
young entrepreneurs

Angel Ribo – Seeking a Higher Purpose: Scaling into International Markets and Educating Young Entrepreneurs (AoL 135)

When scaling a business, there’s many options that an owner or CEO can take.

A lot of times, especially for brick and mortar companies, one of the first things that they’ll consider is growing their company internationally.

However, if they don’t consider the culture they’re moving into, their effort is certainly going to have issues.

This is where today’s guest, Angel Ribo, comes in to help.

Having helped well over a thousand CEO’s during his career, he works on helping companies find ways to benefit the countries that they’re considering moving into.

On top of this, he also has a foundation geared towards poverty stricken kids in Latin America called Wisdom for Kids.

As you’ll hear in the conversation, teaching kids how to be entrepreneurs with the resources around them is a great way to help dilute the effect of poverty around the world.

Join Harrison and I as we talk with Angel about helping others find a higher purpose!


  • What circumstances allowed Angel to learn 5 languages and have as much international exposure as he has over his career? 9:46
  • What memories does Angel have of his travels that he believes have helped him become who he is today? 12:49
  • When did he realize that entrepreneurship was going to be a major part of his life? 14:20
  • Did he have any inspiration in becoming an entrepreneur? 15:34
  • How did he realize what his superpower was? 17:52
  • What’s the main issues that CEOs have when they’re scaling their business to an international level? 19:20
  • How does he prep companies to work with diversity when it comes to international scaling? 26:48
  • What are some challenges that immigrants have when it comes to expand their career or become an entrepreneur? 29:51
  • What’s Wisdom for Kids? How much of a challenge is it to train underprivileged youth to be entrepreneurial? 32:46
  • Why is important for these kids to use their local resources? 36:14
  • What’s Angel looking forward to the rest of this year and next? 40:40
  • In the last several years, what is something Angel has become good at saying no to? 43:17
  • What advice does he hear adults giving children that he’d call bs on? 44:24
  • What does he do when he becomes overwhelmed or unfocused? 44:53
  • Secret to achieving personal freedom? 45:08

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Angel on 12 Minute Conversations with Engel Jones

Why Kids in Need should become Entrepreneurs

How to End Poverty in Latin America FAST

What are your 3 Biggest Fears or Limiting Beliefs?

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A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


teach a man to fish

Teach a Man to Fish – How Creating A Business Opportunity Can Make A Real Change

In 2014, a study came out that suggested that Americans want to give back with their purchases, not charity.

The results of the survey, conducted by a socially responsible marketing consultancy Good.Must.Grow, show these trends for the second year in a row. In a poll of 1,010 Americans, the group found that about 30% consumers planned to increase their purchases from socially responsible companies in the coming year (compared to 29% last year). Meanwhile, only 18% plan to increase charitable giving in 2014, a decline from 21% in 2013.

Here’s a graph of these findings from Fast Company paired with those from 2012 and thosethat were projected for the previous year in 2013.

teach a man to fish

Furthermore, the Midwest was actually the most prone to buy when they knew that part of the proceeds were going towards a good cause.  

teach a man to fish

If you want to check out more about this study here’s the article in Fast Company.


Anyhow, keep this in mind for a second. I have a couple of other things to share with you.


Direct Trade: A Form of Cause Centric Commerce

Now why do I bring this up? Well, you might remember a book that I started when I was in Honduras, which I’ve since finished. It was called Meaningful Work: A Quest to Do Great Business, Find Your Calling, and Feed Your Soul by Shawn and Lawren Askinosie.

In its pages are several key points.

One of which is their use of direct trade in their business.

Now when I say direct trade, that’s not to confuse it with fair trade. Totally not the same thing. And in fact, fair trade isn’t as great as it sounds. In the book, Shawn says the farmers aren’t compensated as much as we’d expect them to be.

teach a man to fish

Direct trade, on the other hand, is a much better deal for everyone involved. Farmers get compensated more and the actual trading agreements are determined by those involved – not a third party.

