
business knowledge

Freebies to Use For Your Business: Latest Online Business Knowledge

This month we’ve been looking at free resources to build your business with. The past two weeks, we’ve looked at ways that you can spruce up your content for free.

First we discussed stock photos and where you can get free ones. Of course, stock photos can be used to add flair to your blog posts and other media.

Next, we looked at non copyright music and how you can use that in your media as well.

This week, we’re changing things up a bit. We’re going mental. I’m giving you some of my favorite places to get “basically free” business wisdom.

I say it’s “basically free” because even if they have premium courses or memberships, they’re relatively inexpensive compared to what’s out there. I’m not including anyone that thas content that is specifically meant for as entries to their course or events. Those all tend to get a bit more expensive that a lot of people can afford. (So, no, I won’t be including Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, or John Maxwell in this specific list!)


Top 5 Favorite Online Business Figures:

This is a list of individuals who I listen to on a regular basis to keep up with trends, knowledge, and general awareness of the online entrepreneurial space. Sure, there might be plenty of names out there that do this as well, but these were the folks that had significant influence in my own entrepreneurial education.

Without them, I wouldn’t know or know about half the stuff that I do today.


  1. Pat Flynn

    I had to put Pat up first because he was the first one who introduced me to making real money online. Up until I found him, I knew of Google Ads, banners, and MLM’s. But as he started exploring this world, I followed along on his journey. I just wish that I had started on my own sooner!


  2. Gary Vaynerchuk

    Pat contributed his early work to a couple of people. Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss, and Gary.

    Gary’s first book, Crush It!, really helped Pat get started. While it was published in 2009, it still has a lot of very practical info. I actually read it the first week that Pat published his first podcast. Which, at the time, sounded so awesome and cool to me.

    Today Gary is kicking even more butt and has an even wider fan base. Having started Vaynermedia since then, he’s brought on a staff, and has started a few series on his YouTube channel: #AskGaryVee and #DailyVee


  3. Lewis Howes

    Probably one of my favorite early guests of Pat and another guy I’ve liked watching as he’s been building his business. When he started his podcast called the School of Greatness, I loved how it had examples of folks who had done their own thing. But he wasn’t focused on the how-to, he was all about the lifestyle aspect.

    Today he interviews folks such as Larry King, Wyclef Jean, and Cesar Millan!

    Amazing that he started his journey from his sister’s couch!

  4. Michael O’Neal

    Michael is someone I learned quite a bit from when he was on Pat’s show, so I figured I had to start paying attention to him as well. While i haven’t been following him as long as everyone else, I would say that his podcast is amazing. He reaches those niches that Pat hasn’t been able to go into via his podcast. He’s had some MLM folks on as well as investors.

    Also, Michael approaches interview as an artform that I really appreciate. His ability to be so natural on the mic is simply incredible.


  5. Tim Ferriss

    I didn’t really listen to Tim until recently. Yeah, that’s right… I know, I know!

    But hear me out. The reason I didn’t was because his conversations were so long. However, my guests kept saying that they loved his show, so I started paying attention myself. Now the long conversations that once turned me away are the reasons that I listen.

    From a podcaster’s perspective, like Michael, Tim is gifted on the mic as well. His long conversations get a lot more out of his guests then the more typical 30-45 minute conversations. That’s the one reason why I don’t try and keep my guests short – if they want to go on, they certainly can. If they want to keep to an our chat, there’s that option as well.


Top 5 Business Resources on the Web:

Sometimes, there’s more than just one person who runs an online business or organization. Whether I need new inspiration, or have a question that I actually need answered, here’s a list of five of my favorite resources from around the web.


  1. Fizzle

    For those of you have heard a few episodes of Angles of Lattitude podcast, you know that I’m a huge fan of Fizzle. There’s two main reasons. The first reason is because of their wide variety of video courses to help you go from point A to B in so many different topics. From as broad a topic as picking your own topic to learning how to book yourself solid with prospects and clients, to niching down even further to something like comparing video hosting services.

    It’s a ton of info that you might have to spend lots of time finding yourself or paying out the nose for elsewhere.

    The other reason is because the forum there, I believe, is full of folks who are actually doing something to move their business forward. Because they have to pay to play, they take things a bit more seriously. This means they actually have real experience you can tap into. I don’t think the same thing can be said about many of the groups you can find on Facebook. Some of them are simply too easy to get into and you have little to no idea if the person who’s giving the advice actually knows what they’re talking about!

    Anyhow, check them out, see what courses might be useful for you and get some of your questions answered in the forum. It’ll definitely be worth your while.

    Oh, and they have a podcast too!


  2. Art of Charm

    While Fizzle is good at teaching business skills, we should all realize that isn’t all there is to business. You have to have social skills as well. That’s where AoC picks up. Most people know of this group for their great podcast. And while the podcast is hosted by Jordan Harbinger, there is more to the AoC crew than him.

    Personally, I’ve learned enough through the show and Jordan to give myself some life hacks here and there. But you might consider actually attending their workshop sometime in LA if you really want or need to go deep.


