full stack designer

Sagi Shrieber – Mindful and Ruthless: Going from Full Stack Designer to Full Time Dream Achiever (AoL 146)

Having success in work you love doing can take awhile to actually happen. There’s certainly a Gap we all have to cross. In that Gap, we tend to ask ourselves different questions ranging from “Why am I still struggling?” to “Should I give up and do what I know I could get paid better for but not like to do as much?” to even “Why am I having so much trouble growing my audience?”.

I know I’ve had these questions myself.

In this session, our guest, Sagi Shrieber, talks to Veronica and I about his career in design and how he was fairly successful right out of graduation. But after awhile, he found himself at a point in his life where he was $50k in debt and still having to support a family.

In our conversation, we learn what he did to start climbing out of this funk as well as why he spent over $70k in improving himself in 2018.



  • What led Sagi to school to be a designer? 9:40
  • How was he able to have as much success with his career after getting out college? 13:58
  • After having success early on in his career, how did things take a turn for the worse and how did he find himself getting out of his funk? 22:08
  • What did he learn from this experience that he’s still using to this day? 31:50
  • When it comes to the way that Sagi uses it, what does it mean to be “full stack”? 38:17
  • What are some pointers he recommends when someone is building their first business website? 42:56
  • Where can we expect to see Sagi in 2019 conference wise? 55:55
  • What are his favorite top three books he tells others about? 58:12
  • Is there a gift he likes to give? 1:03:31
  • What message is out there that’s a disservice to youth? 1:05:22
  • What one travel tip does Sagi have to share? 1:06:59
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:10:23


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Russell Brunson makes $3 million on stage at 10X Growth Con

How to Network with Influential Entrepreneurs

Interview with Pat Flynn

Interview with Paul Jarvis

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If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Great Things Don’t Come from Comfort Zones

Jordan Harbinger – In Search of Greener Pastures – Why Great Things Don’t Come from Comfort Zones (AoL 145)

Great things don’t come from comfort zones. You’ve probably heard this so many times that it’s cliche. But is it actually true?

I think so.

For me, the best things in my life have happened because I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone. Whether this was starting in band when I was in junior high, going to college, or stepping out to ask Maria on a date, good things happen when you take chances. Sure, sometimes things go south and don’t work out the way you would have liked, but you never know until you get started.

Case in point, today’s guest, Jordan Harbinger, started his podcast way before they were considered “popular”. Sure you could download them on iTunes, but when he heard that people were going to be able to listen to them easier with the release of the iPhone, he knew he had to jump on the wave.

His first show, Art of Charm, was where I got to know him. And as his content matured, I felt myself maturing with it.

Today he finds himself on his own platform where he and his team work (including his wife Jen and his producer Jason) to put out The Jordan Harbinger Show 3 times a week. (As they say in Letterkenny – Must be nice!)

In this conversation, Harrison and I get the chance to find out more about the various transitions in his career and why it’s necessary at times to move on to something new.



  • What does Jordan remember of his time growing up in the Midwest? 10:22
  • Why did he decide to go to law school? 16:10
  • What lead him to start interviewing bigger names in his podcast and how did he land those interviews? 22:08
  • What advice can Jordan give someone who’s starting their own show today? 30:26
  • Has he tried using comedy to get better at interviewing? 37:11
  • When it comes to learning new skills, how can someone validate the time it takes to learn new things? Even when they know it’s taking time away from their business? 38:49
  • What’s the top of the mountain look like for Jordan? 44:10
  • Are there any new experiences he finds himself doing these days now that he has less stress in his life? 46:11
  • Since Jordan gives away so much free advice, what does he say to people who say who think he’s missing out on monetization of his content? 47:52
  • What are Jordan’s top 3 influential podcasts? 50:47
  • Is there anyone that Jordan would be starstruck by? 52:14
  • What’s an issue that more people should be talking about but they’re not? 57:09
  • What’s a tip for traveling? 59:52
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:00:26


Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Jordan on Isaac Lidsky’s Podcast

Jordan on Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory

Cesar Millan on Reprogramming Humans to Train Dogs

Cal Newport on Digital Minimalism

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Defining YOUR Business – Why 24/7 Hustle Isn’t the Secret to an Abundance Mindset with Alex and Sarah Dumas (AoL 144)

When starting a business, many people make building their business as complicated as improving themselves. The thing is that if you have a good business idea, it shouldn’t be all that complicated to get results. In fact, there are still plenty of multimillionaires out there that haven’t used social media to get their message out there.

