
facebook groups list

6 Facebook Groups for Creative Entrepreneurs – My Facebook Groups List Revealed!

When Facebook first started, it was mainly geared towards college students. Back then, it had features that reflected that fact. I remember there was one place where you could put in the classes you were taking – and let’s not forget that you could only register with .edu email accounts.

One feature that’s been there the entire time has been the ability to form groups. Over the years, these groups have changed from being a place to share interests, to being almost forgotten during the early Facebook Page days, to now being the new way for online marketers to build followings.

Today, those groups that are successful have turned into mega groups. I call them mega groups because they have over a thousand members.

I’d say that many of these mega groups are some of the best places to build relationships and build awareness of the existence of whatever you’re trying to do.

In this post, I want to share with you the mega groups that I’ve found to be the most valuable. Not only do they come without a hidden agenda, but they really do foster an atmosphere for you to build your own thing!


Smart Passive Income Community

If you guys know me, you know that Pat Flynn has been a huge influence in my business career. It was mainly because of him that I realized that there were other ways for everyday folks to build passive income streams outside of multi-level marketing.

At the time of this writing, his Facebook group (Smart Passive Income Community) is over 30,000 members. It was one of the first places that I started networking when I really started building New Inceptions and seeing what value I could add.


Podcast Discovery Center

Ok, so as a podcaster, I’ve been looking to be involved in groups that didn’t have an agenda. I first found my local group, Podcast Indy, but soon realized that I was one of the few business related podcasts in the group. Kinda hard to make guest appearances on other shows if they’re all talking about pop culture and geek related topics.

I knew I had to find another larger group.

That’s when I found the Podcast Discovery Center, also known as the PDC. Hosted by Scott Doucet (AoL Session 080) and Anthony Hayes (AoL Session 087), this place is a great resource for podcasters who want to jump in, hone their craft, and meet other podcasters in their niche.

It’s a really great place to build relationships with other folks who use podcasting as one of the ways to get their voice out onto the web too!


Millennial Entrepreneur Community

As I’ve been meeting other podcasters through the PDC, I met one in the business niche who had a fairly large following.

Arne Giske (AoL Session 084), host of the Millennial Entrepreneur Podcast and founder of the Millennial Entrepreneur Community, is pretty darn good at this group building thing. Not only has he given it a very laid back style where people have the opportunity to present their wares, but also a place to be open about your issues as an entrepreneur and any issues you might be having! A great community for beginners and veterans alike!


The Rising Tide Society

Another large group (The Rising Tide Society) I recently heard about was through Steph Crowder’s (AoL Session 034) new podcast, Courage and Clarity. In session 11 & 12, she spoke with Natalie Franke who is the founder of the group.

Since Natalie made her business on photography, you can expect to see a lot of photographers in this one!

Shoot Videos That Sell

If your thing is more about video production, here’s a group that might interest you. When it comes to making great videos, there’s a couple of people that I’d recommend following. Their names are Caleb Wojcik and Travis Shields.

Now, Caleb I know from the Pat Flynn / Fizzle side of the online marketing world. He’s awesome at what he does and you can find his PAGE here.

However, since we’re talking about Facebook groups in this post, the group I’d recommend is Travis Shields’ Facebook group Shoot Videos that Sell.

I didn’t know about Travis until recently, but I have to say that I’m impressed by his work. He is currently Brendon Burchard’s video guy for his studio work. So obviously, he knows what he’s talking about if he’s been hired by one the biggest names in digital marketing!

Order of Man

If you’re a guy and you’re wanting to do more with your life, but you feel stuck in a rut – I have a group for you. Join Ryan Michler (AoL Session 82) and his group Order of Man.

Now while this group isn’t exactly geared towards entrepreneurship as a whole, I think it’s important that entrepreneurs know the material that’s covered in it. There’s a lot of truth spoken.

Ryan LOVES to live streaming in his car. But man, those car rides definitely have some deep thoughts. And if you like what you see there, he’s starting to do live events as well. The most recent one he brought in David Rachford (Aol Session 038) to help his guests get a better grip on yoga!

If you think you have to be a male to get anything out this group, you might surprised. Maria tends to get just as much out from Ryan’s talk as she has from Jordan Harbinger from the Art of Charm.

Action Steps

So there you have it, the 6 mega Facebook Groups that I check out on a regular basis.