  3. Social Media Examiner

    We’re all in the business of getting our story out onto the web to our potential clients, audience, and customers. Problem is, the tools to do that are always changing. What worked last year might not work next year. What started off as a one man show has changed over time to what it is today – the forefront explorer of all things social.


  4. TED

    If you’re not familiar with TED, then you should definitely take a look. Just about all major thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and educators have been in a TED or TEDx presentation. My favorite three talks of all time on there are done by Mike Rowe, Tony Robbins, and of course, Simon Sinek.


  5. Khan Academy

     Most people would initially think that Khan Academy is for students between middle school and college. For the most, they’d be right. However, they actually have lessons for entrepreneurs as well! One of stories on there is from Elon Musk – do definitely something to check out if you like founder stories.


Action Steps:

So these are the basically free resources that I get a lot of my “business awareness” from these days.

If you ever need inspiration, more surface level knowledge on a certain business subject, or simply want some good words of wisdom, then these folks are all good ones to know.

Let me know below some of your favorite general business knowledge people!

best free stock photo sites

Freebies to Use For Your Business: Best Free Stock Photo Sites

Last month, I wrote a piece on free cloud services that we can use to host our files. I mentioned that I used three different services because I use them for different tasks.

That triggered a number of questions from various folks asking if I knew of other free services that new online creatives could use while they were growing their business.

Here were the 4 main requests:

  • Free stock images
  • Free music
  • Best free business advice (if they couldn’t afford Fizzle at $35/mo)
  • Free apps I use to make my life easier and more productive.

This week, I’m going to start with discussing free stock images.

I’ll be visiting three vital things to know when you’re dealing with free stock images:

  1. What they actually are.
  2. How to know if you can use them in your project.
  3. And, where you can find them.


What Are Stock Images

Stock images are one of those necessary evils that many of us will have to use for our projects one time or another.

Stock images are images that are created by a photographer or illustrators in order for them to be used in commercial content.

Most of the time, they’re available in a huge libraries such as Shutterstock, 123RF, and iStockPhoto.

However, not all images that are used with commercial content are stock. Stock simply means the image is generic and people can use it for pretty much anything.

For example, Pat Flynn opts to use images that are illustrations of the topic, whereas I personally tend to use stills from real life.

types of stock images

Different types of Stock Images used in Blogging and Posts Today


In fact, most of the time I’m using images of people doing something. In my mind it makes it more relatable.

Again, don’t confuse images that were created generically with images that were made specifically for a certain purpose.

For example, even though they might look like they’re stock shots, the cover images of the Unmistakable Creative look like generic outlines, but in reality, they play a vital part to their marketing and brand.

How to Know if You Can Use a Stock Image In Your Project

There’s two things you want to consider before using an image for your next project.

  • What kind of license does it have?
  • Does it have a watermark on it?


Licenses for stock images are generally divided into two types:

  • Royalty free
  • Rights-managed

Royalty free means that once someone has purchased a license to an image, they can use the image multiple times without having to pay again to do so. If the image is free (like we’re talking about in this post), then that means that you’ll be able to use it as many times as you’d like.

Rights-managed images are generally restricted in terms of usage – limitations may include industry, geographic location or the duration for which the image can be used.

If you’re going to be paying for a license (which I’m not sure why you’d do that after today’s post) and/or you’re unsure what type of license you’ll need to purchase for a particular image, be sure to contact the company who owns it and ensure you’ll be covered.



The easiest way to identify a stock image is to look for a watermark on the image itself. This watermark will often indicate the source of the image.

Here’s a ridiculous example of watermarking vs what you’ll normally see:

Examples of Watermarks that you might see on the web today.

Neither one you’d want to use in your work. Let me repeat that…


It doesn’t matter how small the watermark is. If it’s showing that’s a huge no-no.

That said, it can be difficult to determine if images are stock. One way to check is to use reverse image search platforms like Google Images or On their native sites, they  allow you to upload the image and search it against billions of others. (If you use Chrome like me, though, there’s a plugin you can use that will allow you to check with a single click.)

If the image doesn’t turn up, chances are it’s original.

Alternatively, if it’s used everywhere, there’s a good chance that it’s royalty-free. It’s up to you to find the source of the image though.

This may sound like a lot of work, but in reality, it all boils down to just a few extra minutes of your time. And with all of the effort you put day in and day out into making your business a success, it’s certainly worth it to ensure you’ll be able to use your new design, hassle-free, for years to come.


Where Can You Find Free Stock Images

Ok, now that I got that legalese part out of the way, here’s the meat of this post.

What sites do I use to find my royalty free images?

Here are the top 3 that I use:

Pexels tends to have some of the coolest shots I’ve seen, but have somewhat of a limited selection. If I can find an image there, I’ll often use it.

If I can’t find something at Pexels, I’ll use the other two to find what I’m looking for.

And if that’s not enough sources for you, then here’s a good list provided by

14 Amazingly Free Stock Photo Websites

One by Bryan Inness over at Who Is Hosting This

Free Stock Photos: 100+ Free (& Nearly Free) Libraries

And another one of “Non-Stock” Photo Sources:

The Free High Quality Non-Stock Photo Sources You’ve Always Wanted

Make sure you give credit if it’s required!

