
brilliance and business

AoL 049: From Homeless in High School to Expert Enabler and Community Builder with Mellissa Rempfer

There’s so many things we have to do as an entrepreneur. Either we do it ourselves or we pay someone else to do it.

If you’re just starting out on your path, you might not have the resources to pay for all the help you need.

How do you get things done if you need help on graphics or grammar checking? Maybe you need help getting through a mental block or getting a new perspective on your business? Do you have the resources to pay for all of that?

Probably not. Perhaps bartering is the answer. But where online can you do that?

That’s what today’s guest, Mellissa Rempfer has been able to foster in her group, Brilliance and Business.

In this chat, we talk about where the idea of the group came from and more about what sets it apart. We also get into how she got her start in doing big things early on, and the three instincts of the human condition and how those apply in life and business.


  • How Mellissa didn’t even realize she had hit the bottom even though she was homeless in high school. 11:05
  • How she moved from being homeless to going to college 16:19
  • Why she decided that she wanted to be a pediatric trauma surgeon. 18:41
  • Where the idea of a student center came from and how she was able to put all the pieces together to get it built on her campus. 21:17
  • What she did immediately after graduating. 29:33
  • When she felt it was time to start a business. 34:24
  • Her initial experience in coaching and how Brilliance and Business originally came about. 38:30
  • What Brilliance and Business is all about. 47:09
  • How she feels has helped her grow the group as well as it has? 53:55
  • How do the three instincts of the human condition play into what she does? 57:57
  • More about the implementation of these instincts in the group 1:05:55
  • What are some of the things that’s she’s looking forward to in the future 1:07:30
  • What three things she would like people to remember her by? 1:10:21
  • Three truths she wants to share with others? 1:10:36
  • Where she would run a non promotional ad and what would it say? 1:11:37
  • 3 Favorite Podcasts 1:14:04
  • What she would say to her 25 year old self? 1:17:40
  • When she thinks of success, who does she think of and why? 1:18:37
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Tapping into and Embracing Your Brilliance:

Kim Eldredge and Mellissa talk about Mellissa’s book:

How to Communicate on Facebook:

Introduction to the Enneagram:

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Why I Started Using Email Marketing in 2016 (and Why It Still Works)

Today, more than ever, we’re pressed for time and energy. Each day we start with so many minutes and energy to pay attention to all of the things that we need to deal with.

Many things in our lives distract us from what we want to actually get done. Email checking is one of the biggest pet peeves to most of us – me included. It feels like such a drag.

After swearing to myself that I’d never use email to reach people on a regular basis because of how unresponsive I personally am to it and how overused it seems, I realized that I was leaving a legitimate way to engage and connect with people on the table. Some people actually want to hear from me. 🙂

In fact, there’s some people (again me not being one of them) that actually pay more attention to their email than they do social media. So much so that in the past couple of weeks that I’ve been sending emails, I’ve already had a couple of unsubscribes! Personally I hardly ever unsubscribe from people unless they send too much – (usually those are daily senders and my junk mail tends to grab those after a while anyway).

So what made me realize that this was a good way for me to engage with folks if I’m not the most receptive of it myself? Well, I’m glad you asked. Here’s why:

There are some people who really only get their notifications from the web via emails.

Seriously. They don’t have Facebook, Twitter, or another social media constantly open. Nope, instead, they go to their online email web portal, check to see if anything is going on and if it’s not, then it’s not anything they need to worry about. Larry King recently put it this way on his interview with Lewis Howes when it came to having a phone that can text – “There’s a reason I don’t text. If I need to know it, I’m sure you or someone else will tell me.”

The same is true with social media. My dad is this kind of person as well.

Every cell phone, even flip phones, has email capability.

Unless you know someone that’s carrying a Zack Morris brick or something from the late 90’s or early 2000’s, all phones have email capability. (I don’t even know if those phones can actually use today’s signals or not though, so…)

While there are some people like Larry King who use their flip phone only as a phone, most cell phone users opt to use it for as much as possible. More than 50% (56% of this writing) of all traffic on the web is from mobile devices. People are connected, true, but not everyone has the same apps or use the same social media platforms. Email is “universal”.

