
daily routine

The Rule of Five: The Building Blocks of a Leader’s Daily Routine

It’s funny how things change! In this post from October 12th, 2010, I mention going to an LTD Leadership convention. I imagine it was either in Kansas City, MO or Louisville, KY. I’ll tell you, I loved being a part of that group! I was motivation junkie. I was sucking it all in and had been for 4 years straight at that point. It had been over a year since I had graduated, but I had little to show for it – in fact, this was when I was just about to start teaching at Ivy Tech.

At that point, who would have guessed that I would soon become a John Maxwell Team member?

Woah. Life is truly amazing in its twists and turns.

Anyhow, I wanted to share this post after last week’s 100th session of the AoL Podcast. One of the things that I mentioned is that John has this Rule of Five when it comes to learning and filing those things away. Well, as you’ll read below, those 5 steps have helped him write numerous books over the years. However, this does come at a cost – he calls his regular life pretty boring!

I can relate. That’s why I don’t really use social media to share what I’m up to. Because most of the time it’s spent in front of a computer creating content!!

– JC

What a Great Weekend!

Over the weekend I went to an LTD leadership conference – Summit 2010. As usual, the quality of the speakers was great. The two keynote speakers completely blew my mind: Frank Luntz and John C. Maxwell. For those of you who don’t know, Frank is a pollster that has probably been on every prime time and morning news show imaginable. And Dr. Maxwell, well – let’s just call him the guru of leadership. He’s someone that I’ve learned quite a bit from in the last couple of years through my grad work and LTD itself.

One of the things that I share with you guys today was something John pointed out that he does on a daily basis that I thought was really noteworthy. Doing this little thing has lead him to write over 50 books over his career and still gives him more to share. This little thing is called the “Rule of Five”.

Essentially the Rule of Five is a habit you start that consists of 5 different actions that lead you to your goals/dreams. For example, Dr. Maxwell wanted to become an in-demand writer and motivational speaker. Of course, there are multiple ways to do this, but since he’s a great writer, he thought that it’d be better for him to go in as a writer.

Rule of Five:

So, his five things that he does to achieve this are:

  1. Read
  2. File
  3. Think
  4. Ask questions
  5. Write

Doesn’t seem too bad, does it?

Well, there’s a catch. You have to do this everyday. No excuses. Do you want to be a novelist? You will write every day. Do you want to be an painter? You will paint everyday! Simple, right?

As part of his presentation, he said, “your success is determined by your daily agenda.” This is so true, because it is! To accomplish you have to be productive! However, he worked intelligently. You hear so much about people being busy all the time and not successfully going anywhere – it’s typically because they’re not focused in their work.

And since he was there talking about his writing, you can see that he was successful in what he set out to do!

John wasn’t born rich. He didn’t attend a prestigious school or grow up with children of people in power. He got to where he is by doing.

So. Five things a day, everyday. That’s all it takes to fulfill your dream.

Just a note to add here. Since starting work on New Inceptions full time, I started implementing my own Rule of Five. While I started from his, mine varies slightly due to the different content pieces that I’ll make in a given week.

For creating content, mine are:

  1. Explore – Find out what’s going on in the world around me and in the online entrepreneurial/creative industry.
  2. Study – Are there any interesting crossings of the two worlds? What does it mean and how does it apply?
  3. Connect the Dots – Ask those questions! Who needs to know this information? Is this something I need to bring up in future content?
  4. Take Action – Synthesize new content, share, and help others where needed.
  5. Reflect – Ask myself, “Did that have the desired effect I was looking for? What could I have done better?”

Action Steps:

One thing I want to make clear is this: the Rule of Five can be applied to anything that you want to master. What do you want to master?What are you working on that you can break down into 5 steps? Let me know below!

If you want a post about this in John’s own words, you can check one out here! Also, if you haven’t done so yet from session 100, check out this post by John. In this post, besides his Rule of Five, he also talks about his 12 pledges. Now, I can’t say that I have pledges, I do use Joe Markiewics’s 21 Standards to this day, I wouldn’t necessarily call them pledges – although they seem to be very similar.

good rapport

5 Strategies to Build Good Rapport (Originally posted 10.5.2010)

In the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be digging through the blog’s archive and doing some cleanup. Some posts I’ll be taking out all together while other ones I’ll be making more SEO friendly.