I feel this should definitely get you started in meeting new people online if that’s a goal of yours. Also, if you’re looking for just some cool groups to get some ideas from – these work as well!

Do you have any favorite entrepreneurial mega groups that you belong to that I didn’t list? Let me know about them in the comments below!


gaming community

How a Gamer Built an Ideal Career by Building Gaming Community Sites with Franz Cavatorta (AoL 085)

We gamers – we’re an interesting group. For that matter, so is the gaming community at large. Many of us join the ranks for social reasons or just because it’s a great past-time.

When I first started playing online games, I quickly developed friendships with folks that I had never met. But because we were on daily, we got to know each other. I still keep in touch with some of those peeps – nearly 20 years later (dang).

It’s very common to build those bonds.

However, sometimes we outgrow our needs for games – we realize that there’s more out there and many of us have to put down the games to achieve those new things.

I’ve had to do that myself, as well as today’s guest.

However, I wouldn’t say that we’ve quit gaming as a whole. I’d still rather play than watch TV.

And today’s guest, Franz Cavatorta, has gone to another level – he actually makes fellow gamers his clients if they need a website done for their clan, guild, or crew.

In today’s chat, Daniel (also a gamer) and I talk with Franz. We learn what inspired him to start this business and some of the experiences he’s gone through to get to the level he’s at today.

He also discusses some of the things that this lifestyle allows him to do – which, in itself, is a great reason to start.

If you’re a gamer and you’re looking for some options to be more constructive with your time, then you might be able to learn a thing or two from Franz. Perhaps it all starts with being part of a gaming community?

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What kind of video games has Franz enjoyed playing? 8:10
  • What’s Franz’ perspective of the gaming world? 11:54
  • What’s his current lifestyle like now? 14:26
  • How did he learn the skill set that utilizes to do his work? 16:56
  • How long did it take him to start building his own business after creating his first gaming community? 22:12
  • How did he go from specifically developing for ThemeForest to starting to take on clients? 34:31
  • What kind of new clients is Sky Warrior themes interested in pursuing now? 36:41
  • What’s the benefit of a gaming clan having their own website? 40:04
  • How does someone build a community around their awesome new site? 43:17
  • What’s in the future of Skywarrior Themes? 47:27
  • 3 Influencers that have helped Franz get to where he is today? 54:22
  • Hardest thing he’s ever had to say no to? 56:13
  • What is something he still wishes was a thing? 59:20
  • What’s a life skill that he’s amazed that people lack? 1:00:41
  • Secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:05:33
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Franz’ Kendo Action 1:

Franz’ Kendo Action 2:

Motorbiking Montage:

Airsoft Battle Footage:

gaming community
franz cavatorta
gaming community

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


arne giske

Arne Giske: Working While Traveling – Exploring a Digital Nomad’s Lifestyle (AoL 084)

Living life on your own terms.

To some, that means simply having a business that allows them to stay at home and be with their kids. To others, that business might allow them to interact with some of the biggest names in their industry.

While yet others, like today’s guest, use their business as a method to not only enable them to work remotely, but as the motor for them to travel around the world as a major part of their lifestyle.

Arne Giske is what you’d call a digital nomad.

Having been an entrepreneur most of his life, he’s developed a business that allows him to not only be mobile, but engage with folks all over the world. During the time that he’s done this, he’s also developed a podcast and Facebook group under the brand “The Millennial Entrepreneur”.

In today’s chat with Arne, we find him just finishing up spending some time in Columbia before heading off to Florida for this weekend’s AdCon conference.

Daniel and I get the chance to find out more about his lifestyle including why he chose to live his life this way, some Do’s and Don’ts for growing a large Facebook group, and what business he currently finds himself in to power his way around the globe.

Arne’s a great guy to know if you’re looking to travel while working, too!

