
think big

Ya’el Johnson – One Step at a Time: How to Think Big Yet Focus on What We Can Control (AoL 186)

Believe it or not, but there’s a lot of people in this world who are afraid to think big. The reason for this is pretty simple… at least to them. Why think of making a huge impact when you can’t even get your own life straight?

What I’ve learned is that having big goals and dreams actually helps one deal with the now. If we have a worthwhile goal, it allows us to prioritize it. And that, allows us to not prioritize what’s good now… or at least the actions that might self sabotage us in the long run. In other words, if you have an elephant to eat, that’s how you eat it – one bite at a time.

In this session with friend of the show, with newly married Ya’el Johnson, Andy and I chat with her about what she’s learned about life and success as she’s taken control over her own life and destiny. This is a great lesson if you’re new to the self development world, but also a great reminder for those of us who might feel down due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19.



  • How does Ya’el remember getting into the personal development space? 10:46
  • According to Ya’el, why is it necessary for people to control what they can in their lives? 12:10
  • What tips does she have for someone whose been living a horror story and are trying to get out? 19:25
  • What got her interested in aiding in homelessness in the town she’s living in? 23:33
  • How can someone tackle a big project like homelessness in their own community? 27:48
  • What can we expect to hear from Ya’el’s podcast? 35:01
  • What’s going on for Ya’el in the not too distant future? 39:43
  • Who are her three influencers or teachers who have helped launch her to where she’s at today? 41:25
  • What is the most powerful question she likes to ask her coaching clients? 41:59
  • What message is out there that’s a disservice to youth? 43:29
  • How does Ya’el deal with getting overwhelmed? 46:22
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 47:50


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Ya’el’s Poem “The World I See Beings with Me”

Abraham Hicks – How to Make Big Things Happen

Brendon Burchard – Working on Self Perception

Tony Robbins – Achieving Meaning and Real Success in Life

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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

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how to sell

Chris Spurvey – The Ambivert Advantage – How to Sell When You Don’t Like Sales (AoL 176)

For many people, the main reason they don’t start a business is simply because they don’t want to (or feel they can’t) sell. In fact, many of the most successful books in business are those that teach the reader how to sell. And interestingly, many of those books teach tactics that reinforce the reader’s perspective of sales. This perspective being that sales is all about bypassing objections that a potential buyer would have.

However, what I’ve learned in the last few years is that sales, when done right, is more about adding value or service to someone who needs a particular solution. Meaning that, if you’re looking to develop a sales process, it needs to include a phase where you can ask questions from the potential buyer. It also needs to include a point where you suggest the solution based on the buyer’s needs. And then, if they need help, they’ll ask for it.

This session’s guest, Chris Spurvey, is all about that process. And, in fact, he suggests that ambiverts, who are people who aren’t quite extroverts or introverts are the best equipped to do sales.

Interestingly enough, most people who can’t think of doing sales the “traditional” way, are, in fact, ambiverts.

In this session, we learn from Chris why ambiverts like him, have this special power to be super successful at giving people what they want.

If you’ve dreaded sales in the past because you don’t want to come across as being sleezy or pushy, then this chat is one you don’t want to miss.



  • How did Chris get over his initial perspective on sales? 12:19
  • If someone wants to change their perspective on how to sell, what kind of mindset shift would help directly with that? 19:21
  • What does he think about the concept of people trying to do the smallest amount of work for the greatest ROI when it comes to their effectiveness as a business owner? 25:34
  • Why does Chris believe business systems are so important? 29:04
  • What was the decision process like for Chris to write a book even though he didn’t see himself as an author? 33:25
  • Does he have advice for those who feel they’re being pressed to write a book but they don’t feel that they’re an author at heart? 37:50
  • What’s Chris’ pandemic pivot looking like and what has him excited about it? 40:27
  • Which song, book, and film would he add to the national curriculum? 44:55
  • Is there something he’s been recently learning about he’s excited to start implementing? 46:52
  • What’s something he’d like to do in his lifetime that no one knows about? 48:04
  • Is there something that’s changed his life for under $100? 48:50
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 49:48


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How to Sell – Business Begins When You Start a Conversation

Make Potential Clients More Invested in the Buying Process

What Your Customers are Actually Buying from You

3 Tips How to Break out of A Slump

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


practicing mindfulness

Manuj Aggarwal – Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness Daily: Why Searching Within Can Lead to Our Next Big Opportunity (AoL 162)

When it comes to achievement in the creative space, you have to put in the actual work to get there. However, we’re not just talking about performing a particular skill like you would in a job, though. In fact, it starts with building one’s mindset. And one way to work on one’s mindset is through the form of practicing mindfulness or perform meditation.

