Entries by JC

AoL 017: Helping Organizations Find Their True North through Projects with Frank Forte

As movements and organizations grow, they sometimes lose the soul of what the organization was originally based on. Or, perhaps they’ve grown with the original intent for so long that they are too chaotic for their own good. Take academia for example. When I was a graduate instructor, the head of my department didn’t get along […]

Successes of 2015 and How We’re Going to Crush Next Year

Learn what you can from 2015. Embrace the good ideas. Let go of the bad ones. Clean your mental hard drive for some new code to enter. As a creator, we have minds that want to naturally do anything they come up with. Many times we stick with those ideas until we can see them through. […]

Allie McAdam: Secrets of Being a Young Successful Mompreneur (AoL 016)

Creators are generally a different breed than most. Many times, we find ourselves trying to fit into a world that is so focused on consumerism, that we Creators are kinda looked at funny when we tell people what we do. Even this past Christmas, I found myself having to explain to multiple family members what it […]