
live the life

Justin Breen – Live the Life You Want – How to Build Your Own Epic Business (AoL 187)

In the last five years, I’ve learned a lot of things from doing this show. If someone is looking, I really think it can help someone live the life they want. However, while I might have learned plenty since starting the show, I’d say a big part of that knowledge is simply developing new perspectives on what I already thought I knew.

While I’ve had several changes of perspective, three have stood out the most this year.

The first big perspective change I had was that it really does take awhile to master a craft. For example, while I feel I know a lot about producing a great sounding show, there’s always tweaks I can be making to improve the show as a whole. But it’s only from that experience that I know to make those changes. You’re not going to learn meaningful knowledge overnight.

The second perspective shift I’ve received from the show was actually a big game changer. I realized the more people are doing work aligned with what’s important to them in life and how others see them, the closer they are to doing work that isn’t really… work.

And the third realization came from understanding this past year one thing: The more people you meet and let into your life, the more opportunity you have to grow.

I share those three perspectives with today’s guest, Justin Breen.

In fact, when I realized he was building his business on these three core beliefs, it occured to me that I should probably embrace them more myself.

Listen in as he shares with Veronica and I why these beliefs are important to him and how they’ve empowered him to live the life he’s proud of.



  • What initially drew Justin to a career in journalism? 9:13
  • In 2017 Justin realized there was a shift in journalism. What happened that made him realize it was time to start to live the life he desired? 11:43
  • What inspired Justin to write his book Epic Business the way he did? 18:04
  • What are some of the things someone should expect to learn about in his book? 19:53
  • How can someone put their family needs first when they believe the work that they’re doing is supporting their family long term? 24:01
  • How important is a knowledge of PR and media connections in business success? 31:09
  • For someone who’s just starting out in their business, what should they know about being more respectful of journalists and building relationships with them? 34:26
  • How did Justin learn the skill of leading with relationships in building his business as opposed to being highly transactional? 37:58
  • What does the future of BREpic look like and what is he looking forward to? 43:25
  • Who are Justin’s favorite teachers who have helped him get to where he’s at today? 45:21
  • Which documentary would he recommend people check out? 45:37
  • What’s the best advice he’s ever received? 45:58
  • Is there an issue more people should be paying attention to? 46:12
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 46:36


Justin Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
Cohost: Veronica Kirin
Powered By: Kennected
Greg Reid AoL Interview
Epic Business – Justin Breen (Amazon Link)
Three Feet from Gold – Greg Reid (Amazon Link)
Kolbe A Index
Documentary: Thirteenth

Justin’s Networking Groups
Provisors (Local chapters around the country)
Strategic Coach
Entrepreneur’s Organization
Abundance 360 (Elon Musk level)

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AoL Past Guest Manuj interviews Justin

Kristi Ross Interviews Justin – Summary of BrEpic and Some Key Considerations on Growth

Rob Rosmis interviews Justin – The Importance of the Story

Jordan Ostroff interviews Justin – Developing a Unique Brand

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


business team

Dirk van Reenen – A Great Challenge Means Great Opportunity – How to Build a Pivot Ready Business Team from Day 1 (AoL 180)

For a lot of business owners, the pandemic has cost them their livelihood. For example, Yelp! recently shared that 55% of the businesses using their platform which closed down due to the pandemic aren’t coming back. What’s a business team to do when you’re looking at those kinds of numbers? How can you avoid having to close down?

The answer, I believe, is all about being able to make a pivot. And this is something we’ve been discussing in great detail on the show.

Unfortunately, for some business teams, pivoting might not be too obvious. Sure, curb service and delivery for some restaurants makes sense, but what if your restaurant wasn’t so much a restaurant, but a bar? What if you’re reliant on a market that’s not doing so great right now such as realty?

Today’s guest, Dirk van Reenen, excels at helping teams focus on the foundations of business and how they scale their businesses in ways that they might not have noticed before. In fact, with the future looking like things will be changing faster and faster, it’s important that all businesses know how to quickly pivot.

