
identity shift

Rob Scott – Tackling Humanity’s Core Problem – How an Identify Shift Can Lead To Your Personal Breakthrough (AoL 184)

There’s a lot to be said when it comes to having a personal breakthrough. In fact, having one might just change the rest of your life. However, when it comes to having a breakthrough through an identity shift, what does that actually mean? Shouldn’t a breakthrough come before having a change of identity?

Interestingly, according to today’s guest, Rob Scott, you can find a way to change your perspective on who you are and how the world influences you. Not only that, but when you do, the world can become a much more friendly and/or productive place.

In this session, Andy and I chat with Rob about how he could have had all the reasons to be a failure at life, but instead used identity shifting techniques to become the person he is today.



  • How did Rob discover his fundamental shift? 9:35
  • What kind of identity shifting techniques did he have to use to get to where he’s at today? 15:14
  • What mindset issues does Rob typically see while working with his clients? 22:17
  • There’s three steps to changing one’s limiting beliefs: awareness, a new choice, and a subconscious pattern. What do those mean, exactly? 23:51
  • How does someone install a new lens in how they see the world? 26:34
  • What would it be like working with Rob when he’d be helping with identity shifting? 38:04
  • What is Rob looking forward to in his work? 50:09
  • Is there a power coaching question Rob likes to ask his coaching clients? 52:02
  • What are three books Rob gifts or gifts to others? 53:05
  • Why is self sabotage such a problem amongst most human beings? 54:10
  • What’s one thing every high school student must know? 55:44
  • Is there a secret to achieving personal freedom? 56:52


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Rob at The Foundation Live Event 2015

Rob Talks @ Google

The #1 Skill in Personal Development

How to Change Your Story – Tools to Use to be Resilient

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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


greater success

Dr. Ryan Gottfredson – Unlocking Greater Success – How We Can Move From a Fixed Mindset to One of Growth (AoL 178)

When we have the discussion about achievement and having greater success, many times we go straight to tactics and tools as the answer. Or, if we know better, maybe we’ll take a look at our vision and mission and see if it needs to be tweaked a bit.

One thing we often skip over, however, is our mindset. As we’ve been learning in the show recently, mindsets can be seen as the lenses we see the world in. And there’s a lot of talk about going from negative mindsets to more positive alternatives.

Most of the time, though, this has been a bit of nebulous concept. Especially, when we don’t know where we’re currently at and how we can improve from there.

However, in this session, our goal is to bring that conversation down to reality a bit.

Our guest, Dr. Ryan Gottfredson, has spent over five years looking at the knowledge and data on what it means to go from good to great when it comes to mindsets. And what he’s found is that mindsets can actually be quantifiable.

Through his assessment and book, Success Mindsets, we have a way to find out where we’re at in our positive and negative mindsets and have a plan to move all our

If you’ve been searching for an assessment to help you get more clarity on where you should go in your self development journey, this is a great place to start.



  • How did Ryan end up in the Organizational Behavior field and later looking at mindsets? 10:06
  • Why does he look at mindsets versus personalities? 13:44
  • What are the four opposing mindsets that we can encounter in the world? 16:57
  • How do the results of Gallup’s annual poll on leadership tie into Ryan’s research? 21:42
  • How do we as leaders become the better version of ourselves so we can inspire our followers to be their best? 24:04
  • Is there a way to make sure we don’t fall into self protective stress and keep in a growth mindset? 26:03
  • What exercises can someone do to keep them in a growth mindset? 29:09
  • Does Ryan feel that his new growth mindset is his new default setting or will he have to continue to reinforce it over time? 32:50
  • What role does a coach play in helping someone improve their mindset? 35:37
  • What benefits can someone expect from reading Ryan’s book “Success Mindsets“? 36:43
  • When it comes to the word agile, what does it mean at the individual level? 38:16
  • What has Ryan been doing as part of his pandemic pivot? 41:58
  • How infectious are mindsets when it comes to other people? 43:43
  • What are Ryan’s top 3 favorite books he gifts or tells others about? 45:24
  • When you become overwhelmed or unfocused, what does he do? 46:49
  • If he were to run a business or do a job for a day that he’s currently not, what would it be? 47:51
  • What’s the smallest decision Ryan’s made that’s had the greatest impact on his life? 48:31
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 49:39


Ryan Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Andy Dix
Powered By: Kennected (Save $500 on your onboarding call by using this link!)
Andy’s Interview of Mel McMahon
AoL Interview with Chris Tuff
Viktor Frankl – Man’s Search for Meaning
5 Minute Journal App
Bonds that Make Us Free – Terry Warner
Creativity Inc – Ed Catmull
High Performance Habits – Brendon Burchard

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The Power of the Collective Mindset Report

Introduction to the Digital Mindset Coach

Ryan is Interviewed by Sagi Shrieber

Ryan’s Interview with TJ Hoisington

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


getting ahead

Greg S. Reid – Ok, Now What? Tips For Getting Ahead in Life and Business After the Pandemic (AoL 175)

As the world heads back to a post pandemic normal, more people find themselves wondering about getting ahead of the new status quo.