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How did Arne become a pedicab driver and when did he start favoring entrepreneurship as part of his lifestyle? 8:18
  • What was Arne’s experience in the MLM world like after college? 14:46
  • What kind of lifestyle does Arne find himself in these days as a digital nomad? 18:00
  • What was it that made Arne believe that a job wasn’t something he wanted to do? 22:39
  • How does Arne help people see Facebook as a place for business? 23:26
  • What are some of Arne’s Do’s and Don’ts for his group? 28:08
  • What is it that Arne is currently building his business on? 31:10
  • How did he know he wanted to help other people with that particular skill? 33:37
  • Three top favorite books he recommends to people regularly. 40:08
  • Something Arne wishes was still a thing. 42:40
  • Smallest decision he’s made that has had the greatest impact on his life? 44:01
  • What basic life skill is he amazed people lack? 44:48
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 47:27
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Example of a Pedicab Driver at SXSW:

pedicab driver

Arne’s Good News from Columbia:

Arne Giske talks Chat Bots For Business:

Ask Me Anything with Arne Giske:

#AskGaryVee Session 244:

arne giske arne giske millennial entrepreneur millennial entrepreneur

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


free phone apps

Freebies to Use for Your Business: Free Phone Apps For You and Your Biz

In the blog this month, we’ve been looking at freebies (or very inexpensive items) which will help you build your business. They are all things that I’ve used myself and will continue to use in the development of my content and in the content itself.

Again, this all came about when I posted a piece about working with others through the cloud – efficiently and for FREE. It primarily discussed cloud storage apps such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and one I use that not many Americans know about: MEGAupload.

In this post, the freebies we’re looking at are apps. Phone apps and web apps. 

Like most apps, most of these will have a free version and premium version. However, just like the cloud storage apps, you can get by with just the basic version.


Applications – Not Just on Your Computer Anymore:

Applications are not all on your computer these days. The days where you’d buy a CD or DVD and install your new program on your hard drive for it to completely work on your computer are, for the most part, long gone. In fact, when I don’t have an internet connection, it’s almost a chore for me to remember which applications I can actually use during that down time.

These days, most apps have an online portion – especially if they have a free tier. How else can they collect your data and emails? That’s essentially what you’re paying when things are “free”. But hey, that’s a pretty small price to pay to get all of this good stuff to help you out, right? 🙂

Anyhow – here’s a list of business apps that you can use mobile and on your pc or Mac.


Business Apps:


If there’s one app that I want you all to know about that I believe will save you a ton of time it’s IFTTT. IFTTT (pronounced like “gift” without the “i”) stands for “if this then that” — is a service that lets you create different recipes for streamlining your online activities. For example, you can create a recipe that saves all the tweets of a particular person and saves them on your Google drive in one spreadsheet. Or, if you want to transition your pics from Instagram to Twitter, you can do that too. Ta-da! Countless squinty-eyed hours saved scouring the Internet.


Social Jukebox:

Social media can be a pain in the rear – especially if you’re busy making things! Let Social Jukebox help you out. Just like a music jukebox holds and plays music randomly, it holds a bank of messages you can send out via social media. Its free plan will post to your Twitter up to 4 times a day. And if you subscribe to the premium membership, you’ll get to post to Facebook and LinkedIn as well.

Scheduling 1 on 1 calls and/or meetings is pretty straight forward with something like But what if you have multiple people you’re looking to get together for a meeting? You can’t use calendly for that (at least I don’t think you can). So what can you do? You could start an email thread and waste half a day tracking replies, or you could use Doodle. Doodle helps you effortlessly set up polls for scheduling. And one big awesome thing to me is that respondents don’t even have to join to answer a poll. Doodle cuts down on needless email and streamlines scheduling big time.


Slack & Ryver:

Here’s a couple more tools you can use to remove a ton of the emails that you regularly have to make if you’re part of a team. I’ve used both of these in the past on various projects and I’d say they’re about the same in what they do. And what they do, they do well. If you’re familiar with the old chat rooms that were made popular by AoL, Yahoo, and numerous other sites up until social media came around, then you’ll understand how these tools use channels to contain certain conversations between your team’s members.


Personal Development Apps:

Not all apps are geared towards making a business in itself. Sometimes they’re geared in developing you.

I mean, a mechanic can only upgrade his tools so much to do a certain job – because eventually, those tools might go outside of his current ability. In that case, the mechanic needs to get better to keep up with the tools themselves.

There are plenty of apps out there which will help you become a better version of yourself. Here are a few of my favorites:



There’s so many habits that we want to develop to make ourselves better in our craft. But the catch is that you have to put in the work to get it done. That’s where Habitica comes into play. It’s a habit building and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. With in-game rewards and punishments to motivate you and a strong social network to inspire you, Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy, hard-working, and happy.



If you’re looking to learn how to meditate and the price tag on the Muse is a little out of your reach, then I’d say Headspace might be your next bet. It’s first level is entirely free and includes 10-minute sessions for each day that will help you get into the habit of meditating regularly. There are reminders, and you can choose to focus on aspects like foundation, health, and performance. If you want to go deeper, you can with the premium service.



