AoL 010: Job Hunting Tactics for the Job Hunter in 2016

In today’s job market, a resume and a cover letter are just part of the tools that you need to successfully get a job. They simply don’t get the same job done that they did back before 2008. In my experience, the advice that is given in schools and colleges almost doesn’t cut it for today’s recruiters who have less time to look at more applications.

When in college, most people don’t even realize the important of a job fair and how they can leverage it to the best of their advantage. In fact, a lot of students don’t even go to them. “What’s the point?”, they think. “They’re just going to tell me to go online and apply.” Well, that might be true, but these people will possibly be those that are pulling your resume out from the tons of others that it’s competing with.

This and several other tactics to help you get a job (particularly after college) will be discussed in this session by Jonathan, Brian, and myself.

So, if you feel that you’re not having the results that you’d like from your current job search, or you just want to see what Jon has used to help him get the great results he’s had, maybe these might give you some more ammunition. If you need any further assistance, you can always send us an email through our contact page.


  • Why it’s important to realize that you make your own opportunities.
  • How you make the most out of job fairs.
  • Why it’s important to aim high when you’re job hunting – especially right after college.
  • How having a personal blog can be used as a tool for finding a job.
  • What Jonathan suggests as the best way to make and use cover letters.
  • The importance of a LinkedIn account and why you should use it as soon as possible.
  • Why it’s important to build relationships with people at all levels – including professors.
  • …and MUCH more.

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