As we move forward, once again many people are realizing (again) the future is uncertain. Just like security was a big concern after 9/11, corporate wellness is going to be a huge topic moving forward. Corporations, being the relatively static entities they are, prefer to have all their ducks in a row. The more predictable the future is, the better they look to their investors.

So one would think that part of the new status quo is going to be maintaining a healthy workplace and workforce. Is a business capable of properly reacting to potential future waves of this (and other) diseases?

For us creative entrepreneur types, we know that with uncertainty comes big opportunity. So that’s why in the last couple of months, my business partners and I have been working on starting a wellness consulting business.

If the corporations want to go digging for gold ( in wellness), then we’re more than happy to help them find the tools they need.

Even if you don’t have the expertise to capitalize directly on the new status quo, there will be more than enough room for to indirectly capitalize on it.

For example, perhaps you’re an artist. Is there a way for you to use the technology everyone has become accustomed to using to get more people around your work? (Yes, virtual art shows…)

As we speak with this session’s guest, Greg Reid, Veronica and I learn a little bit about the mindset he’s used in getting ahead himself – now and in the future.

If you’ve not heard from Greg before, then today might be one of those days which changes the trajectory of those that follow.



  • How did Greg get in a position where he was able to capitalize on opportunities when they came along? 8:50
  • What has having connections done for Greg? How can someone start getting ahead by building strategic connections? 17:46
  • How does he stay relevant to all the people who’s in the Switchboard? 21:48
  • From Greg’s perspective, why is good etiquette and preparedness so important to success? 24:07
  • What behaviors should people work on if they’re serious about building their own dream or an empire? 27:13
  • What’s Greg excited for in 2020? 35:23
  • Who are his current top 3 influencers who have helped him get to where he’s at today? 38:54
  • What gift does he like giving others? 39:57
  • How can someone tell the difference between a Credible Source vs someone who’s trying to fake it until they make it? 42:18
  • What’s advice out there is a disservice to youth? 43:21
  • What would be found in the “Guide to Being a Creative” handbook? 44:36
  • According to Greg, what’s it mean to live a life of Abundance? 46:07


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Greg Shares the Success Equation

Greg’s Personal Library

Jeff Binder’s Presentation at Secret Knock

Wake Up and Crush It Teaser

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


entrepreneurial mindset

Joe Trodden – Dissecting the Entrepreneurial Mindset – Why It Takes More than a Visionary to Achieve Great Things (AoL 172)

When it comes to the entrepreneurial mindset, most of the time we hear topics that the new business owner needs to know. It’s great to know that there’s so much support for folks new to the game. In fact, people like my unofficial mentor Pat Flynn and the crew over at Fizzle have made decent livings on helping these folks. (Which I admire because it’s really hard to grow a reputation in this market segment. The market is already saturated and many folks don’t or can’t pay at this stage in the game.)

However, there is market for entrepreneurs and business owners who have had a bit of success. This is the scaling stage – the stage that Veronica, Andy, myself, and previous cohosts of the show specialize in.

And depending on how they’ve grown the business to this point, the way that they’ll continue to grow is more than likely completely different than what got them to that level of success.

In today’s chat with Joe, Veronica and I are reminded that different personalities can build a business so far. It’s when you bring other complementary personalities to the table that you can obtain true greatness.