There comes a point where this kind of work needs to be done. Some call it taking inventory, others call it clipping the branches. Todd Tresidder calls it “Content Auditing”.

The point being is that there’s nearly 300 posts in the blog at this point and some it is relevant while there’s plenty that isn’t. I need to yank out what isn’t relevant anymore and re-release the good stuff!

So let’s get started! – JC

Being Technically Gifted

Many of us technical types (especially those of us who studied STEM majors in college) tend to have some sort of social anxiety. This is especially noticeable in the Big Bang Theory. All of the men have some sort of social issue.

I think that’s why it’s been one of my favorite shows over the years. I can relate directly with the characters – especially Sheldon and Leonard.

Many times I find myself being as ignorant about social situations as Sheldon. But other times, like Leonard, I make efforts to get out of my comfort bubble. To me, it’s very interesting to notice the differences between the two of them. Because other than Leonard’s people skills and his development of them, he and Sheldon are definitely 2 peas in the same pod.

One of the main differences that I see between the two of them is that Leonard can and does attempt to build rapport with people. A great example of this is when he went out of his way to welcome Penny in when she first came to their apartment complex. He could have done this or done the comfortable thing and simply hung out with the guys. Many technically inclined guys would have opted to stick with what they knew instead of greeting the pretty girl. In the geek world, we’re all scared of talking to the opposite sex.

Through the life of the show, he definitely seems to be the glue amongst among the girls and guys and this is a great quality to have. And really, to me, that’s what having good rapport is all about!


Matching and Mirroring to Build Rapport

So how do you build rapport? Well, the answer, sadly, isn’t just “be yourself”.

If that was the answer, you probably wouldn’t be asking the question in the first place, right? If being yourself has made you feel more alienated every time you do it, then there has to be some sort of unspoken rules.

Well, here are some tips on what to focus on the next time you’re attempting to get to know and build connections with some people. And for me, they all have to do with matching what those you’re talking to are doing.


1. Match Posture / Physiology

This is pretty simple. And you’ve probably heard about this one before. But this is a big part of that “body language” that you hear so much about. Imitate and match body posture and movements when you can with people you’re talking with.

If they’re moving their arms about to be more visual in describing something. Match that. If they’re being stoic – match that. If they’re smiling while talking – you guessed it, MATCH THAT! They’ll find you less likely as someone who’s a potential threat because they’ll believe that you’re in the moment with them. Treat them like a good friend and they might end up as one.


2. Match Rhythmic Movements

Yet another part of body language. Rhythmic movements are a finer aspect of moving. This is what dance is all about. It’s also why music is often a topic when people are getting to know each other. Saying that you enjoy several types of music suggests that you are open to different beats and different kind of people.

That said, people with ADD/ADHD might have problems with this. So if you feel anxiety at a dance and/or when other people are displaying and enjoying rhythmic movements and you wonder what it’s all about, you might want to look into Rhythmic Movement Training.

Reasons for lacking this ability could be as simple as having an ear infection when you were exploring it when you were growing up. Like anything else, it’s never too late to learn this new life skill.

3. Match Tone, Tempo & Volume of Voice

Ah yeah, the problem that Raj has around attractive women. As you should probably know, language is not just about body movements – it’s also about verbal communication. And just because most of your language is done nonverbally, it doesn’t mean you should disregard training of the voice when engaging with people. Matching your voice tone (pitch – high or low), tempo (speed – fast or slow), and volume with those that you are talking with is just as important as learning how to use the same movements.

4. Match Breathing

Possibly not the most obvious thing to think about when you’re learning how to build rapport with people. But it’s definitely another thing to consider. Become aware of the other person’s rate of breathing. If they are breathing slowly, then slow your breathing down to the same rate. People who are in rapport with each other tend to breath in the same rhythm. This can be very beneficial to you if you’re trying to calm someone down or crank them up. For an experiment of sorts, you can try this one with babies or children. If the baby or child is upset, their rate of breathing will be fast. First match your breathing rate to theirs. Do this for thirty seconds or so. Then start to slow your breathing down. The child’s breathing will also slow down, enabling them to calm down. If their breathing doesn’t slow down, just match theirs again for longer and then repeat the exercise.