In this session, we’re talking to Manuj Aggarwal who knows all about this world. Interestingly enough, when he lived in India, he never had an interest in this knowledge. However, as he moved to the western world, he realized that it had some real benefits.

In this conversation with Manuj, Andy and I have the chance to find out what this journey looked like like for him – including when he realized he needed to start.



  • What was Manuj’s perspective on formal education growing up? 10:54
  • How did he make the time to seek the knowledge to get ahead in his career? 12:20
  • What does mindfulness and meditation mean to Manuj? 17:44
  • Is there anything wrong with the general population’s perspective on money? 24:32
  • What challenges and new opportunities has he seen running an international business? 28:11
  • Does Manuj see himself as a new trend in startups and entrepreneurship in India? 30:56
  • What’s got Manuj excited for 2020 and beyond? 36:08
  • What’s his advice to those who are 50 years old or beyond and want to stay on top of technology and stay relevant? 40:00
  • If Manuj could add one song, one book, and one film to the national curriculum, what would they be? 43:42
  • Is there something he’s learning about that he’s really excited to implement? 44:41
  • What’s something that every high school student must know? 46:19
  • What’s the best advice he’s ever received? 47:20
  • How does one live a life of abundance? 48:56


Manuj Online: TetraNoodle, Innerget, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Andy Dix
Session Sponsor: Fizzle – Get Started FREE Today!
The Power of Now – Eckart Tolle

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Interview of Dr. Glenn Livingston on Developing a Healthy Lifestyle

Interview of AJ Wilcox on B2B LinkedIn Advertising

Manuj interviews Chris Prefontaine on Real Estate Entrepreneurship

Prady Tewarie on Hypergrowth in a Competitive Industry

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

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And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


self growth

How Self Growth and Your Filtering Process Affect Your Life and Business

They always say, you attract who you are. When I was at the start of my self growth journey, I really didn’t know what this meant. I remember exactly where I was when I first realized it though. I was in grad school. And, interesting to me, it wasn’t too long before I realized that not everyone is looking to climb a mountain in their career.

Up until that point, I thought just about everyone worked like I did.

I couldn’t have been further from the truth.

What I’ve realized since then is that there are different personalities, different motivators, and even different needs that we have to consider when we’re interacting with other people.

Because of this, we have to be aware of where we are on this personal journey so we can understand how they see us.

The better we can use this power, the easier it is to get what we want in the long run.

Or as Zig Zigler said, “If you help enough people get what they want, then you automatically get what you want”.

Here’s a few things to think about…

You Attract Who You Are

Recently, I was listening to a lesson that fellow John Maxwell Team member and future guest of the AoL Podcast, Jeff Gamble, was talking about on his FB Live show “Going Executive Director”. 

In the video, he was talking about how people tend to attract others like themselves. 

Here’s the thing. Jeff might have been using the MLM world as a reference, but it’s true across the board. And it’s especially true in life and business.

For example, when I was in college 10+ years ago, I was pretty insecure about my future. Like many engineering students, even though I liked having a good time, I learned to prioritize studying. I never had time to party.

Many of the friends I had in college were that same type, especially early on. 

After I changed majors, I felt more at ease and because of that, I started attracting new friends who didn’t fit this previous mold. They were confident in where they were going. And because of this, I started to see that I had decent control over my own future.

It was during this time that I started getting involved in clubs and other organizations on campus. Interestingly, I started to understand that not everyone is wired the same way I am. And like Jeff was talking about, I started to understand that not only are there different personalities, but different people have different needs.

Start with Your Needs

In the video, Jeff talks about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Tony Robbins’ 6 Human Needs. It’s uncanny how similar they are:

self growth

Early on in college, my esteem took a beating. It seemed like no matter what I tried, I just couldn’t be the student I was used to being in high school.

What I later realized is that I just had no idea how to study. And once I figured that out when I changed majors, I’d put in the needed work to fix that. As a result my confidence rose and I allowed myself to venture out and do other things. Interestingly enough, I started trying to connect with other students around me by becoming part of different organizations (that’s the next level of needs!)

So, here’s my question for you. Where do you fall? Do you have the basics figured out? Do you have safety figured out? How significant do you feel?

If you’re still in search of those, as Jeff was saying, you’re going to attract those people into your life – either as friends or as clients.

Setting Up Your Business for Success by Filtering

That being the case, as a business owner, you might not necessarily want to attract those who are in your own situation.