People rely on emails for digests of what’s going on from their favorite brands.

When you’re looking to check and see if there’s a sale at a favorite store, are you going to do that via social media, their website, or check for an email if you subscribed to them?

You’ll probably check their website.

However… you probably wouldn’t even think to check their website if it wasn’t the fact that you had been notified by an email of theirs in the past about a sale.

Personally, I know for me that I bought two new Colts hats in the last couple of years because I saw them featured in emails. Had I not gotten those emails, I probably would not have gotten the hats that I wear pretty regularly.

It’s easier for the one doing the marketing to integrate emailing into other marketing systems making them seem more personalized.

Truth be told, I tend to pay attention to emails that start with this: “Hey, Jc!”

Why is that? Because it makes my subconscious feel important. Even though I know that I had to have had put my name in a form somewhere for it come out that way (I go by JC not Jc), I still have more of an interest in that particular email – because I obviously actively signed up for it.

On that same point, 31.5% of US online retailers use the customer’s name and/or a unique welcome message. However, nearly half of US online retailers use personalized product recommendations (44.9% – read marketing funnels) and a quarter of them report adding shopping cart reminders (27.6%) to cover all of their personalization bases.

It’s inexpensive.

Currently, right now with MailChimp, I’m not paying anything to email my email list. I think that this is a great option for anyone that might not have a huge budget to spend on tools when they’re first getting started.

Also, I’ve used other tools like Constant Contact and aWeber, and frankly, I wasn’t too impressed with their functionality. MailChimp has gotten way better over the last couple of years.

However, there’s one cavot that I’m pretty sure using MailChimp has – it has issues getting through spam filters. Not sure why that is.

If you’re using MailChimp and you start hearing about your subscribers ending up with your email in their spam folders a bit much, you might want to consider other options.

The least expensive one that I can think of is ActiveCampaign which seems to have a reasonable price point.

That said, if you already have a course or two and you’re bringing some money in to cover your expenditures, you might want to take a look at ConvertKit – which seems it’s quickly becoming the best platform for online business folks.

Love it or hate it, it’s still effective.

So there you have it. Even though I’m not the first one to use the medium by far (I went a whole year without using it), I’ve realized that even within the few weeks that I have used it that I get more engagement. In the end, if we’re trying to get our message out there as people who want to change lives, then I’ll concede that email is a tool that you might want to reconsider using in the foreseeable future.

Let me know below what your experience has been with email marketing. Did you hate it at first and eventually give in like me?

ashley zahabian interview

Ashley Zahabian: Getting Through Difficult Times and Busting the Myth of Overnight Success (AoL 044)

When it comes to success, many times we think that people are lucky and that success just happens. Even this past week with the launch of Pokemon Go, we’ve seen something take very little time to become really well known – even by those of us who have put very little time into it if none at all.

However, just like the creator of Pokemon, our guest Ashley Zahabian would tell you that there is no such thing as overnight success. In fact, when it comes to her story, she’s been on the public speaking path for several years already – which is saying a lot for a 21 year old!

In this session, Ginger and I dive into Ashley’s path and find out how an overnight success story is made. Join in as we discuss how she went from living a caged life to a charged one, what she has planned for the next few years, and how she stays consistent in her work.

If you’ve seen this gal on stage, Facebook or YouTube, this is a backstage pass that should give you hope in reaching for your goals and dreams!