So what does that look like? Well, the first thing is all about building the right team – and that’s where today’s conversation takes us.

Listen in as Andy and I learn more about Dirk’s business BERGflow and how it might benefit those of us going through or preparing to go through a hard time.



  • What’s the path that Dirk followed to eventually starting BERGFlow? 9:45
  • Where did the name BERGFlow come from? 15:20
  • What are some things people need to consider when building a team as a solopreneur? 20:24
  • What challenges does remote work give to a group who’s forming into an effective team? 26:50
  • If a leader finds themselves in a situation where there’s trust issue in the team, how can they get back some of the control in their group? 32:02
  • According to Dirk, what’s the importance of a business team building something worthwhile? 38:54
  • What kind of things is Dirk looking forward to as we move into a different world post-pandemic? 45:40
  • What’s the best advice he’s ever received? 51:40
  • Which three books does he gift or tell others about? 52:11
  • What’s the smallest decision he’s made that has had the largest impact in his life? 54:22
  • What’s one thing all high school students must know? 59:01
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:01:41


Dirk Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube
Cohost: Andy Dix
Powered By: Kennected
Documentary – Happy – (Flow in BERGfow comes from this documentary)
Rocketfuel – Visionary / Operator (or Integrator) relationship
David Osborn- Dirk’s Mentor
e-myth revisited
Chris Tuff AoL Interview
Think and Grow Rich
The Fish that Ate the Whale
The Road Less Stupid – Keith Cunningham
Loving What Is – Byron Katie

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


How to Navigate the Early Stages of Shift

Adapting to the Shift

Where is the Bottom of This?

What are you doing to Pivot and Move Forward?

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


ethical issues in business

Michael Ainslie – Navigating Ethical Issues in Business – Why Doing What’s Right Ultimately Makes the Difference (AoL 169)

As we grow more successful, it can be easy for power to go to our heads. We can start to think we’re unstoppable. This is especially true on the grand scale when we see ethical issues in business headline the news.

One right now, for example, is the rehabilitation of the Boeing 737 Max line of aircraft. It has turned into an epic crisis in the last couple of years for them as they simply have not done well in addressing the issue. Nor did they really do a great job of mitigating it either. Whoever made the decision to cut corners and create the software which caused a couple flights to crash, obviously shouldn’t have cut those corners.

Another example was back in 2008 when Lehman Brothers had to file for bankruptcy. Out of all the things that went on that year, I still remember watching the news as the threat of that particular crisis grew more inevitable. When it finally did, the market plummeted… as well as the savings and lifestyles of many people who thought they had done things right.

Today’s guest, Michael Ainslie, was one of the group of people that had to make the decision to file for Chapter 11. Sure, making the decision was tough, but it was the right thing to do.

Being part of that board hasn’t been his only rodeo, however. He was also the CEO of the internationally known auction house Sotheby’s. Let’s just say they had a few things they had to deal with during his time there as well.

In his new book, A Nose for Trouble, he shares with us how he’s been able keep his head through all the adversity in his career.

In this chat, Andy and I get the chance to learn a few things you won’t hear on any other interview of his!



  • If Michael wrote a screenplay for his life, where would the opening scene be? 9:42
  • As a first hand witness, how do highly successful board members end up in a orange jumpsuit in a prison? 14:38
  • What kind of people do these types of people hire as leadership for their companies? 16:29
  • How was Michael able to keep himself from being consumed by the power he’s had in his career? 20:38
  • How does he suggest executives balance the line between the what’s right and the needs of different stakeholders? 22:04
  • What can Xennials and younger generations of entrepreneurs learn from the mistakes of leaders who have gone before them? 27:06
  • What advice does he have to a company who’s trying to rebuild their brand and reputation if they’ve been dragged through the media? 32:38
  • What’s Michael looking forward to in 2020? 34:34
  • Who are his 3 top influencers are teachers who have helped him get to where he’s at today? 39:54
  • What’s a gift he loves to give others? 40:29
  • Is there a documentary that he’d recommend people watch? 40:26
  • What’s Michael’s favorite social custom? 42:02
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 42:40