This is where the importance of setting up a filter comes into place. 

A filter is nothing more than a system used to qualify potential matches. Most businesses should use a filter when they’re trying to fit people to certain roles.

Here’s a few examples of where filters could be used:

Recruiting In Direct Sales

For example, if you’re affiliated with an MLM company like Jeff was talking about, then you’ll want to filter the right people in. You’re looking for people who want to learn about the system and how to leverage it properly to grow their own business. What you’re not looking for is people who are naturally not coachable and rebel about everything. You want to surround yourself with other students of the craft.

As a Consultant

Likewise, if you’re a consultant, then you’ll want to use a filter to see if someone really wants to achieve a new version of whatever you’re helping them with. You’ll need to learn how to ask them qualifying questions about themselves, their business, and what they’re looking to achieve.

As a Doctor

Another example, let’s say you’re a doctor. You’d need to filter people based on their needs on whether or not you can help them. If you misdiagnose someone and give them bad advice on their next step, there’s a good chance you might be sued for malpractice.

In an Everyday Situation

Or here’s a final example. Let’s say you’re actually in HR for a company. Do you think you should hire people like yourself to fill in jobs in the company, or should you hire people who fit the characteristics of the role that needs to be filled. Obviously, you want to hire to the role and to do that, you’ll need a filter to find out if they fit. Otherwise, you’ll hire someone and they’ll either quit or be fired.

Action Steps

So, I hope those examples give you a bit of an idea of the importance of a filter in your business and perhaps in your life as well. My trajectory changed completely for the next 10 years after college. If it wasn’t for the input I received those years, I wouldn’t have started on my current path.

And because of that, I wouldn’t have been able to eventually realize that these people had used a filter on me – whether consciously or subconsciously.

So don’t throw people at the wall and see what sticks. Otherwise, you’ll get more people like yourself. If you’re trying to become a new version of yourself, that might not be ok.

Instead, learn to consciously use filters in your day to day life. If someone isn’t going in the direction you are and doesn’t have the same standards that you want, then there’s a good chance they’re going to be a drag on your life and your business.

Defining YOUR Business – Why 24/7 Hustle Isn’t the Secret to an Abundance Mindset with Alex and Sarah Dumas (AoL 144)

When starting a business, many people make building their business as complicated as improving themselves. The thing is that if you have a good business idea, it shouldn’t be all that complicated to get results. In fact, there are still plenty of multimillionaires out there that haven’t used social media to get their message out there.

That said, you should always be improving yourself. If you’re not, then you’re automatically going backward.

These concepts are examples which I learned from my Amway group, LTD, back in 2006. While I’m no longer active in the business, I can say that I learned a ton of great fundamentals there.

Likewise, today’s guests, Alex and Sarah Dumas, learned quite a bit from their days of being in the MLM (multi-level marketing)/direct sales as well. However, not all of it was awesome.

In fact, in this conversation, you’ll hear them talk about how much of what is taught today in MLM’s is only part of the story. And more interestingly, much of what’s taught to entrepreneurs as a whole – especially hustling 24/7 – might not be the best thing for YOUR business.

Learn from the Dumas’ experiences as they talk about these topics as well as what it takes to work and live abundantly.



  • How were the Dumas’ initially exposed to entrepreneurship? 9:46
  • What did they learn from their time in the financial service industry? 14:07
  • What was the one moment where they decided that there has to be a better way to building a business than what they already knew? 19:29
  • How has it been for Alex and Sarah to work together as a team? 29:03
  • What’s NLP and how does Sarah use it in her coaching? 32:48
  • What is Reiki healing? 35:20
  • What would they recommend to others who are bringing in their significant other into their business? 38:16
  • What’s the Abundant Life/Business Blueprint? 45:34
  • How can people connect with Alex and Sarah in 2019? 49:34
  • Who are three people who have help launch them to where they’re at today? 51:02
  • What’s one gift they like giving others? 51:18
  • In the last 5 years, what belief or habit has improved their life? 51:40
  • What issue should people be talking about yet anyone hardly is? 52:36
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 57:07


Alex and Sarah Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube
Cohost: Harrison Painter
Session Sponsor: Fizzle – Get your first two weeks FREE!
Milk frother
Reiki Healing
Rinna Mai AoL Interview
LaVar Ball – ‘Stay in Your Lane’
Abundant Business Blueprint (formerly Abundant Life Blueprint)
Jim Rohn
Les Brown

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


It’s OK to be Competitive, but not Combative

Keep Fighting For Your Dreams

Power of Affirmations

Power of Discipline

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If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

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