
interview preparation tips

4 Interview Preparation Tips for Your Podcast

Recently I had the opportunity to be a producer for a podcast which is in the beginning phase for Pass the Torch here in Indianapolis. I have to admit, it was a fun and rewarding experience. The host, Amna was super professional and she had some pretty qualified guests on to discuss the topics of office politics and professional development. During the break between the two episodes, she asked if I had any interview preparation tips for getting ready for the second show. Off the top of my head, I had a few things that I could share. 

But it got me thinking – what are certain things that podcasters need to think about as they’re starting their show; or for that matter, as they move up the mastery ladder?

The Magic Ingredients

As podcasters, we should always be trying to get better at our craft. Of course, this is true for every profession out there. And just like every other profession, there are certain skills that podcasters need to be aware of to get better at what they’re doing.


If you’ve been around the AoL Podcast over time, you might have realized that early on, my audio quality was much worse than it is now. It took me quite a while to even begin to understand the intricacies of good audio.

I started with a crisp impersonal sound which wasn’t very inviting to what it is today – a warmer personal quality which hopefully makes listeners feel like they’re in the same room as the conversation.

This process took quite a while – perhaps over the course of 6 months? And during that time, I was publishing weekly. Yikes!  Today, while I don’t feel it’s perfect, I do have a few folks in my network who call me a bit of an audiophile.

Show Prep and Questioning

When it comes to prepping for a show, there’s definitely two extremes. On one side you can be completely scripted out. This might include doing all kinds of research and having certain questions prepared for the chat. If you go this route, the plus is that you have the potential to have a conversation with your guest that they might not have had already. This will separate your show from those who ask the same questions. The more unique your questions, the more new information your audience might receive. An example of this kind of podcast host is Jordan Harbinger.

On the other hand, you can have minimal show prep. This approach might include going over a handful of the guest’s work, simply to get an idea of what they’re about, and ask discovery type questions during the actual interview. While you might not get unique questions, you will have a conversation which is much more natural and curiosity driven.

A few people who have used this approach in their interviewing over the years is Larry King and his long time friend Cal Fussman.

General Production and Publishing

Finally, when it comes to having a successful podcast, there’s something to be said about all the other aspects of getting the show to the audience. The raw audio itself might need to be edited. There might need to be a transcript of the show or a page of show notes made. Or perhaps, your show needs regular guests. Getting ahold of those guests and making arrangements for them to be on your show will take some effort as well.

These are things you’ll need to consider as you’re putting your show together as well.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

If you don’t have the skillset or time to do any one of these parts, then you might need to hire help to get it done. It really depends on what you want the final product to be and how much time you have to put into it.

If you need help doing any particular part (outside of the actual conversation!) shoot me an email. I’ll connect you to someone reputable in the business.

Action Steps

I’ve actually written about some of these topics in the past. So if you want to know more specific steps about what all goes into making a podcast, then you can check those pieces out:

I don’t pretend to be the best at interviewing guests by any means. However, what I do works well for me. Let’s just say that I’m on the side of overpreparation. 

So if the art of interviewing is something you want to know more about, there are a couple of current courses I’m aware of that can help you out. One is from Larry King himself and the other is by past guest Michael O’Neal.

Rumor also has it that Jordan Harbinger will be putting out his own interviewing course in the not too distant future. He’s looking to get other people on board with that, so stay tuned for more information on that front.

Paul Tokgozoglu – How Do We Get to Where We’re Going? Exploring the Future Evolution of Mankind (AoL 142)

In this edition of the AoL Podcast, we continuing our in depth look at motivation and what drives people to step out and embrace who they are. During the previous session with Chris Jordan, Chris told us about his life changing turning point and how being a man of Faith has allowed him to live a more fulfilling lifestyle and be a better person.

In contrast, today’s guest is someone who’s actually motivated to be a better version of himself through Natural Laws he’s learned about in the personal development field.

Join Harrison and I as we talk with the host of the Beyond Homosapien podcast, Paul Tokgozoglu. In this chat he’ll share how practicing laws such as the Law of Attraction have continually improved his outlook on life and his engagement with those around him.

On top of this, we’ll also be looking into what we should be expecting when it comes to the changes in work people do in the not too distant future.