5. Match Process (VAK) Words

This one I’ve never really considered until recently. But process words or words that help paint pictures visually, audibly, or kinetically are key in conversations – just as much as correct body language is. If someone is describing something visually, don’t speak in audible terms. Join them in visual description and understanding. If they’re describing something kinetically and suggesting that they “felt” something was right, join them by saying “Yeah, I felt the same way!” not “Yeah, I hear what you’re saying there.” When you’re using the same process words, there is definitely a different type of tone that you’re matching.

Action Steps:

The next time you’re attempting to be friendly with someone and want to set them at ease from the beginning, try and match their behavior.

Go to their level.

If you would like to know more about matching others and why and how this all works, one subject you might want to look into is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). However it’s power goes well beyond building rapport.

Here’s a video illustrating more about it and how it can enrich your own professional and personal life:

Again, I’d love to hear from you about your experiences in building rapport. What has worked for you and what hasn’t?

how to make friends online

Finding REAL Relationships in a Digital Age: How to Make Friends Online with Felicia Slattery (AoL 096)

Relationships today are so much different than they used to be.

I can’t exactly put my finger on why, but it seems that so many people rely on social media to interact with other people. Personally, I’d rather have a good conversation with someone – I think these podcasts show proof of that!

The problem is with relying on social media, texting, and whatever else you want to put in the blank… these communications are usually fairly short and from what I can tell, surface level communication.

Meaning, they’re not very deep.

Growing up, I remember that everyone knew everyone in their neighborhood. This was common all over the place.

That said, I’m glad that people like today’s guest exist in helping people create better relationships in their lives.

Felicia Slattery is on a mission to bring people closer together. In her upcoming book, she tackles how people can create REAL relationships in their everyday life.

In today’s conversation, Veronica and I find out from her what REAL relationships are, the dos and don’ts of social media, and what are some ways that creatives can be more engaging with their followers.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was it like growing up around Chicago? 12:02
  • How did Felicia get started in speaking? 13:45
  • When did Felecia realize that she wanted to help people build better relationships? 17:02
  • How can people stop talking at each other and build better relationships? 21:12
  • What are REAL relationships? 26:16
  • How can we be more mindful in our lives to get more REAL relationships? 33:47
  • How can someone get more comfortable with doing LIVE videos? 38:06
  • What are things not to do on social media so you’re not being irritating? 44:14
  • What are some of the ways to get more engagement out of different social media platforms? 1:01:07
  • What’s the future hold for Felicia? 1:03:52
  • What are Felicia’s favorite 3 books? 1:06:31
  • Something under $100 that has changed her life? 1:08:32
  • What advice do you hear parents giving advice to children that she says is bs? 1:09:18
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:14:15
  • … and MUCH more!

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How to Write a Speech in 5 Minutes:

Networking at a Picnic:

Funny Outtakes with Joel Comm:

Felicia on her Success Rituals:


how to make friends online

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


How to be more productive

Work Smarter, Not Harder – How to be More Productive In Your Day Without More Discipline with Lisa Crilley Mallis (AoL 090)

We’ve all heard the phrase Work Smarter, Not Harder. But for many of us that’s much more easier to say than actually do.

The prevailing advice that’s out there is that there’s only certain ways to get stuff done. To be successful, you must:

  • Race the sun
  • Crush it
  • Find the schedule that best suits you
  • Exercise first thing in the morning
  • Answer email first thing in the morning
  • Tackle your least desirable tasks first
  • Knock out simple tasks as they come in.
  • Disconnect from technology
  • Automate and systematize

These are just some of the solutions that are out there when you google “entrepreneur productivity hacks“.

It might be me, but some of them seem to conflict with each other. For example, if you’re racing the sun, that means that you’re a morning person and you work until sundown. Well, what if night is your best working time? Can night owls make the transition to morning birds so easily?