  • Why the struggles she’s had over the last several years have helped her become an “overnight” success. 10:39
  • What she’s been able to implement into her entrepreneurial career from what she learned in college. 15:34
  • Ashley’s take on Mr. Wonderful blowing up on Maneesh Sethi on Shark Tank 19:09
  • Why she thinks it’s important to work with your passion. 21:00
  • How she belives that she was able to move from living a Caged life to a Charged life 27:22
  • The feeling of what it was like to become an honest person. 23:34
  • The first thing someone can do to step into a Charged life. 28:37
  • How Ashley stays consistent in her work week. 34:38
  • What gave Ashley the idea to start doing her video series. 38:47
  • Why she doesn’t worry about using clips from movies in her videos on YouTube. 40:45
  • How long Ashley has been doing speaking engagements. 42:10
  • What she would recommend for people to do if they wanted their first speaking gig. 43:34
  • What she imagines that the next 5 years of her career look like. 48:19
  • Three truths that she would share with others. 51:25
  • Three of her favorite influencers in her life. 52:02
  • If she could have high school consume certain information, what would she prescribe. 52:41
  • What she would tell the 13 year old version of herself. 56:50
  • …and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


SHOW NOTE EXTRAS (Update – 5.16.2017):

Hey guys! Thanks for looking for the show note extras for Ashley’s interview. Unfortunately, a lot of her earlier stuff has been taken down. So I’ve gone and added a few other videos for you to enjoy of Ashley at work… including her TEDx talk!

Ashley’s Interview on Addicted 2 Success TV:

Ashley on her Experiences at the Feliciano School of Business:

Believe in Yourself (An Early Speech by Ashley):

Ashley is officially a TEDx presenter!

Ashley on the I Am the Average Podcast:

Ashley Zahabian interview



Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


improve networking skills

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Networking Skills and Build Successful Relationships

The process of networking itself is simple. Just show up to events and initiate conversation. True, even that part can be hard for people. However, that isn’t really the hardest part!  The hardest part is the follow through.

When I was first introduced to the networking scene after I got out of grad school, I was a little clueless about how to do it exactly. I wanted to find people that would be able to help me get to where I wanted to be faster. I took advantage of the idea that there’s plenty of people out there who want to help new graduates move forward in their career. Not once did I really think about who I should be talking to.

Today, I have realized that there are 4 types of people that will be key to your success as an entrepreneur – whether you’re online, or offline. They are:

  1. A mentor (virtual or not) – Someone you see yourself emulating as you grow your business. A working relationship with this person is a plus. Their job is to be the best version of themselves so that you have a target to keep shooting for.
  2. A Tribe – A group of people that like what you do because you give value to the group as a whole.
  3. A Mastermind – A small group of peers that are going in the same direction as yourself.
  4. A Coach – Someone that gives you feedback on your growth and helps you figure out answers to questions you have. Their job is to help you be a better you.

(If you want to find out more about these different types of people and why they’re important to network with, you can do so by grabbing my resource: 6 Cornerstones to Building a Successful Online Business.)

Once you find these people, you need to be able to build meaningful relationships with them so they don’t leave your life as quickly as they entered. So here are some quick tips in doing just that.

Be In It to Win It

There’s no way around it. Winners like to surround themselves with other winners. If you’re wanting to get to know those that are at your level or above and want to keep them around, you’re going to have to have a mind-set that you’re going to succeed at your business.

This means that you’re going to have to have a long-term mentality to not only the decisions you make, but also realize that just because someone isn’t currently talking to you (and might not have for the past couple of months), doesn’t mean that they don’t “like” you anymore. Just like you should be, other solopreneurs and entrepreneurs in general are pretty damn busy. Get used to it!

Become a Go-To Person

Before you become a Go-To person in any field you need to have spent some quality time learning about that field. This is equally true for creative entrepreneurs as much as it is for engineers, realtors, insurance agents, etc.

The more you know about a certain subject, the more people will seek your knowledge out.

One thing that my mom always preached as I was growing up was that education is key to life. In fact, it was the one thing that she believed that worth pouring a small fortune into when the time arises. As you might know, it took me 6 years to get through my undergrad. She was totally ok with this as she would remind again and again, “when you look back on how long it took you to actually get through something worthwhile, you’ll realize, in the end, that it was worth it regardless of how long the process was”.

While I might not be directly using that knowledge that I picked up during those years, I will say that it has helped me become the person I am, help mold the way I think, and also introduce me to some of the best minds I know.