That said, you should always be improving yourself. If you’re not, then you’re automatically going backward.

These concepts are examples which I learned from my Amway group, LTD, back in 2006. While I’m no longer active in the business, I can say that I learned a ton of great fundamentals there.

Likewise, today’s guests, Alex and Sarah Dumas, learned quite a bit from their days of being in the MLM (multi-level marketing)/direct sales as well. However, not all of it was awesome.

In fact, in this conversation, you’ll hear them talk about how much of what is taught today in MLM’s is only part of the story. And more interestingly, much of what’s taught to entrepreneurs as a whole – especially hustling 24/7 – might not be the best thing for YOUR business.

Learn from the Dumas’ experiences as they talk about these topics as well as what it takes to work and live abundantly.



  • How were the Dumas’ initially exposed to entrepreneurship? 9:46
  • What did they learn from their time in the financial service industry? 14:07
  • What was the one moment where they decided that there has to be a better way to building a business than what they already knew? 19:29
  • How has it been for Alex and Sarah to work together as a team? 29:03
  • What’s NLP and how does Sarah use it in her coaching? 32:48
  • What is Reiki healing? 35:20
  • What would they recommend to others who are bringing in their significant other into their business? 38:16
  • What’s the Abundant Life/Business Blueprint? 45:34
  • How can people connect with Alex and Sarah in 2019? 49:34
  • Who are three people who have help launch them to where they’re at today? 51:02
  • What’s one gift they like giving others? 51:18
  • In the last 5 years, what belief or habit has improved their life? 51:40
  • What issue should people be talking about yet anyone hardly is? 52:36
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 57:07


Alex and Sarah Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube
Cohost: Harrison Painter
Session Sponsor: Fizzle – Get your first two weeks FREE!
Milk frother
Reiki Healing
Rinna Mai AoL Interview
LaVar Ball – ‘Stay in Your Lane’
Abundant Business Blueprint (formerly Abundant Life Blueprint)
Jim Rohn
Les Brown

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


It’s OK to be Competitive, but not Combative

Keep Fighting For Your Dreams

Power of Affirmations

Power of Discipline

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


breaking into wall street

Relationships Are Everything – From Breaking into Wall Street to Capitalizing on Capital with Marc Davenport (AoL 143)

They say if you can make it New York, you can make it anywhere. In that same spirit, many people see having a job or a career on Wall Street as a way to launch themselves to success.

This is pretty understandable. Over the years, there have been some movies which illustrated a simple idea. That idea being you can start from meager beginnings and become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams if you make it on Wall Street.

I believe this is the case for this session’s guest, Marc Davenport.

Having started his career off on Wall Street, he learned a ton. But he also started to develop a network of influential people. That network has helped him get to where he’s at today.

In this chat, join Marc and I as we discuss what all he learned on Wall Street, why he started his first business after having that success, and some of the things we can all do to help ourselves in our own journey.



  • What initially spurred Marc to become a Wall Street investor early in his career? 7:36
  • Was there something that prompted Marc to start his own consulting business? 10:27
  • What prompted Marc to start RMI Capitol after having great success with his consulting company? 14:50
  • How do real relationships make things happen? 15:52
  • What kind of clients is Marc looking to service with RMI Capitol? 23:03
  • What can someone expect to learn about on his YouTube channel? 24:55
  • From Marc’s perspective, why is that people like our mutual friend Antonio Smith have the success that they do in business? 28:09
  • Why does Marc find it important to be involved in so many organizations in the community? 35:03
  • What’s some of the things that Marc is looking forward to in 2019? 39:48
  • What are 3 Favorite books that he gifts or tells others about? 43:57
  • What does he do when he becomes unfocused or overwhelmed? 46:02
  • Are there some things that he’s been saying no to in the last couple of years? 46:23
  • What’s the best advice he’s ever received? 47:58
  • How does one live a life of abundance? 48:47