I know for me, it takes me a bit of time for my mind to fully boot up in the morning. Usually I spend an hour just seeing what’s new on the web, having breakfast, and working out (yay for home gym equipment you actually use!).

This is completely different than how many people approach their days – and frankly when I approached my days like that back in high school, I was always a zombie until 3rd period.

Apparently, there’s nothing wrong with that, according to this session’s guest, Lisa Crilley Mallis.

People do have their own schedules and processes when it comes to being creative and getting things done.

She also acknowledges that many people’s day to day work life doesn’t allow them to actually be efficient in their own zone. While it might be expected of them, it’s by no means healthy or really productive for that matter.

In our conversation, we talk more about her mission, some of the things that she helps people with in her practice, and how you can keep focused in what’s important in your daily routine.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was Lisa doing before she started Impactive Strategies? 7:32
  • Was owning her own business something she always saw herself doing and how did she end up starting it? 11:21
  • What kind of material did she study as she was starting the foundation of her business? 16:46
  • What’s the secret to getting more done in a person’s day? 20:15
  • How can someone battle the busy work in their day? 24:11
  • What’s Lisa’s definition of true busy work? 30:04
  • How does she know when to say no about a opportunity? 34:40
  • What’s a simple way to keep people focused on what’s important? 40:23
  • What’s going on the rest of this year for Lisa? 43:24
  • Who are Lisa’s favorite teachers? 45:45
  • Something she wishes was still a thing? 46:25
  • What is the smallest decision that has had the greatest impact on her life? 48:08
  • Something she believed in her 20’s but now knows is completely inaccurate? 49:21
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 51:16
  • … and MUCH more!

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How to Start and End Your Day with Routines:

Learning About WHAT You Can Delegate:

Lisa’s interview with Marc Mawhinney:

Lisa’s interview with Erica Duran:

how to be more productive

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


fear of public speaking

Getting over the Fear of Public Speaking: Discovering the Stage Fright Cure with Marti MacEwan (AoL 088)

Stage fright, fear of public speaking, or performance anxiety are things that many people, especially creatives, have to deal with to achieve some sort of success in their lives.

If you want your message to be heard, then you’re just going to have to deal with it – so many of the experts say.

How exactly do you deal with it?

Personally, I’ve always struggled with it as far back as I can remember. It prevented me from joining the debate team in high school and it also prevented me from trying to achieve more in band. Later, when I was in college, I couldn’t help but have a dear in headlights look in my communications classes… and then finally, when I hit grad school, it was really a fight or flight situation. Either I get over it and teach 6 classes of 30+ students, or don’t go to grad school. I had no interest to do research.

Those classes were rough, but I made it through.

For today’s guest, Marti MacEwan, she had a similar struggle. It suddenly hit her when she attempted to sing – but couldn’t.

From that point on, she made it a point to figure out why she couldn’t. And she came to find out that it stemmed all the way back to her childhood.

As she found out where her fear actually came from, she learned to cope with it. What she found out she later shared in her book: The Stage Fright Cure.

In today’s chat, Veronica and I learn from Marti more about this path of hers, where the book came from, and some really good tips for you if you’re struggling with stage fright.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was Marti’s background with stage fright before she could help other people tackle theirs? 9:13
  • Why did she choose theatre as a major in college even though she would get stage fright? 11:00
  • How did Marti get into therapy while her background was in theatre? 13:01
  • What inspired Marti to write her book, the Stage Fright Cure? 15:52
  • What’s the difference between therapy, training, and coaching? 28:33
  • What’s her take on pivoting in one’s career successfully? 39:27
  • What are some of the things that someone can start doing to work on their own stage fright issues? 43:45
  • Top three favorite books? 52:54
  • What is a scientific fact that she knows but yet still blows her away? 56:32
  • What’s something that isn’t as hard as she thought it was going to be? 1:01:22
  • What’s a basic life skill that Marti is amazed people lack? 1:02:48
  • What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:04:30
  • … and MUCH more!