Michael Online: Website
Cohost: Andy Dix
Session Sponsor: Fizzle – A REAL entrepreneurship community with REAL advice!
Corning World Travel Fellowship
Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy
Elon Musk on Joe Rogan
Alex Heard – Chancellor at Vanderbilt U
Ron Daniel – Managing partner at McKinsey
J. Leslie Rollins and the Ohio Fellows Program
Fork Over Knives
Mort and Barbara Mandel Recreation Center

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Michael on the passing of Morton Mandel

Royal Poinciana Chapel New Garden

Michael’s interview with Bloomberg Radio

Interview with Kerry Lutz of the Financial Survival Network

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


business culture

Connecting the What with the Why: How to Create Business Culture and Strategy the Right Way

“Everything rises and falls on leadership” is a phrase often heard in the startup and corporate arenas. As we’ve talked about in the past, leadership can be described by our influence on others. And with that influence automatically comes our business culture.

As creatives, we need to be aware of this culture that we’re building from the very beginning of launching our business.

Why is that?

Well, culture can be defined as a pattern of beliefs, behaviors, and values, encouraged or discouraged by people or processes over time.

So that means, whether we’re actively promoting a certain culture or not, one is being formed around the work we’re already doing.

So let’s talk a little bit about how we can get ahead of that culture as we’re scaling and growing our business.

It Starts with a Mission

Last week I had the opportunity to be part of a workshop called the Mission Roundtable. In this workshop, we focused on helping people in business find out what their personal and corporate missions were and then use that info to determine their values and vision. Once those were clear, we then set out to learn how we can create a unique strategy and culture for our business.

As you probably guessed, I was all about the part where we focused on determining our missions. This is something that I’ve thought about in quite a bit in the last year or so. In fact we recently had a guest on the podcast to discuss it.

Being part of this roundtable was not only clarifying for me, but also validated what I’ve been finding out.

For me, the reason I went into this research was fairly straight forward. As I’ve met more and more people in the entrepreneurial space, I’ve learned that many new entrepreneurs fail to learn how to connect who and what they’re about with the work that they’re doing.

The problem with this is that they’ll start doing one thing, realize they’re not being fulfilled, and then go on to try something else that might fulfill them.

Basically, they’re recreating a job for themselves.

Not only that, but many go hard core into this new role, go crazy with the grind, and come out the other end thinking “I’m more unhappy now than I was when I started!”.

Finding your own mission and being part of a company that reflects those qualities is an important foundation in doing meaningful work.

Vision and Values

Once we have our mission and have aligned it with our business (or the organization we’re a part of), then we can move onto the next step.

Determining what your vision and values are.

Now, I’m sure if you’re reading this post you know what both are. Your vision is simply where you want to be. And your values are the characteristics of yourself and your team as you get there.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably even written them down for yourself sometime in the past.

It’s possible what you haven’t done yet is to think of those values and your vision from the perspective of your personal and company mission. Even more, many of us might not even be fully using the vision or values we currently have in place.

If you’re not utilizing your current vision and values, why is that? Where’s the disconnect? If you’re not sure, it might be time to draw up a new vision and values to get you there. It might be as simple as the fact you might have a mission now, but the vision and values don’t fit that mission.

All of this should be aligned.

Strategy and Culture

Ok, now that we have those fundamental building blocks in place, it’s time to come back to our business culture and strategy.

Without vision, we can’t really develop a strategy. And without values, we’re going to have a heck of time developing a culture.

Now that we have those in place, though, we can now develop both.


So first thing is strategy. Of course, when we’re developing a strategy for anything, we need to know what the rules of engagement are. We want to make sure the moves we’re making aren’t leaving anything on the table. We also want to make sure we’re being as efficient as possible. 