Marc Online: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube
Session Sponsor: Uncover Your Personal Mission
Lee Daniels
Saphire’s Story: How ‘Push’ became ‘Precious’
Antonio Smith’s Aol Interview
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Fact Sheet
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Why Should White Guys Have all the Fun? by Reginald Lewis
Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
As a Man Thinketh – Earl Nightingale

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


The 5 C’s of Credit 

How to Double Your Revenue

Antonio and Marc on What it Takes to be Wealthy

How to Build a Network of Influential People

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Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


proactive personality

Developing a Proactive Personality – How the Best Create Their Own Luck and Don’t Try to Control What They Can’t

Manifest: Anything is Possible is the name of the event coming up this month that Amplify is co-sponsoring with Walk the Talk.

In the event’s description, it reads:

The law of attraction is always steadfastly delivering what we have consciously or unconsciously asked for through our focus, our thoughts and most especially our feelings.

We are always in the process of manifesting and creating our lives. This is good news because it means we can change our thoughts to change our world. We can learn to come from an empowered place and use this law to manifest the life of our dreams.

Can’t say that I can disagree with this statement at all. In fact, I think most people who have done any work in the self-help / personal development space would agree with this statement.

However, I think there’s something I should bring up. And, I think it’s something that a lot of people tend to gloss over:

Being proactive is all about controlling what you can control and not expecting what you can’t.

Start with the End in Mind

We’ve all heard about Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. In it, the first two habits are, I think, the hardest two for many people to get used to. Mainly because we live in such a reactive world.

The first one, is simply to stay proactive. Like my co-hosts and I talked about all the way back in session 5 of the AoL Podcast, It’s only when you work proactively that you can become the influencer instead of the influenced.

The second habit is all about planning. It says that if you want to be successful at achieving something, you need to start with the end in mind.

Not to go into too much detail in the football analogy here again, but since we did just see the New England Patriots win the Super Bowl again this past weekend giving both Tom Brady and Bill Belichick their 6th ring, it might be worth noting that there’s no doubt in my mind that they start from day 1 each season with the end in mind.

I’d go on to say that the particular end that they’re going for is easier to illustrate to the new roster because the organization has reached that pinical so many times.

That analogy aside, if you were to build anything, say a dog house, a phone application, or even an organization, you need to know what the final product will look like.

When it comes to these two laws, simply letting the universe (or God) decide our fate, isn’t a great move. We need have that plan in place to get to where we want.

Habit 3 suggests that the first thing we need to do is determine what the order of steps are we need to perform “to get there”.

Luck Does Play a Role

The definition of luck is this: it’s the point where preparedness and opportunity intersect. With that definition, it’s hard to not think that Andrew Luck has learned to truly embody his surname.

Quenton Nelson, who was the Colts’ rookie guard this year, recently said that Andrew is one of the biggest nerds he knows. And he’s not just talking about football. When the team is traveling, Andrew acts as a tour guide of the city they’re visiting.

When we’re wanting to achieve something in our work or lives, we need to not only be prepared, but we also need to be on the lookout for opportunity. Meaning, if you were a fisherman, sure you could have he best gear and have the best techniques, but if you’re not near a body of water, then you’re never going to land a fish.

Likewise, if you’re looking to serve a certain kind of people, but you’re spending your time elsewhere, perhaps that’s not the best move. If you were Andrew, even though you were good at it, you wouldn’t be practicing soccer in preparation for a football game.

External Expectancy: It’s a Trap!

Now, with all this talk about setting out with the end in mind and being lucky, there’s something we really need to watch out for.

Expecting certain results to come to us from the universe after we put in our own efforts.

Here’s the truth: you can only affect the things that you control. It’s when we try to affect things outside of our control that bad stuff happens.

For instance, you might have wanted to write a book. Ok, that’s great. Are you doing it for the right reasons though? Are you wanting to write it because you want to get nationally recognized or because you simply want to get your message out there?

If it’s the latter, then you’re good to start. Build a writing habit (say 1000 words per day) and you’ll have that puppy out in no time.