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Glenn Interviews Lewis Howes (Starts at 37:38):

A bit more about the Stage Fright Cure:

Marti discusses how to untie emotional knots with psychotherapy and energy work:

Prof. Dave Guin discusses why We Fear Public Speaking:

Richard Greene on the 7 Secrets of the Greatest Speakers in History:

marti macewan fear of public speaking fear of public speaking fear of public speaking

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


andre kane

Andre Kane: Good Times, Radio, and Passion: The Making of the Electric Radio Show (AoL 081)

Passion comes in all kinds of shapes, ideas, and movements.

Whether that takes the form of being a coach, a TED presenter, or an artist, there’s so many ways of expressing what you love to do. You simply have to figure out what that is.

Sometimes figuring out what something is can be the hard part. Other times, it can be the easy part.

Take for example, this session’s guest, Andre Kane.

After realizing he wasn’t going to make a career in a rock band, he went back to school and ended up working in a radio station as an intern.

A split decision made him choose that path. And to this day, he enjoys being on the radio with his partner in crime, Jack Hammer.

In this session, I find out more about that split decision to get into radio, learn about some of the more memorable guests and moments they’ve had on the show, and we also talk a little radio geekery.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How did Andre get into radio? 7:45
  • How did he finally get on the air? 13:37
  • What does a producer actually do – radio wise? 16:04
  • Did he ever hear of 1190 WOWO out of Ft. Wayne, IN? 18:54
  • How did the Electric Radio/Morning Show get started? 20:54
  • What’s TSL and how it played a part in them knowing they had a hit. 28:38
  • What are some of the more memorable times and guests they’ve had on the show over the years? 29:57
  • How did Andre get big names on his show? 31:58
  • What’s Andre looking forward to in 2017? 37:41
  • Who are Andre’s 3 top influencers who have helped launch him to where he is today? 44:48
  • Smallest decision that has made the largest impact on his life? 46:19
  • Something he believed as a 30 year old and now finds completely inaccurate and why? 47:52
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 48:58
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Walking Dead Interview Promo:

Footage from 2009 doing Prune Juice Trivia:

Good Times Montage – The Show Must Go On:

On a Ghost Hunt in LimonCello’s at The Orange Inn:

andre kane
electric radio show
electric radio show
andre kane

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


healing therapy

Rinna Mai: Finding Harmony in Healing – How Music Lead to a Journey in Integrative Healing Therapy (AoL 075)

Pains and sores are something that many of us have to put up with. In our day to day work, we find ourselves doing repetitive tasks that lead to these chronic pains.

Athletes are notorious for getting these sores. Artists as well.

Many times, they, like us, learn to put up with those pains that we get over time.

But that’s not the way it has to be, according to today’s guest.

After developing her own pains from playing instruments, Rinna Mai decided that she had to find out was going on.

She soon developed a method to deal with her pains. Soon, others wanted her to work on them.

The more people wanted her help, the more she sought after new knowledge.

Today, Rinna finds herself going into medical school so that she can help people heal on all levels.

Daniel and I talk with her to find out more about her journey, what advice she has for folks with migraines, and why in the world she would put herself through a college career in her late 20’s.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What kind of formal education did Rinna have growing up? 7:19
  • Why’s it important for the teacher and student to have the same vision? 14:53
  • What kind of support did Rinna have in pursuing her music and healing work? 18:54
  • How did her career get kicked off in her healing work? 29:08
  • After her success in her healing work, why did she go back for a doctorate in her mid 20’s? 40:00
  • What are some ways of dealing with migraines that anyone who has them can try? 47:57
  • What’s her experience been like going back to school in her late 20’s? 59:47
  • How did she get back into music and teaching it? 1:01:40
  • Who are here top 3 favorite influencers or teachers? 1:09:14
  • What are her 3 Favorite top books she tells others about? 1:13:07
  • One gift she likes giving others? 1:14:43
  • One thing all high school students must know? 1:16:12
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their own community? 1:18:04
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Reiki Treatment Session:

Cortiva Institute Massage Demo:

Julia Cameron on Morning Pages:

Gabor Maté: The Power of Addiction and The Addiction of Power:

education reform
energy healing
integrative healing
migraine cure

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