Because of this, Askinosie Chocolate has the ability to have a hand in helping a couple of developing countries get off the ground. Not only do they help the farmers themselves by doing business with them, but they also help their communities. This is done through numerous programs.

Shawn has a saying (or perhaps a company motto) that goes “It’s not about the chocolate, it’s about the chocolate.”

Without the farmers that he trades with, his business simply wouldn’t be the same.

It’s the cocoa bean farmers that give his company a heart. But it was Shawn and his company that gave the farmers purpose and a way to actually improve their way of life.

Business On the Border

In Mexico, they don’t have government programs that pay for livelihoods. If you want food, you’re going to have to work for it.

Most of the rest of the world is like this – including those countries that Shawn does business with.

This past weekend, I saw first hand what this situation does for people. It drives the market and stimulates the local economy.

Specifically, in this instance, it was in the border towns of Calixico and Mexicali.

On both sides, people were selling goods to those of us who were waiting in line to cross the border. These goods were anything from fruit and pastries up to small digital devices, carvings, as well as NFL and NBA themed blankets.

teach a man to fish

By far, though, the Mexico side had more of these true entrepreneurs.

I think there’s two reasons for this: 1.) They HAVE to make an income because they’re not relying on the government for a handout. 2.) They probably don’t have as many restrictions as we do on the US side.


Regardless, while we were waiting in line on the Mexican side to get across, Maria and I noticed that a good majority of these vendors were young people. And when I say young, I mean anywhere from 6 years old up to folks in their mid 20’s.

By the end of our 2 and a half hour wait to cross, we ended up buying items from a couple of the kids.


One, I have to say, was a great hustler already at age 10.

This kid was awesome. He was was selling chopped coconuts with the water in a plastic bag.

We watched him perform the entire prep process. From chopping the coconuts, to pouring the water, and then slicing the coconut flesh itself. Once he had a couple cut up, he’d come out into the street with everyone else.

Not only did he help us buy from him by giving us great value with all the prep he had done, but he was a heck of a salesman.

The coconuts were priced at 4 dollars. However, we didn’t have exact change.

As I was looking through my wallet, he apparently noticed that I had a 20 in there.

He said “Oh hey, I have change!” He even wanted me to count it when he gave it to me!

I love it. Not only did he show hustle to prep the coconuts as well as he did, but he was aware enough to help us get over the obstacles of making the sale.


The Magic of Hustling

Now, the reason I brought up the study at the beginning of this post is because I want to illustrate something.

The farmers that Askinosie Chocolate works with and the folks that were selling items on the street in Mexicali – they have something in common. They’re not looking for handouts – they’re not beggars. Instead they’re out making things happen by being members of the free market.

I’m guessing that they’re both getting more of an income from being part of this free market and solving problems then if they were simply asking for money.

Not only that, but they probably have a bit of pride in the work they do. They’re able to actually help provide for their families.

As someone from the midwest, I can understand why our socially responsible buying habits have gone up. I’d sooner help contribute to someone who’s working towards something meaningful (even if it’s just selling items in the street) than give to a charity. For one, there’s direct impact there (like Shawn does with his farmers).

But the other thing is people increasingly want a return for the money they worked for themselves.


Action Steps

So here’s something I’m going to challenge you guys with. Instead of rewarding those who need help through charity, help people figure out a way to generate income through their own skills. Help them figure out a way to bring in additional income to build themselves and potentially their community.

In the states, that might be something like helping homeless people become produce vendors. Or perhaps, you can help set up an organization where you rehabilitate these folks to be productive members of society. (This is actually being done by a nonprofit at C317.)

Heck, maybe it’s helping farmers with their digital marketing and helping them sell to customers on the other side of the country.

The thing is, there are people who you could help that want to work their way out of their situation. They’re simply looking for the opportunity to do so.

Look for those people and help them up! I believe that you’ll get more fulfillment than you would if you were to simply donate.


work and travel

Jobs Without Borders: How is Making it Easier to Work and Travel with John Asbury (AoL 097)

Many people aren’t necessarily ready to take the entrepreneurial plunge. For them security of a regular payday is much more valuable than living terms their own way.