To do that, we need guidelines. 

Now that we have thought of our vision, we have these guidelines. 

We should also know 3 things:

  • What our company does.
  • Who the customer is.
  • What our customer values.

Once you know what those are, you can much more easily build your strategy.

  • Of course you want to begin with the end in mind, so what do you want to achieve in 3-5 years?
  • What options do you have to get there?
  • After choosing an option, what are your next steps? Reverse engineer from where you want to be from where you’re at.

Many make the mistake of not being clear with the answers to these questions, so while you might be taking action, you’re not actually getting anywhere because you haven’t clearly planned out what you want.


When it comes to building culture, for many creatives it’s seen as something that they can put on the back burner. What’s the point of building a culture when it’s perhaps just you and a few VA’s?

While this perspective might seem ok when you’re first starting up, it can cause big issues in the long run.

However, because we’ve already developed our list of values, then getting an idea for what our culture is isn’t really too difficult.

Organizational Clarity

First thing? Let’s look at the big picture and get organizational clarity. Here’s a few things to consider:

  • What’s our brand and story say about us? When people think of what we’re doing, what comes to mind? How are we described?
  • What’s the structure of the team? If it isn’t formed yet, what will it be? Will there be a hierarchy? Will it be centralized with you in the center? Or will you be part of a decentralized team?
  • What roles are there and what is each person in charge of? The more defined this is from the get go, the less problems there will be down the line.
  • What’s our communication process?

Leadership Clarity

When it comes to leadership in our organization we need to lead by example. Do that and I think you’re at least halfway to being a great leader.

That said it also helps to make sure that our team can work autonomously. While we might want certain things done a specific way, it’s important that we don’t feel the need to constantly micromanage.

However, many times we aren’t always at the top. And in those instances, we have to be aware of where we fit and interact with those around us. 

John Maxwell addresses this in the 360 Degree Leader. In the book, he shows middle managers how to leverage their unique positions and become 360 degree leaders by exercising influence in all directions–up (to the boss), across (among their peers), and down (to those they lead). 

While he goes into much more detail, the gist is that we need to do a few things as a middle manager:

  • Follow our leaders humbly. (Without being a yes man.)
  • Inspire those around us (by example).
  • Manage our subordinates individually. (Never criticize in public.)
  • Influence Lovingly (Don’t have an ulterior motive.)

Relational Clarity

Finally, when it comes to where the rubber really meets the road, it’s all about relationships. Another book of John Maxwell’s (and a favorite of mine) is called Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. And really, the better our relationships with those around us are, the better the system works.

To make sure that we’re connecting with those around us in our work, it’s important to focus on a handful of principles here as well:

  • Define and pursue the same goals (teams with goals win, those that don’t lose)
  • Believe in something bigger than ourselves (believe you’re in it for the greater good!)
  • Collaborate rather than compromise
  • Develop strong relationships (care about others, they’ll care about you)
  • When necessary, engage in constructive conflict resolution.

Action Steps

So as you can see, it’s imperative that we do the work to zero in on what our personal and business missions are. Only when we have them can we build on those to develop our culture. When we have the culture we want, it’s so much easier to build and scale our businesses simply because those folks who don’t fit, normally filter themselves out before they start working with you. 

If they do fit the culture, then it’s so much easier to move forward and actually accomplish goals.

So, again, if you haven’t done so yet, start from the beginning and determine your own personal mission by checking out Uncover Your Personal Mission. From there, work out the other sections until you have an idea for how things are going to be handled differently by your current or future team.

best nootropics

Prady Tewarie – Peak Performance in a Bottle: How Body Building & Business Systems Lead to the Best Nootropics Based Supplement (AoL 159)

When it comes to peak performance, most experts on the matter suggest that we learn how to care for ourselves, plan, and execute accordingly. However, even the most disciplined of us will have problems from time to time. Whether it’s a physical ailment or a mental breakdown, we all have issues from time to time. Thankfully, there’s some supplements on the market that can really impact your mental state. In fact, some of them contain some of best nootropics in existence.