In AoL session 79 with Barbara Ireland, we talked about how important it was to get rid of your negative thoughts. Part of doing that is to start developing an attitude of gratitude – focusing on what’s good in your life. With the happier app, you can start collecting happy moments throughout the day to add to your mental journal. (I use this because the 5 Minute Journal still hasn’t come to Android yet. If you’re a iPhone user – pick that up here.)



A lot of us who are in the the creative space work from home. So sometimes we don’t get out and about our own cities like we should. I mean, all work and no play doesn’t make anyone any better, right?

What’s cool about this app is that it features “incredible experiences on demand,” which is a trendy way of saying it has “the best activities, events and tours happening in town.” You can find and book last-minute deals if you’re feeling spontaneous. Paired along with Field Trip, you should always have new things to discover.


Reddit Is Fun:

Ok, so this one is kind of a cop out, because it’s a reddit browser. Reddit is the front page of the internet – so that means that pretty much everything that you can find online is on there. However, that said, there are subreddits that you can use to make your life better. Download the app and then check out these subs to get an idea of what I’m talking about: r/stopgaming, r/selfimprovement, , r/entrepreneur, r/getmotivated, r/iwanttolearn, r/lifeprotips, r/productivity, r/zenhabits and r/selfhelp.


Action Steps:

Ok, so there you go, guys. Ten apps that I use on a regular basis for my business and to improve it. I recommend checking them all out and seeing which ones fit you. There’s a few other ones that I could have added, but these are the ones that I’ve used the most. 

If I’m missing any that you think should have been on this list because YOU use them all the time, I’d love to hear about it. Drop the name of it below and I’ll check it out!

Freebies to Use For Your Business: Non Copyright Music Sources

Last week we saw how relatively easy it is to get stock images for free. I mean, with the abundance of resources that are out there, why pay for one again? Unless you’re very specific in your search, I really can’t think of a good reason.

In this week’s post, I’ll share with you the places I’ve found free stock music. If you’re wondering what stock music is useful for, then my quickest response is “what medium isn’t it useful for?”.

To this day, even on national TV, I see commercials that are using stock music.

Whether it’s in the background of a short clip of a speech, to being used in a podcast, to even being used behind GTA and Halo montages on YouTube, stock music can be useful in adding a bit more flare to the medium you’re using to convey your message.

What is Stock Music (aka Non Copyright Music)?

Like I did in last week’s post, I want give a short description of stock music is and isn’t.

Stock music, known by many names including non copyright music or production music, is the name given to recorded music that can be licensed to customers for use in TV, video (movies or online), radio and other media. Traditionally, the music is produced and owned by production music libraries.

If it is owned by a music library, then the user will have to pay a license fee to use that music with their media.

However, with the advent of the internet, stock music artists, like independent artists, can create and release their own music.

This was the main reason that SoundCloud became so popular and why MySpace is even still around. Both of these mediums have been used significantly to get music out into the world.

So that’s what it is.

However, the difference of the two is that stock music is specifically released to be the background of media, whereas other music, while it might be used as background music, is designed to stand alone. Many times, you’ll hear traditional music altered to be background music – especially in commercials with a lot of production value on TV.

Stock Music Examples

Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about if you’re still a little fuzzy.

Here’s a few examples of stock music in a YouTube video:

Here’s something you might hear on the radio – but you won’t because it’s copyright free:

And here’s a sample of stock music that’s not only used for a commercial for Plus Benefits, but it’s also used at the beginning of Ryan Moran’s podcast:

Plus Benefit’s Commercial:

Freedom Fast Lane Podcast w/ Ryan Daniel Moran:

If you ever find the name of this piece, I’d love to know what it’s called!

Using Stock Music

Ok, so like last week with the images, it’s relatively easy to tell if something is stock music. In fact, many pieces of stock music that you can sample will have the name of the library that you’re sampling it from right in the middle of the sample. Obviously, like watermarking images, it’s there to detour you from using it.

In the following piece you’ll hear a slight whisper of “Audio Jungle” repeated over and over. That’s what I call an audio watermark.

Just like I said about images…


For one, it’ll make whatever you’re doing sound ridiculous, and two, you’ll probably get a cease and desist letter if not a potential lawsuit.