However, if the reason you’re wanting to write a book is because you want to get that recognition, then you might have some problems. For one, what if it doesn’t get recognized? Does that mean that you shouldn’t create in the future? Does that mean you need to choose a different niche? Perhaps you’re just not cut out to be an author?

It doesn’t mean any of those things. You just put the expectancy on external results.

Here’s another example. Perhaps you wanted to earn more money last year or become more connected in your industry. If you did everything that you could do to make that happen, but you’re upset. I’d argue, what’s really upsetting you isn’t that you failed – because you didn’t. What happened is that the results that you have no control over weren’t what you were expecting.

All of these questions pop up when you expect things to go a certain way and they don’t. So don’t try to control things you can’t control.

If you want more about this topic, Srini Rao did a good writeup over at Unmistakable Creative.

Action Steps

So here we are. Halfway through winter and you’re still spinning your wheels in how you can get out of your individual rat race.

If you really want to make your situation better, the first thing I would do is figure out if you’re truly doing meaningful work. I WOULD NOT set a possibly unattainable goal of being able to change or quit your job or switch the focus of your business in the next 90 days. You need to first get your bearings of who you are, where you fit in the world, and the superpowers you have.

After that, I’d seek out the first mountain you want to climb and start putting steps into place about getting there.

Maybe you want to be a coach – is there a certification that you’d want to get before setting off on that journey? Is the niche of people you’re wanting to serve actually able to pay you for your services? If not, what’s a possible way you can build an income stream from that work?

Maybe you want to be a consultant? Do you know what that entails? Where do you find clients? How would you sell your services to a potential client?

Heck, maybe you love watching American Pickers and you want to do what Mike and Frank do. Do you know what the market value is for antiques? Do you have a place to store your findings? How will you find targets to pick from?

Figure this stuff out before you set out on your own.

And the third step is this – set the fundamental daily habits in place that will enable you to be successful. As I mentioned earlier this year, I’d recommend looking at Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Habits. But there are tons of other books out there on the subject as well that might be a better fit for you.

evolution of marketing

Avi Arya – It’s Not All About the Hustle: Life Balance, Creative Fulfillment, and the Evolution of Marketing Online (AoL 140)

The ongoing evolution of marketing has yield today’s social media. Facebook along with its peers are an interesting tool. Most of the world looks at it as a distraction or a way to share with family and friends. However, those of us who are in the entrepreneurial / creative space – we see it as a little bit more than that. Sure, we like to let people know what we’re up to, but we also like to share our projects and/or our message.

If you’re good at digital marketing, you’ll have no problem blending in your personal posts with your business posts. If your business is part of your personal mission, then it’s even easier.

Today’s guest, Avi Arya, is all about helping companies reach out and connect to native social media users. He travels the world not only as a speaker, but as a consultant.

However, this doesn’t define him. This is simply the work he does.

When he’s not traveling around the world, he spends as much time as he can with his family, dogs, and doing the things he really enjoys doing.

The key is this: He works to live, not live to work.

In this installment of the AoL Podcast, listen as we talk about how he rose to the the top of the industry, some of the mistakes that new marketers make, and his perspective on work/life balance.



  • How did working with his dad help Avi get started in digital marketing? 11:31
  • What has changed since he first started work in digital marketing? 20:18
  • How has Avi incorporated a traveling lifestyle into what he does online? 24:06
  • What are his thoughts on having life balance? 26:41
  • Are there certain mistakes that he sees novice online advertisers making on a regular basis? 30:54
  • What’s the secret in finding fulfillment in what we do as creatives? 40:40
  • How does Avi strive to become a better version of himself? 48:05
  • Is there a process he goes through to get him psyched to do live streams? 49:41
  • What else is he looking forward to in 2019? 52:17
  • What are three books he often gives or tells others about? 53:48
  • Does he have a favorite social custom that he’s seem in his travels? 55:04
  • What is something Avi believes all high school students must know? 56:02
  • Are there any travel tips he has for new travelers? 57:21
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 58:24


Avi Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
Session Sponsor: Namecheap
Elon Musk on AI
Technological Singularity
Crushing It – Gary Vaynerchuk
New Earth – Eckhart Tolle
5 AM Club – Robin Sharma

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Fear No More

Avi Meets Gary V.