  • What was it like for Paul growing up? 10:27
  • What triggered his interest in personal development? 13:54
  • When did he realize that he wasn’t a victim of the universe? 17:49
  • Where does he see digital marketing going in the near future as a marketer? 29:45
  • What does Paul see happening as all the current technologies continue to move forward? 35:29
  • Is there anything in particular he feels himself currently being pulled more towards to learn about? 48:35
  • What’s going on for Paul in 2019? 56:31
  • What are 3 of his top favorite books that he gifts or tells others about? 59:38
  • If he could ask anyone alive or dead a question, who and what would he ask? 1:01:44
  • What’s one of the biggest differences between marketing to a German market vs a US market? 1:04:40
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:08:27


Paul Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Harrison Painter
Session Sponsor: Fizzle – Get Access to a Library of Great Courses like SEO for Bloggers by Matt Giovanisci FREE for two weeks!
Mat Tricks BJJ Podcast
Law of Attraction
What happened to
Yuval Noah Harari – 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Robot passed China’s medical exam
IBM unveiled quantum computer
Elon Musk on Joe Rogan’s show discussing Neurolink
An Iron Will by Orison Swett Marden
Remembering Wholeness – Carol Tuttle
You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay
Michael O’Neal talks Life Balance with Natalie Sisson

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Here’s what you Need to Know about Evolution

Manifestation Pyramid and how the Law of Attraction Works

AI Tech and the Evolution of Man with Anton Harrison-Kern

Ethical Weed with Molly Rose

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


interesting conversation

Engel Jones – Building Connections through Interesting Conversation and Touring the United States (AoL 139)

As creatives go, it’s always nice to meet other people who are on your wavelength. That’s one of the great things about doing interviews is that it gives you a reason to meet people.

Whether that’s in audio or video form, doing interviews not only gives you this opportunity, but it allows you to have a platform that you define while at the same time sharing it with someone else.

Through his efforts, Engel Jones, has become a master of making connections and sharing his platform. Through over 2000 conversations in the last couple of years, he’s connected with amazing people at all levels.

On top of this, last year he and his wife went on a tour of the United States to talk to many of these people (again) and have an in person conversation with them.

In this conversation, find out in his own words why he started his podcast and what he’s learned along the way.



  • What got Engel interested in podcasting and why did he aim to talk to as many people as he has? 13:23
  • How was he able to go on his 12 Minute Convo tour in 2018? 21:55
  • What did he get out of going on this tour? 24:47
  • How did Engel prepare for his fundraising campaign? 34:52
  • What would he recommend to someone doing their own fundraising round? 38:29
  • What’s it like for him to know someone through a conversation he’s had online and then meet them in person? 41:30
  • What are some examples of the questions he’s used in his interviews? 46:29
  • What is Engel looking forward to in 2019? 53:19
  • Who are his 3 most influential podcasters that he listens to? 55:21
  • What’s something more people should be talking about? 56:27
  • What is something that all high school students must know? 58:13
  • According to Engel, what is the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:02:19


Engel Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Harrison Painter
Session Sponsor: Uncover Your Personal Mission
Dave Ramsey Show
Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Entrepreneur On Fire with JLD
High Performance Planner
5 Minute Journal App
Engel’s Journal Workbook “Your Own Unique Real Self”
EntreLeadership – Dave Ramsey

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Engel Interviews Laura Petersen (AoL Session 63)

Engel Sits Down with Stephanie Calahan (AoL Session 65)

Engel and Amanda Featured on International Podcast Day 2018

Engel Talks Finance with Beau Humphreys

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


patrons only

Patrons Only! – Making Past Seasons of the AoL Podcast “Pay to Listen”

As I mentioned in the last podcast, I’m going to start putting past “seasons” of the podcast behind a Patreon paywall. Don’t worry, I don’t plan to flip the switch until late December… and I’ll only be asking $3/mo to have access. 🙂

It’s a result of a lot of strategic reorganizing I’ve been doing recently.

This week, I’ll be pushing out session 134 with Antonio Smith, and as I said in the last session with Dom Brightmon, it just feels with all that’s going on with New Inceptions and Amplify Indy – I feel like it’s time to actually get over the hurdle of going from strictly FREE to PAID content.

Personally, I feel that $3 is a good number for a monthly patron fee. It surely isn’t going to break the bank, and frankly, one typically can spend more on drive thru food. Since what the show has to offer is comparably more beneficial, I think it’s a fair starting price.