If you’re not familiar with term nootropics, Veronica and I weren’t either before this interview. However, the way that our guest, Prady Tewarie, described them, it almost sounds too good to be true! Something better than coffee?! Blasphemy!

In today’s conversation, Prady shares with us his journey in starting his business Azoth, one of the fastest growing nootropic supplement companies today. What’s cool to me is that his entire journey in starting his business has been rather organic. He didn’t force it by starting a business first and then finding a product. In fact, he did it the way that it should be done.

If starting and growing a business based on your interests is something you’re wondering if you should do, let Prady’s story inspire you to give it a shot.



  • After spending so much time going after a law degree and becoming a lawyer, what inspired Prady to become an entrepreneur? 9:32
  • How did he realize that fitness was essential to being in the right state of mind for his business, partners, and clients? 11:46
  • Where did the idea for Azoth come from? 14:56
  • How did Prady come to realize that systems were critical to building his business? 21:44
  • How did Prady find himself getting involved with Real Estate Investing? 33:10
  • What is he looking forward to in the end of 2019 and beyond? 40:40
  • If he could add one book, one song, and one film to the national curriculum, what would they be? 42:33
  • One thing under $100 that has changed his life? 44:07
  • What’s a believe, behavior, or habit that he’s started in the last 5 years that’s helped him improve his life? 46:16
  • What’s something he believed when he was 18 but now feels is inaccurate? 47:44
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 49:19


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Prady and Justin Hall on Having the Right Info on Supplements

Enlightened Millennial: Why Hard Work Is Not Enough!

Should I Quit my 9-5 and Start My Own Business?

The Reason You’re Not Achieving Wealth

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


increase confidence

Expect to Win – 3 Ingredients We Need to Increase Confidence

Confidence is something that is discussed quite a bit in entrepreneurial and self-help circles. It is extremely important in almost every part of our lives, but yet so many people struggle to find it. Without it, it’s almost impossible to find true success in what we want out of our lives.

In fact, it’s a vicious cycle between confidence, goal setting, and success.

When we have low confidence, we find it hard to set goals. We think that it’s useless because we won’t achieve them. Then, without setting goals, it’s almost impossible to be successful because we’re not defining what that success looks like.

So, how do we turn this cycle around? How can we become more confident in what we’re doing to eventually feel and be more successful?

Let’s take a look.

It Starts with Action

When I was active in LTD, I really enjoyed the training that was available. I’ve posted about much of what I’ve learned in past blog posts. But one of the things that was taught pretty frequently to new members was this simple idea:

Taking Action yields Results which yields Belief. The more Belief we have, the more likely we’re going to take further Action.

While this might sound like confidence, it’s only a part. Through taking Action and gaining more Belief, we’re actually building Competence in what we’re doing.

What’s great about building competence by practicing a certain skill set is that it’s pretty straight forward. Just start and learn from the action you take. Do it again and again and you’ll gain not only a feeling of confidence that you can do that particular thing but you’ll also gain a bit of appreciation of the work you’re doing.

Believe in the Mission

While we gain confidence through simply performing simple actions, we start to also gain a bit of an identity of ourselves through this work. It gain even more confidence when we start out with a perception of who we are and what we’re about. When our actions and results start fulfilling that perception, then we start building confidence through Congruence.

As you guys know, I’m a fan of the Colts and have been since I was in junior high. Over the years, I’ve gone from a fan who was only excited about watching the games, to a fan who analyzes the team as a whole. Not just paying attention to the players but what the leadership is saying as well. Not just through the games, but listening to what the coaches say and what the players are saying as well.

This past weekend’s game (and this past season) is a great example of seeing Congruence at work. Rookie head coach Frank Reich has installed a winning identity into the team. From the preseason where the leadership actually focused on winning games to this past weekend, there has been an expectation to come out of games with a win.