On Location at Social Media Marketing World (Day 1 of 3)

Avi talks with Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on CastboxiTunesStitcherPodBean, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


plan your future

Plan Your Future! Using YOUR Offseason to Make 2019 Great!

The Colts lost this past weekend to the Chiefs. The offense didn’t seem to show up for the game. And after such a hard loss, many would be discouraged. However, instead of dwelling on “what-could-have”‘s, the front office decided to step it up and start building for 2019 right away.

This is something that we all can learn something from, I think.

As you might have read in a recent post of mine, I was very pleased with the results of the team this year. Not just because of the wins, but because of the atmosphere in the locker room.

There’s a true culture there of success there. From the front office all the way down to the newest of players.

The Colts and any teams that haven’t achieved what they wanted to in 2018 are in the same boat.

It is officially the offseason. It’s time to retool and rethink about next year and next season.

Play at a Higher Level in 2019

There are certainly some things that they need to address to get ready for next year. Here’s a few examples:

Personnel Adjustments

Most, if not all, teams need to address their personnel. Maybe someone’s just not working out and they have to be replaced. Maybe the player graduated if they’re in college. Or if they’re in the pros, maybe the front office and player isn’t seeing eye to eye on a new contract.

On the coaching side of things, maybe a coach gets a better opportunity elsewhere. Or perhaps a retired player wants to become a coach – how does he or she fit in?

Personnel is one thing that all teams have to deal with in the off season. You can hear more about what all they need to deal with in this end of season presser with Chris Ballard.

Coaching Adjustments

Even if a team has all the right pieces in place, they have to consider if what they did last year will work the next season if they simply execute better. Chances are, though, that they’ll need to change a few things about what they’re doing because there’s an entire season of footage on what they did last year.

So they need to not only look at their own play calling to see what worked and what didn’t, but they also need to look at other teams around the league. See if there’s strategies they can use to help them get to the next level. Hear more about what Colts coach Frank Reich is going to handle the offseason in this presser.

Fan Outreach

One of the things about the Colts this year is that their ability to connect with fans on social media and in other live events has been great.

As part of the last season, they promoted Amber Derrow as their head of social media and digital content strategy. She has done a wonderful job this season.

In just the last year, you can see a huge jump in engagement in the Colts’ socials. From images, videos and memes posted to the Colts’ Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts, to even becoming a regular in Colts subreddit on Reddit. She’s been everywhere!

Action Steps

One of the quotes that I heard from Bill Belichick in the last couple of seasons is that having to play (and win) in the postseason puts his staff behind everyone else. And it does. Every time they play in the Super Bowl, they’re effective a month behind all the teams that didn’t make it into the playoffs.

As business owners, creatives, and entrepreneurs who use the web to promote what we’re doing, we need to be doing what great organizational leaders do. There are certain things that we can plan out. In a recent video of Pat Flynn’s, he lists a few things that we should look at:

Start with your Content Calendar

Harrison and I, along with other leaders of the Amplify Indy community, have already worked on this pretty extensively. My goal is to write about topics in this blog that mirror what we’re discussing in our local events. That’s why you’re getting this specific post as it’s related to the event this week – Find Your Strength in 2019.

Products and Events

Next, Pat talks about figuring out when you’ll be dropping out products and events. Again, these are things we’ve already started to look at within Amplify – Our monthly events will be each third Wednesday.

Personal Time and Goals

Personal downtime and goals are other things you need to consider. Is how you’ve done things continuing to work for you? Are you in a point where you need to change things a little or a lot?

Recently, if you’ve started following him at all, you might have seen that Brendon Burchard is now living in San Juan. He’s planning to make this a regular thing for him and his wife because he’s tired of winters in the northeast.

On a smaller scale, maybe you want to be healthier this year. Look at your calendar and plan a time for that if that’s the case. It’s so much easier to follow through if you set it in your calendar and make it a habit.

What Else?

There are plenty of other things that I haven’t mentioned that we need to focus on at the beginning of a new cycle. Depending on when that cycle starts for you, you might make those decisions last month, in September, or even start in November. What are some of the things that you focus on during your “offseason”?