the Fundamentals of Building a Business with Francielle and Brian Daly

When you’re introduced to somethings, you either can go slow or fast. Examples of learning something slow might include many sports and school activities such as multiplication, reading, and writing. You get the idea.

Other times you have to go fast – like learning how to ride a bike.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, and teaching others, you can do it quickly and risk blowing their minds. Or you can go slow and try to recreate how you might have learned.

Unfortunately for people who marry an entrepreneur, they often times don’t get the chance to learn slow. Personally for me and Maria, I tried to keep her process relatively slow so that it wouldn’t get too nuts. However, as soon as we got married, I had her listening to podcasts and watching courses right away. Eventually getting her interested in what things she wanted to do outside of her day job.

I could have gone quicker than that. I know that one of my best friends from school, Ben, got his now wife, Megan, to go to an LTD open meeting for their second date. She got to know the business more than she got to know him! Yikes. Talk about a steep learning curve!

Similarly, one of today’s guests got the other to go to a business conference early on their dating life as well. As she eludes to in the podcast, he meant business!

Francielle Daly quickly realized that Brian was for real and that being with him would mean things would change in her life. And boy did they ever. Now she’s running her own site and coaching others with him. All in the matter of a couple of years.

In today’s session, we talk about what that transformation looked like and the ride they have taken together to this point in their solopreneur careers.


  • How Francielle was introduced to Entrepreneurship
  • Where the idea of came from and how it’s changed over time.
  • The importance of the 4 Pillars of Business and how they can affect a business.
  • How the question “If you thought you were doing everything right and someone told you that you were doing something wrong, how soon would you want to know?” has changed Brian’s perspective on life.
  • The importance of having a strategy for the things that you do in your business.
  • Why it might be a good thing to work with professionals.
  • Why an assessment is critical when forming teams and business relationships.
  • How they’ve had success finding clients.
  • Whether they see themselves as being unemployable.
  • …and MUCH more.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Get the Dalys’ Execution Plan Template here:

I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information )
In this plan, you'll see how you can execute and grow your business. It asks all the right questions regarding your business and makes you think about what your next steps might be.
Please be aware that any work you use this plan for is at your own discretion. It is highly recommended that you seek a proper assessment from Brian and Francielle Daly for proper use.

Article that talks about launching a company with a loved one and 5 things you need to know about doing it.

Marie Forleo asks 4 questions you can ask yourself when taking business advice from your spouse:

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcher, and/or Podbean. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


How To Make or Break a Long Term Relationship

When I wrote about Jim Vaughan’s String Story last week, my intention was to share with you that many times you have to bring in the great by building on the good. There will be times in life you’ll have the opportunity to settle for what is good, but as you might have heard, Great’s number one adversary is not Bad but Good. As in, “that’s good enough”.

One thing that I touched on that I said that I would talk about in the future was a subject I’ve coined “romantic debt”.

Romantic Debt

Today, many people think that Hollywood’s perspective on love and the whole “love at first sight” thought mentality is the way that “love” is supposed to work. They think that they can fall in love with someone right away. This is why there is a phrase called “friend zoning”. You’re either a friend or you’re a romantic interest – especially with young women.

But many times, I see these types of relationships come falling apart in flames. Why? Because the couple hadn’t repaid their romantic debt. Romantic debt is the friendship you have to develop when you’re developing a romantic relationship. The time that you have to put in with the other person to find out who they are and why you would even want to be with them for life. It’s not an easy decision by any means. Especially not one that you can make with the first couple of meetings.

I’m not saying that you can’t fall in “love” with someone right away – but what I will say is that normally that type of love is actually lust. Someone that feels this love for someone else is infatuated with that other person; they can’t get them out of their mind. This is the definition of lust. Unfortunately, this lust or “immediate chemistry” is what most people consider to be true love.

True Love: Filling the Love Tank

I once read a book called The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate"" “>The Five Love Languages. In that book, I learned that true love is not only a form of friendship, but it’s also an emotional investment that can take on the form of 5 different types. An investment that both sides will have to put into the relationship for it to work. The problem with confusing true love with lust is that lust eventually ends. If all the relationship has is this type of love and no emotional investment, then it is doomed. Without having putting any investment in the relationship, then there’s no true love fuel for the fire. The Love Tank has emptied and the fire has been blown out due to the winds of life. This is why so many modern marriages end in divorce. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that this is why Kim Kardashian’s marriage was only 72 days long. They really hadn’t formed a real friendship nor put in any emotional investment into one another.

In the comment section, please share your thoughts. This is a very important subject that I know is on a lot of people’s minds and one that I don’t have much experience on myself, so please share what you think because we’re all here to help each other!

Thanks, and I look forward to reading your responses!