There’s nothing wrong with that – it’s just not for me nor most of the guests on this show. I personally know that I suck being told what to do and, especially, how to do it.

However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t do some of the things us lifestyle entrepreneurs do.

In fact, today’s guest has started a business to help those that want to work while traveling have an easier time doing just that.

John Asbury is the founder of a recently new online company called Travelgig which is all about helping expats and world travelers find work similar to how Airbnb finds them places to live.

When John isn’t hard at work, you can find him enjoying life and traveling too – just check his Instagram account!

Recently Veronica and I had the opportunity to catch up with him and find out more about this great resource of a site and John himself.

Specifically we talk about how it got started, what went into making the original version, his background as a freelancer, and how someone can flip the creative switch for themselves.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What’s John’s working background and what’s Travelgig all about? 9:24
  • How did John get into freelancing? 12:31
  • Where did he begin his entrepreneurial career? 16:17
  • What was the spark for him to start making his own lifestyle? 18:55
  • What fears did he have associated with his early days of traveling? 21:06
  • How does he feel that traveling has helped him vs living a more conventional life? 23:19
  • What inspired John to start TravelGig? 25:38
  • What has been the process in creating it? 30:30
  • What does John’s team look like at this point? 33:36
  • What kind of WordPress plugins is he taking advantage of for TravelGig to do what it does? 37:30
  • What are three or four steps that someone can employ to start being a creator today? 40:24
  • How do people break free of an addiction for another more purpose driven one? 43:26
  • What’s the future look like for TravelGig? 46:46
  • Three favorite books? 51:17
  • Hardest Thing to Say No To? 53:51
  • What’s a service that doesn’t exist that he’d gladly pay for? 56:07
  • Secret to achieving personal freedom? 57:34
  • … and MUCH more!

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15 Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Elon Musk:

Elon Musk at ISS Conference 2017 (Short version):

How to Get a Working Holiday Visa:

Over 30 years old? Try one of these ideas!

10 Jobs that Pay You to Travel:

 work and travel

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Ginger Kern

Ginger Kern: Exploring the Traveler’s Mindset – Experiencing Big Adventure Through Transformative Travel (AoL 020)

Travel is something that is brought up constantly in the creator / expert / lifestyle business industry. Many of us travel as much as we can. Others simply make traveling part of our regular lifestyle.

Two of our most popular past sessions featured two regular travelers, Cam Adair in session 8, and Marianne Jennings in session 12. They have made it a point to be on move around the globe – for different reasons, I’m sure.

When it comes to actually doing the traveling, however, there are some of us who wouldn’t mind going, but aren’t sure where to start.

That’s where today’s guest, Ginger Kern, comes into the picture. However she’s more than a traveler’s coach. She’s a coach who instills traveling practices within her coaching.

Being a major proponent of what’s called, transformative traveling, she has come to realize that when you see the world as a traveler, you see the smallest things in your own world in a whole new perspective. In fact, I would call it being more aware. As a traveler, that’s what you have to do in a new land – even if you’re in a new city just a couple of hours from your home.

In today’s session, we discuss how she came across her Traveler’s Mindset, where it’s taken her, her experience as a TedX speaker, and what she plans on doing in the not too distant future.


  • Where her love of travel came from.
  • How Greek Mythology propelled her into her traveling interests and gave her courage to do so.
  • How traveling has lead to her learning multiple languages.
  • How to become a presenter at a TedX talk
  • What she got out of speaking at the TedX event
  • How Ginger has incorporated travel in her coaching
  • Why she believes a “rite of passage” is needed for someone to kickoff  their dreams.
  • Tips for newbie coaches including how to get paying clients.
  • How her life and week compares to a typical Type A entrepreneur
  • What she considers her home base.
  • Thoughts about small towns and how that can be a great launchpad to explore… or not.
  • What future goals she has including possibly doing more things with transformative traveling.
  • …and MUCH more.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Ginger’s TedX talk:

Traveling Lifestyle Video – USA Road Trip in 3 Minutes:

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcher, and/or Soundcloud. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