Another way to realize if you need to pay a license to use music is whether or not it can easily be downloaded. If you have to pay something to download it, then it probably has specific details in when it can be used as well.

If you want to read more about the different types of licensing and usage methods – here you go.

It’s not really relative to the next part though! 🙂

Where to Find Free Stock Music

So here’s the part you’ve been waiting for. Where can you find free stock music to use with your media? Well, my top 3 places are…

  2. YouTube
  3. Reddit

The Free Music Archive has just about anything you want. So that’s generally where I get most of my stock music. Like images, you want to make sure that you give credit when it’s asked for and when it’s due. I make it common to acknowledge the artist in all of my work.

If for some reason, you can’t find what you’re looking for in the Archive, then YouTube has a decent source. The Verge did a decent review about what you can expect in there when their library was launched in 2013.

Finally, the third option I find as a potential place to find pieces, but I haven’t quite used anything from here yet, is Soundcloud. As mentioned, this type of work is what helped its popularity. If you want to see what’s available on Soundcloud (or other places around the web), there’s a great resource via reddit that might be able to help you find good stuff: No Copyright Music Subreddit.

Like last time with the images, if you want even more free music, I have a couple of links for you:

20+ Websites to Download Creative Commons Music For Free

And it’s sequel:

20 (More) Websites To Download Creative Commons Music For Free

Also, if you happen to be a DJ and want more specifics in finding music for your work, check out this post from Robert Calabrese over at Home DJ Studio.

Action Steps:

So there you go. Plenty of sources to get free music to ramp up your videos or podcast sessions with. Now you have no excuse to not add a bit of atmosphere to your next project.

If you find anything great via these resources, let me know below! I’d love to hear about your discoveries and even a little show and tell about what adding this music has done for your work!

best free stock photo sites

Freebies to Use For Your Business: Best Free Stock Photo Sites

Last month, I wrote a piece on free cloud services that we can use to host our files. I mentioned that I used three different services because I use them for different tasks.

That triggered a number of questions from various folks asking if I knew of other free services that new online creatives could use while they were growing their business.

Here were the 4 main requests:

  • Free stock images
  • Free music
  • Best free business advice (if they couldn’t afford Fizzle at $35/mo)
  • Free apps I use to make my life easier and more productive.

This week, I’m going to start with discussing free stock images.

I’ll be visiting three vital things to know when you’re dealing with free stock images:

  1. What they actually are.
  2. How to know if you can use them in your project.
  3. And, where you can find them.


What Are Stock Images

Stock images are one of those necessary evils that many of us will have to use for our projects one time or another.

Stock images are images that are created by a photographer or illustrators in order for them to be used in commercial content.

Most of the time, they’re available in a huge libraries such as Shutterstock, 123RF, and iStockPhoto.

However, not all images that are used with commercial content are stock. Stock simply means the image is generic and people can use it for pretty much anything.

For example, Pat Flynn opts to use images that are illustrations of the topic, whereas I personally tend to use stills from real life.

types of stock images

Different types of Stock Images used in Blogging and Posts Today


In fact, most of the time I’m using images of people doing something. In my mind it makes it more relatable.

Again, don’t confuse images that were created generically with images that were made specifically for a certain purpose.

For example, even though they might look like they’re stock shots, the cover images of the Unmistakable Creative look like generic outlines, but in reality, they play a vital part to their marketing and brand.

How to Know if You Can Use a Stock Image In Your Project

There’s two things you want to consider before using an image for your next project.

  • What kind of license does it have?
  • Does it have a watermark on it?


Licenses for stock images are generally divided into two types:

  • Royalty free
  • Rights-managed

Royalty free means that once someone has purchased a license to an image, they can use the image multiple times without having to pay again to do so. If the image is free (like we’re talking about in this post), then that means that you’ll be able to use it as many times as you’d like.

Rights-managed images are generally restricted in terms of usage – limitations may include industry, geographic location or the duration for which the image can be used.

If you’re going to be paying for a license (which I’m not sure why you’d do that after today’s post) and/or you’re unsure what type of license you’ll need to purchase for a particular image, be sure to contact the company who owns it and ensure you’ll be covered.



The easiest way to identify a stock image is to look for a watermark on the image itself. This watermark will often indicate the source of the image.

Here’s a ridiculous example of watermarking vs what you’ll normally see:

Examples of Watermarks that you might see on the web today.

Neither one you’d want to use in your work. Let me repeat that…


It doesn’t matter how small the watermark is. If it’s showing that’s a huge no-no.