Give More Value Than You Seek

Many of us have superpowers that we try keep to ourselves. In the book, Will It Fly?, Pat Flynn talks about finding your superpowers early on in the book to figure out what you’re naturally good at doing so that you can make a business from it.

According to the results I got from the exercise in the book, my top 4 superpowers are:

  • Connecting
  • Teaching
  • Seeing Possibility
  • Loyalty

And you know what? I’d totally agree with this.

However, what he didn’t mention is that those same superpowers can help you even when you’re not trying to actively build your business. And, in fact, I think you should use them as much as possible.

Are you connector like me? Then introduce new ideas and people to each other without a fee. Are you a great coach? Then coach people here and there pro bono.

Eventually, others will know you for what you’re good at and all that good kharma that you’re putting out there will come back to you.

Treat Others by How You’d Want to be Treated

Meaning, treat them like a person.

Only celebrities are going to have crazy amounts of followers when they first open an account on a new social media platform. If you start using Periscope to build your business and you have one viewer, start engaging with that viewer. Make them feel like they’re not invisible.

The more you do this, the more likely that person will subscribe. The next time you come on, they might be there and so might another. Engage with both of them. Then you might have two subscribers.

The second one then might share you to their friends and the next time you hop on, you might have 5 viewers. Engage with them all. Ask them what they’re thinking about the topic. Find out where they’re from. Actually care about who you’re talking to.

No one cares what you know until you show how much you care.

Accept More Responsibility by Being More Intentional

Here’s one that we all struggle with in some manner or another. From a young age, many of us believe that if we can get people to not pay attention to us, then we won’t get in trouble as much. As a kid, this definitely has some merit to it!

If we’re known to be someone that doesn’t break things, when something does end up being broken, we can simply say “It wasn’t my fault!” and the grown-ups will go find someone else that has a dirtier track record.

However, this approach might not necessarily be useful later in life when we want to be recognized for our efforts.

If you’re the type of individual who wants to be recognized, you have to get on people’s radar first. There’s plenty of ways to do this.

If someone has a major life event on Facebook, even if you haven’t spoken to that person in a while (if ever), say something. Not only will you have a better chance of being recognized by that person in the future, Facebook will actually start sharing your posts with this person (unless they blocked you). Posting on people’s walls on birthdays is a great way to start.

A few other old school ways to start getting recognized is taking people out for coffee or lunch. Going to events you normally don’t go to and just calling more people up (either by phone or through skype) is great ways to build your reputation.

Also, if you’re in an organization or group of people where something goes south, and you’re known for having a good record, chances are that if you take responsibility for that situation, you might look better for trying to take the blame from whomever actually did. Even if you don’t have a good track record, you might get some recognition for actually taking responsibility. When we live in a society where many people try to shy away from responsibility, those that attempt to take it (good or bad) tend to get recognized.

Action Steps:

So, there you have it. Five ways I believe that will help you build better relationships as you go forward and meet those future great friends.

It’s fairly common sense stuff, really. However, as we all know – common sense isn’t commonly used in today’s world. It’s amazing what doing these tactics will do for you.

If you already employ some of these tactics, I’d love to hear some details in what works. Comment below!

Erik Deckers interview

AoL 037: Writing at the Jack Kerouac House, Branding Yourself, and Early Social Media Marketing with Erik Deckers

When people get to a certain level of success, it’s really hard to leave it behind. It takes so much time and resources to get to a certain level. That’s one reason why many professional athletes find it really hard to leave the game they’ve known since they were a kid. They’re not sure about what’s coming next and that can be very difficult.

For me, when I left academia and started figuring out what I wanted to do, I didn’t know where to start. The one thing I did know is that I had to put myself where opportunity would find me. So I started networking – A LOT – in Indianapolis. Getting to know many people that would ultimately have success themselves. Also getting to know people who would crash and burn and start rebuilding, or in some cases, give up on their passion altogether.