  • How did Joe find himself working in the mindset space? 10:12
  • What are some of the mental blocks Joe finds himself helping entrepreneurs with? 15:57
  • What major shifts should business owners take to see their business in a new light? 21:30
  • Is there a way for someone who’s had greatness to setup a system of making decisions to keep on that path of success? 30:39
  • What makes Joe excited for this upcoming year? 37:55
  • What one song, one book, and one film would he add to the world’s curriculum? 42:17
  • What’s something about entrepreneurship in the future that he’s excited about? 43:35
  • What message is a disservice to youth? 44:47
  • Is there something which costs under $100 that has changed Joe’s life? 46:12
  • Which decision has he made that’s had the largest impact in his life? 47:05
  • What one thing would he like to do in his life that no one knows about? 48:14
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 50:16


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Joe Sharing about Instructing on Toppa

Joe featured with Joshua Smith of the GSD Mode Podcast

Denise Walsh Interviews Joe

Joe’s interview with Larry Roberts on the Readily Random Podcast

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


finding your passion & purpose in life

Tommy Breedlove – Legendary By Choice: Why Finding Your Passion & Purpose in Life is the Secret to Long Term Significance (AoL 166)

I can’t tell you how many times in college I heard fellow students use the phrase “I’m going to take a nap and wait patiently for death” as a joke. And in reality, for many, life is simply something that has to be endured. However, I fully believe that finding your passion & purpose in life is a huge part of getting out of that life of quiet mediocrity.

Since college, and especially after starting this podcast, I’ve come to the realization that individuals who have this figured out have overall a lot less stress in their life. Not only that, but they usually have a higher chance of being fulfilled by the work they’re doing.

This session’s guest, Tommy Breedlove, has gone through it all. From being incarcerated early in life, to working at the C-suite level, to realizing that the more he wrote his own story, the less others controlled it. Today he helps others not only realize that fact for themselves, but helps them find their next level.

In this chat, Andy and I get the chance to learn how he made that realization for himself, how he helps other men find their own way, and some pointers we can all use to start moving the dial a little bit more today.



  • What kind of legacy does Tommy want to leave? 7:47
  • What was the defining moment which lead Tommy to his current path? 8:39
  • Can something be said to someone who has fallen into a contentment coma to help them get out? 17:35
  • What’s the current state of men in America, and why did he focus to work them specifically? 20:49
  • Is there a difference between boys, dudes, and men? 24:52
  • According to Tommy, how do you start finding your passion & purpose in life and build a life of legacy? 28:17
  • Does he have any recommendations for someone do to build a financial fortress and build a legacy? 32:12
  • What are 3 favorite books he likes to give or tell others about? 42:36
  • Is there anything he recently says no to? How did he come to that realization? 42:59
  • Who’s the most awe inspiring person he’s met and why? 43:56
  • What’s something he’d like to do in his lifetime that no one knows about? 45:09
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 45:50


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12 Minute Conversation with Engel Jones

Tommy on the Brandon Smith Show

Brandon Labella Interviews Tommy

Tommy via Purpose on Tap

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


when life gives you lemons

When Life Gives You Lemons… – How Embracing Your Personal Niche Will Get You Through the Tough Times with Kim Trathen (AoL 153)

Life has a way of making us rethink the actions we’re taking. Whether it’s in school or on the job, in life, or even while we’re working on our business. That’s where the saying “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade!” comes from. Because it’s when we have these obstacles in our life, we often wonder if we’re doing the right thing. We wonder if maybe the universe is trying to tell us something.

This is why knowing who we are, what our strengths are, and how we can help others is so vital to our success.

It’s because we know how we fit in the world, that we’re able to justify doing the work we’re meant to do – even when it gets hard and we’re given reasons to not do it.

In this conversation with today’s guest, Kim Trathen, we learn about all the things she had to go through as she was developing her business in 2018. She had plenty of reasons to put her blossoming business on the back burner. However, because she knew what she was good at and how she could help others, it gave her the strength to keep pushing forward.

So join Veronica and I was we talk with Kim about this journey of hers and how you can apply it to your own life and business.



  • What was the process that Kim went through to start her business? 7:38
  • How has she been able to deal with life’s challenges as she’s been starting her business? 13:36
  • How does she address limiting beliefs with her clients? 25:35
  • In what way does passive income factor in her business? 31:08
  • How does social media come into play with her clients? 39:46
  • What is Kim looking forward to the rest of the year? 44:32
  • What is one song, one book, and one film that should be added to the national curriculum? 47:48
  • What’s the best advice that Kim has ever received? 50:58
  • Which social custom is Kim’s favorite? 51:24
  • What advice does she hear adults giving children she’d call BS on? 52:04
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 53:08


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How to show up when you’re busy, tired, or just don’t feel like it…

The #1 Reason You Aren’t Where You Want to be In Life

How to Really Use Social Media as a MLM’er

#GirlsTalkBusiness 25 with Kristen Lynch

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