That said, you might be wondering what has taken me so long to pull the trigger on this decision.

Well, I’ve been struggling with what’s called the FREE to PAID hurdle.

This hurdle involves a few questions:

  • How do you make something that starts off free into something you pay for?
  • Will the audience still be there once it goes behind a paywall?
  • What’s the right price point?

In this post, I’ll give you a few of my thoughts after hearing a podcast over Fizzle awhile back.


Marketing Plays to Our Buying Habits

When it comes to what we think of the “traditional” offline world of business, NOTHING is free. However, since the mid to late 2000’s, the internet has revolutionized how marketing is done. No longer do we first hear something on a show or commercial on a major network or channel, then determine if we want to buy from there.

Instead, when we hear a name, product, or service we go look to see what’s on the web about said item or person. We look for reviews in Angie’s List. We look to see if they have any other content. Or we go to Amazon to see what others have thought about the item in question.

Usually, the more content this person has out there or the more good reviews they or the product have, the more we pay attention to it.

Eventually, there’s a good change we will buy whatever is being sold.

Podcasts in the past have been a part of this marketing. Inherently we think that most shows are free. But are they?


Monetization of Efforts

No content or work is free. It takes resources to produce a good or service. Shows that are on TV are powered by the sponsors of the network through commercials.

Big podcasts are typically sponsored by ads as well.

Heck, even when you look at big channels on YouTube, they’re doing some sort of monetization – even if you can’t tell up front how they’re making an income doing what they do.

When I thought about how I was going to monetize Angles of Lattitude, I originally thought that affiliate marketing was going to be the best way to do it. But as online streaming of podcasts has become more common, we’ve all grown accustomed to skipping past parts of interviews we don’t want to hear – including the pitch at the beginning and end. (For example, I know Lewis Howes and Tim Ferriss usually take 5 minutes to get into their conversations!).

Because I’m not a fan of midrolls, I’ve opted not to use them in the show. Yes, I know they’re the only marketing that people don’t always tune out during podcasts – I just personally don’t care for that jump in the conversation.

So trying to think of an alternative to doing midrolls, I thought about how people on Twitch make their income.

And what I found out is that it typically is done through two ways:

  • A handful of large sponsors or
  • many individuals supporting the show through donations. Many times those donations are through a Patreon or a similar service.

After checking with a sample of listeners, it sounded like that last one was something you guys would prefer. A show for the listener powered by the listeners.


Action Steps

So there’s my reasoning for getting my account started on Patreon. Again, when you go on there you’ll see that there’s actually 2 categories of support. The first one is for supporters of the show and the the second is more for partners.

Remember, that I’ll be implementing this change before 2019 rolls around. So make sure you binge on shows older than a year before Christmas. I’ll let everyone know through the show when the official landing page is up.

Also, be sure to check out the post from Fizzle called The Hurdle Between Free and Paid if you’re thinking about making something you now offer for free into something you collect money for.

business podcasts

Jessica Rhodes – Additional Fuel for Your Launch: Leveraging other’s Networks to Appear on Popular Business Podcasts (AoL 129)

Unfortunately, not all of us have gotten to the point where we can just reach out to 50 some podcasts and YouTube channels and have tons of interviews about our new warez.

However, there are folks out there that have a comparable network to those well known thought leaders. Many times they’re publicists, but in this session’s case, we’re talking specifically about being booked as a guest for podcasts!

Jessica Rhodes is the founder of Interview Connections and has been building her business by being the matchmaker for podcasters and expert guests.

In today’s conversation, we talk to Jessica about how this business of hers got off the ground and how she and her team can do the footwork for you in getting your message out.



  • How was Jessica first introduced to the thought leader industry? 9:26
  • When did she realize that she had a specific niche that she was suited for? 14:07
  • Why should people still consider to be on podcasts in 2018 and beyond? 19:12
  • What are some of the habits that Jessica practices that have helped her get to where she’s at today. 24:52
  • How did Jessica develop her team? 34:52
  • What should a thought leader do if they’re launching a new product but don’t have a lot of podcasting friends to help get the word out? 42:10
  • If someone wants to hire a booking agent or publicist, how much should they budget to start working with one? 46:38
  • Are there any milestones that people should have hit in their business before working with Jessica? 51:11
  • What’s going on for Jessica the rest of the year? 53:08
  • What’s a documentary that she recommends people check out? 55:59
  • If she could have dinner with anyone, who would she choose? 56:27
  • What would she do if she was recently told she’d be going back to January 1st, 1990. What would she do when she got there?? 57:44
  • What is one thing she believes all high school students must know? 58:31
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 59:33

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Jessica on how she Wrote her Book

Making a Press Page for Guest Appearances

Qualifying Podcasts Before Making an Appearance as a Guest

Jumping through Hoops, or Working Together?