One of many people I met was Erik Deckers. I have to say that when I first met Erik, I thought that he’d be a good guy to get to know as we connected on a ton of things. Like me, he’s somewhat of a natural creative. He loves to write… and type (he has a collection of typewriters). And he’s able to help other companies do that through his online business: Which he’s essentially a online ghost writer for other businesses. Needless to say that that particular service and him networking got him well known in Indy. Of course, it didn’t hurt that he wrote a few books with some prominent figures when he was here as well.

Anyway, fast forward a couple of years, I find myself back in Indy looking to reconnect with some folks that I knew from 2010. And I find that Erik is down in Orlando, FL! Having to essentially use the information he put into one of this books all over again.


In this session, we’ll learn more about the move to Orlando. We’ll also find out how he got into writing in the first place, how several of his books were conceived, and his thoughts on what the best ways are for people to be found on today’s internet.

If you’ve ever found yourself having to restart your career from scratch, you’re simply curious about what it’s like to write in the Kerouac House and what it’s all about, or just want to catch up with Erik, then you should get something out of this chat.



  • More about the Jack Kerouac House (6:41)
  • How the Jack Kerouac House has changed the scene of the Orlando literary scene. (13:00)
  • How Erik got into writing (13:25)
  • How his writing process is different than others (15:06)
  • Why formats can play a big role in how you deliver your message. (16:13)
  • How engineering is very similar to building a business (20:16)
  • How one of the first big Twitter marketing books was created (21:57)
  • How Erik played a vital role in helping Kyle Lacy meet his eventual wife, Rachel. (24:41)
  • Where the idea for Erik and Kyle’s book, Branding Yourself, came from. (25:52)
  • Why Erik likes to work with others when making books. (26:57)
  • What book he’s been working on at the Kerouac House (29:20)
  • Where Pro Blog Service came from (31:59)
  • What Erik helps clients of his with (34:01).
  • How people can become known on today’s internet (38:43).
  • How Erik got involved in speaking at a TEDx event (45:22)
  • Where Erik gets his passion for speaking (46:32)
  • Who he thinks would be best suited to fight off a college sorority if they ever wanted to take over the world. (55:39)
  • Who Erik would consider an example of success in his life. (1:01:42)
  • What are some thoughts on starting a content based business (1:05:35)
  • …and MUCH more.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Erik’s TEDx Presentation in 2012:


How Not to Talk to Your Children About Sex

10 Professional Writing Secrets:

Intro to the book “Branding Yourself” with Kyle Lacy:

Erik’s YouTube Channel

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


stephan seyfert

AoL 036: Going from Good to Great in Business Coaching with Stephan Seyfert

When people think of the labels consultant, coach, or teacher, they often think of the same type of person. Someone that instructs and helps others. However, each one of these labels are actually different than one another. The consultant uses their skill set to help their client. The coach helps bring the client to a solution by asking the right questions. While the teacher uses both skills to help their students learn and apply what’s being taught in the classroom.

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always found myself being all three in one way or another. I’ve been the tech person when it comes to helping friends and family with their computers. I’ve always been the listening ear when people are trying to fix a problem in their life – helping them with problems they might not see right in front of them. And I have that uncanny ability to be able to mix the two and teach complex topics. Hence why I taught algebra for a couple of years.

I was quite amazed when I found out that each is it’s own separate skill.

For today’s guest, coaching has been something that he’s been utilizing for sometime as well. In fact, you’ll find out that when he started coaching people professionally, he was simply relaying information that he essentially had just learned in his classes in college. However, he found that he had a passion for it and he’s made it his full time career.

In this session, we’ll learn how he got into coaching in the first place. How it’s helped him along in his career. What he learned from the John Maxwell Team that sets him apart from other coaches, and how he specifically helps business go from Good to Great.

If you’ve wanted to find out how you might be able to become a professional business coach, then this might give you a couple of ideas in how you can get started down that career path. If you’re in need of a coach, then Stephan might be a great solution for you!