Even though they started the season at 1-5, they have rallied to get into this season’s playoffs. While they’ve been competitive and played pretty good ball all year, they definitely weren’t getting the results they were going for early on. However, the leadership didn’t lose faith and kept an even keel.

As they started to win, many members of the team started to realize that when they had that losing streak, it was mainly because they were sabotaging themselves. They weren’t living up to their own expectations. With a combination of this new belief in what they’re doing and performing their individual jobs correctly, they have dug themselves out of a hole. And they are now the 3rd team ever to get into the playoffs after starting with one win and five losses.

So, here’s the takeaway from this: Know and be clear on what you’re going for. Find your own personal mission. Take action and learn from past mistakes. As you get better at your skills and start fulfilling your mission, you’ll gain even more confidence.

Connect and Work with Others

When thinking about people who are successful, most of the time we look at them as the reason that they were successful. However, that usually isn’t the case. Great people are successful because they’ve built a great network. They’ve built a team. They have learned how to Connect.

In fact, the most successful people in the world aren’t those who have worked the hardest and it’s not those who have the most talent. While those are great things that can most certainly help, the real catalyst is knowing how to meet others, work with them, and elevate them to achieve things they couldn’t without you.

When you’re executing the best you can in a mission you believe in and doing so with other people, then there’s probably a good chance you have a certain level of confidence that will help you achieve anything you set out to do.

If building this network is something you want to develop, check out Jordan Harbinger and his podcast.

Action Steps

So if you want to build confidence in yourself and in what you’re doing, I first suggest finding out what your own personal mission is. Once you know that, you have the biggest part of achieving success – clarity.

At this point it’s up to you to build the skill sets you need to achieve that mission as well as figure out those who you need in your team to help you succeed.

After all, it doesn’t matter how good a Quarterback is if he doesn’t have a supporting cast. He needs other players to have a chance at winning the game.

being authentic

Be Wholeheartedly Present: Why Being Authentic Is the Shortcut to Success with Tanya Conner-Green (AoL 131)

There’s been a lot said about passion in the career of an entrepreneur. Some would argue that it’s important to bring passion to whatever kind of work you’re doing. Others would say that the work you do actually has to have part of its roots in a passion so that we have prolonged energy to do it.

I would say that today’s guest would agree with the second perspective.

Having been very successful in her past corporate life as well as landing a “dream job”, she started feeling a yearning for more. While at the time she didn’t know what that “more” was, she would later find out that it was a desire for more fulfillment.

She started to realize that she needed to start living her life with more purpose.

Eventually finding this purpose in coaching, Tanya Conner-Green is doing work that she feels specifically called for.

Can you say the same for the work you’re doing?

In today’s conversation, we find out how she got to this point in her career and more about the fulfillment she now has in the work she does.



  • Where did Tanya’s nickname “little pitbull” come from? 6:00
  • How was she first inspired to start her own business? 8:42
  • When did she decide that she wanted to fully pursue her own thing? 15:41
  • What’s a few ways that she believes thought leaders can use to better connect with their audience? 21:59
  • Is there a proper mindset to have when making sales funnels and Facebook ads? 35:16
  • What are issues Tanya enjoys helping others with when it comes to limiting beliefs? 41:41
  • What are some tips for those who might be struggling with journaling? 48:24
  • Does she have any good tips for coaches when it comes to running their actual business? 50:34
  • What’s got her excited for the rest of this year? 57:07
  • What are her top 3 influential podcasts? 58:48
  • In the last 5 years what new habit has improved her life? 1:00:55
  • Is there something she thinks most people don’t realize is a huge waste of money? 1:02:36
  • What is something she believed as a 25 year old but doesn’t today? 1:04:44
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:06:47

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Work Smarter, Not Harder

Sales Funnels for Attracting High End Clients

Using the Facebook Pixel to Get Dream Clients

Scheduling Your Day for 6 Figure Success

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A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