That said, it can be difficult to determine if images are stock. One way to check is to use reverse image search platforms like Google Images or On their native sites, they  allow you to upload the image and search it against billions of others. (If you use Chrome like me, though, there’s a plugin you can use that will allow you to check with a single click.)

If the image doesn’t turn up, chances are it’s original.

Alternatively, if it’s used everywhere, there’s a good chance that it’s royalty-free. It’s up to you to find the source of the image though.

This may sound like a lot of work, but in reality, it all boils down to just a few extra minutes of your time. And with all of the effort you put day in and day out into making your business a success, it’s certainly worth it to ensure you’ll be able to use your new design, hassle-free, for years to come.


Where Can You Find Free Stock Images

Ok, now that I got that legalese part out of the way, here’s the meat of this post.

What sites do I use to find my royalty free images?

Here are the top 3 that I use:

Pexels tends to have some of the coolest shots I’ve seen, but have somewhat of a limited selection. If I can find an image there, I’ll often use it.

If I can’t find something at Pexels, I’ll use the other two to find what I’m looking for.

And if that’s not enough sources for you, then here’s a good list provided by

14 Amazingly Free Stock Photo Websites

One by Bryan Inness over at Who Is Hosting This

Free Stock Photos: 100+ Free (& Nearly Free) Libraries

And another one of “Non-Stock” Photo Sources:

The Free High Quality Non-Stock Photo Sources You’ve Always Wanted

Make sure you give credit if it’s required!

Action Steps:

Ok guys. So there you go. If you’re ever in need of an image again for your content and don’t want to or can’t take a good image yourself, there’s really no reason why you should have to pay for a good one.

In fact, there’s a site that’s all about killing stock photos altogether: Death to the Stock Photo (they’re not exactly 100% free, so I didn’t use them in the list above).

However, if you do find yourself paying for image that you simply must have for your work, then make sure you abide by the rules of the license. You could be slapped with a huge fine if you don’t.

Also, just for bonus – here are some good do’s and don’ts when it comes to finding good images for your next project:

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Using Stock Photos in Your Marketing

podcasting trends

CJ Ripka on the History, Future, and Trends of Podcasting – It’s Raw and Real! (AoL 077)

Podcasts are one of the most used ways to get your message out there. Whether it’s for fun, you’re syndicating as a radio show, or you’re using it to deliver content for your business, podcasts are gaining popularity all the time.

For me, I’ve been listening to them since 2010 and producing them since 2013.

However, today’s guest, has a heck of a lot more experience in this world than I do. In fact, he’s been around the media a good part of his life.

In this chat with Chris (aka CJ Ripka on his podcast Raw and Real), I wanted to find out more about the medium itself.

Where it came from, why it’s called a podcast, ways people are being successful with it today, and some of the things he believes are in the not too distant future for the medium.

As usual, I also find out how he got the wealth of knowledge he has. If you have similar interests and you love podcast tech, then hopefully it will shed some light on what your next steps might be!

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • When did Chris get into media production? 5:48
  • Where did the interest come from in working with media? 8:30
  • How did he start with podcasting? 12:16
  • What’s his thoughts in there being different perspectives in how podcasting production should be done? 13:48
  • Where the term podcasting come from? 17:10
  • Who are some of the early podcasters that are still around? 21:30
  • Why Chris believes that some of the niches that exist in podcasting are going to dissolve soon. 25:15
  • What are some things that any podcaster should think about and/or consider when they want to tweak their show? 27:56
  • What are some ways to build a larger audience? 31:54
  • Who is one of the more memorable guests that Chris has had on his live stream show, Raw and Real? 33:02
  • What’s going on in the rest of 2017 for Chris? 35:06
  • Who are three influencers who have helped him get where he is? 37:20
  • What is the hardest thing that he’s ever had to say no to? 39:55
  • What would be something you’d find in Chris’ edition of the Creative Entrepreneur’s Handbook? 40:28
  • What advice does he often hear adults giving to children that he calls bs on? 41:21
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 42:12
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Raw and Real Episode 3 with Dr. Rob Garcia:

Current Facebook Live Format interview with Rob:

Chris is Interview by Dennis Langlais of the Five Minute Bark Podcast

Finding Your Place After the Military Interview:

how old is podcasting
where did the name podcast come from?
nothing happens over night
national guard production engineer

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