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


making a podcast

Rob Greenlee: Podcasting for Everyone? – Why It’s Easier than Ever to Start Making a Podcast (AoL 122)

A lot of creatives want to have a podcast. In the past, it took a lot of work to get one off the ground – especially when you’re talking about post production.

However, we’re in 2018 and a lot has changed since the mid 2000’s. Including the introduction and evolution of handheld digital devices – particularly phones and tablets.

In today’s chat with Spreaker’s Rob Greenlee, we reflect on what he had to do early in his career as a podcaster and how that has changed to today.

This is a conversation you don’t want to miss if you are on the fence about starting your own podcast or already have one and want to know where the industry is going.



  • How did Rob first get started in podcasting before the word “podcasting” even existed? 10:05
  • Did he always see himself as “made for radio”? 14:16
  • How has podcasting becoming more accessible been key to it’s development? 16:40
  • What’s some of things podcasters should be aware of in the future of the industry? 22:08
  • Should people be focused on using podcasting as a marketing tool or an actual way to make an income? 26:44
  • What’s the ideal podcast length when getting started? 32:34
  • Is mobile podcasting or live broadcasting something that new folks should try? 36:25
  • Is there any specific equipment that someone would need if they chose to do Live Recording or Broadcasting? 39:16
  • What’s Rob looking forward to in the future? 44:35
  • Who are 3 influencers who’ve helped him to where he’s at today? 47:12
  • What’s something he’s currently learning about? 49:24
  • What’s the smallest decision he’s made that’s had the largest impact on his life? 51:30
  • What’s the meaning of living a life of abundance? 51:58

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.




Creating Live Broadcasts at School

Booming Business of Podcasting

In an Age of On Demand – Is Live Worth It?

Ask the Podcast Coach Dave Jackson w/ Rob

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


How to be a Good Interviewer

Michael O’Neal – Don’t Make It About Your Podcast Gear! – Learning How to be a Great Interviewer (AoL 119)

When it comes to podcasting, you can get geek out about equipment and marketing tactics all day long. However, what separates the good from the great is, especially when you have an interview based show, is the content.

When you have an interview based show, this means that you should have a good feel for interviewing.

For me, I’ve listened to a number of interviewers styles since I first started: Larry King, Tim Ferriss, Cal Fussman, and Lewis Howes are some of the folks that I’ve tried to emulate.

Another is this session’s guest, Michael O’Neal.

According to Michael, when he first started the Solopreneur Podcast, he wasn’t sure how to help people get better at interviews. It was just something he was naturally good at. But, over time, he’s been able to deconstruct his ability and help hundreds of interviewers get better at their craft.

In this session, we’ll learn about what we can expect from his course as well as some new tips he learned recently at Podfest.



  • How’d Michael end up as a Steelers fan? 9:16
  • What was his experience like being a cohost with Hines Ward? 11:19
  • How’d he realize that he was unemployable? 14:28
  • What was the attraction to podcasting that got Michael started with it? 22:17
  • What’s his process in connecting with influencers and producing the podcast? 25:48
  • Has Michael seen a drop in his Google Analytics since shortening his show notes? What are a few things he learned at
  • Podfest 2018? 28:22
  • What can someone expect from his course “The Art of the Interview”? 32:02
  • Who are three influencers that have helped launch him to where he’s at today? 42:54
  • How does Michael say no to all the opportunities he receives these days? 43:18
  • Something he’s been learning about recently that he’s excited about? 44:44
  • What’s his least favorite social custom? 45:27
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 45:45

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Michael starts Hand & Foot Combination Practice

Michael on drums at IGNITE 2016

Solopreneur Hour #377 with Pat Flynn

Solopreneur Hour #338 with Hines Ward

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