  • Why Stephan’s formal education track wasn’t so different than most. (9:03)
  • How he got introduced to entrepreneurship (12:53)
  • When he felt that it was time to go separate ways with his first business partner from college (17:29)
  • How he was able to get his first clients while he was still a student (22:41)
  • How the John Maxwell Team has helped his business (28:27)
  • How John Warrillow has inspired the new version of his business (31:06)
  • Stephan’s 2 additional Value Drivers (beyond John Warrillow’s first 8) (33:50)
  • Why it’s important to intentionally develop a company’s culture (35:04)
  • Upcoming movies we’re excited about (40:23)
  • Why he likes working with groups as well as individuals (42:29)
  • How he currently meets his potential clients (46:25)
  • How his current career aligns with his “Why” (52:05)
  • Why Apple shows how its important to have a definitive “Why”. (58:24)
  • What’s the difference between the popularity of the Beatles and Boston? (1:02:05)
  • Stephan’s 3 influences in business (1:04:45)
  • …and MUCH more.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



The Importance of Mentoring Youth (via Illinois


A Brief Intro to Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great:

Marie Forleo on going from Good to Great in Life and Business:

Five Levels of Leadership:

New Inceptions’ Post

A Short version via the John Maxwell Company

Long version via the Youth Banking Conference (Part 1):

Long version via the Youth Banking Conference (Part 2):

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


intrapreneur brian glassman

AoL 031: Entrepreneurial skill development, Intrapreneurship, and the Importance of True Passion with Dr. Brian Glassman

Most people, I’d believe, really want to live a life that they’re proud of and do work that fuels their fire. The lucky ones have jobs that give them this work. They feel as if they’re really good at whatever is they do AND they love it! However, a lot of people simply don’t have that opportunity. So they continue to work in a job they do simply because it pays the bills. If they have money coming in, they get by.

To me, I feel that I might as well be in a jail if I was doing a job I didn’t love doing for 8+ hours a day. Having to get up day after day and be a cog in someone else’s machine that I probably don’t even know? I couldn’t do it! I think that’s one reason that I knew that entrepreneurship was going to be my future and that’s why I opted to get it as my focus in grad school.

While I was there, I met this session’s guest, Dr. Brian Glassman. Brian is one interesting and traveled guy. At the time that I had met him, he was working on his doctorate, but already had plenty of grad school under his belt.

What really struck me back then, and continues to this day is that he usually has a different perspective on everything.

Just when I thought I had all these definitions defined about how the world works, he hits me with a new view of what Intrapreneurship is and how one can use it to step into a role at a larger company. In other words, working your way across into a job you love, instead of starting it all from scratch.

In this discussion, we also talk further about Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship, why it’s important to stay focused when you’re set on becoming an entrepreneur, why Brian decided to go the Intrapreneur route, and we even talk a bit about work life balance.

If you’re the type of person who thinks like an entrepreneur, but doesn’t want to have limited resources when starting out, than perhaps being an Intrapreneur might be a path you might consider after hearing our chat.


  • The difference between Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship.
  • What Brian’s learned from his Entrepreneurial students regarding what kind of skills budding entrepreneurs need.
  • Why it’s important to stay focused when picking up entrepreneurial skills.
  • What a college graduate should consider upon graduating when it comes to starting a business or finding a job.
  • What the transition was like to go from academia to working as Intrapreneur.
  • How you can learn a new skill set outside of academia, even if you’re working inside a corporation day after day.
  • Why Brian decided to become an Intrapreneur instead of an Entrepreneur (at least for right now!)
  • Why it’s important to care more about working smart and working in your passion area – especially when it comes to work-life balance.
  • Why routines and habits are so important in life.
  • Why people skills are much more important in the long run than simply being smart.
  • What the three types of entrepreneurs are.
  • Why Sam Walton is Brian’s example of success.
  • …and MUCH more.

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Fizzle Show: 5 Reasons Why I Quit My Business to Pursue My Dream Job

What is an Intrapreneur?

Be the Change You Want to See in Your Company – Tedx Presentation by Gib Bulloch

Intrapreneurship in Walmart

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