Action Steps:

Ok guys. So there you go. If you’re ever in need of an image again for your content and don’t want to or can’t take a good image yourself, there’s really no reason why you should have to pay for a good one.

In fact, there’s a site that’s all about killing stock photos altogether: Death to the Stock Photo (they’re not exactly 100% free, so I didn’t use them in the list above).

However, if you do find yourself paying for image that you simply must have for your work, then make sure you abide by the rules of the license. You could be slapped with a huge fine if you don’t.

Also, just for bonus – here are some good do’s and don’ts when it comes to finding good images for your next project:

10 Do’s and Don’ts for Using Stock Photos in Your Marketing

true fans

Making It Start To Work by Identifying Your True Fans

In part of last week’s post, I mentioned that if we’re going to be involved in digital marketing, we need to be aware of who our Raving or True Fans are.

The question was asked, how do you find who those people are?

This is a great question. So good, in fact, that I’m going to make this post all about answering that question.


What Makes a True Fan?

So real quick, if you’re not familiar with the phrase “True Fan”, let’s fix that real quick.

A True Fan is basically someone that will go out of their way to be involved in your work.

They’re the ones that, if you’re speaking for example, will travel 150-200 miles to hear you talk.

They will open up and read your emails.

True Fans are those that tell others about you all the time.

And, they’re the ones who self identify themselves as fans of your work.

So, really, these folks are people that believe in what you’re doing and want to be a part of it in anyway they can.


How Does Someone Become a True Fan?

A person becomes a true fan of yours when they feel that they’re engaged in what you’re doing.

That word “engaged” is the key.

How do you build engagement? One person at a time.

If someone takes the time to comment on a blog post, or emails you, or does anything else to reach out to you, answer them. And I don’t mean answer them with a “Oh, thanks!” sort of response. I mean give them a paragraph or two that brings them in further.

A better response to a compliment instead of “Oh, thanks!” would be “Oh, hey <sender>! Thanks for reaching out. Yeah, that <whatever they’re complimenting on> is so important to me. I’m glad you found some value in it! What’s your thoughts on <insert related topic>?”

If they respond, great! Keep going down that path with them.

One thing that I’ve found which has helped me is by finding out how I can add more value to them.

I mean, they might not become a True Fan in the end (we can’t control that) but if they respond, then we might have better insights of helping your real True Fans.

Always seek to improve others lives by letting them have a part in your work. Whether it’s through your art, products, or other services, find out what they want – don’t guess if you can help it.


Identifying True Fans

Active True Fans

So, we’ve gone over what true fans are and how people can become one. But how do you identify them?

Well, for one, I think you should know that there are two types of true fans. The first group is a bit more active in following your work. For example, they always share, comment on, or like posts on social media. They always open your emails. If you attend conferences, they’ll definitely come and talk to you.

Usually these folks make it abundantly clear that they’re listening to you.

They’re the ones who you can count on and they’re relatively easy to identify.

Do you know a few folks like this? Make note of their names, their likes and dislikes, and their contact info. Heck if you’re just starting out, perhaps a Google spreadsheet might be useful!

Keep engaging with them and finding more and more ways to add value to these folks.

Passive True Fans

Not all true fans are outspoken as those that I would call active. There’s a more passive variety that you might only hear from time to time or not at all.

But, they’re still engaging with your stuff on another level. They might buy all your products, or they’re telling their friends about what you do.

Many times these same people don’t have the time to follow all of your posts on social media or read all of your emails. Perhaps they’re busy in their own world.

The thing is you have no idea that they’re out there because they don’t usually self identify.

So how do you find this group of fans?

The number one easiest way is to give them the opportunity to raise their hand and say they are a true fan.

Perhaps this might be a special landing page for a separate email list that will allow them to get special news as MVP’s. Sure, you might be getting your active true fans in the list as well, but it’s easier to communicate with them then as well!

Also, consider a special Facebook Group (like I have for the AoL Podcast here). Just make sure that whatever you create, that you don’t leave it on automation too long. I’ve seen some groups start well and then the leader disappears after setting it on auto-pilot with another group member.

I’m sure there’s other ideas, but these are the ones that I use.


Action Steps

The key takeaway that I want you to get this week is for you to start building engagement. Only then can you build products and give services that you know people want.

Here’s the strategy in short:

Reach out and add value.

Find out who engages back with you readily and regularly.

And offer them extra value to become True Fans (MVPs?).

Let me know below how you you’ve reached out to your true fans below!


P.S. I didn’t speak too much about Twitter. But you can use tools like to see who’s following you. Or, if you want more functionality, check out

(Note: If you decide to use – do so while knowing that some of the functions in it might be somewhat annoying to certain individuals. While I was playing with it, I got on certain people’s radars in a way that wasn’t necessarily the best way!)

Then, send some messages to those who are fans of you (they’re only following you) or you’re following each other. Let them know about your MVP list or group.




virtual summit tech

Creating Big Events through Small Details: Why Virtual Summits are the New Webinars with Jaime Slutzky (AoL 076)

As a creative, one of the biggest ways to get your name out on the web these days are through is through webinars.

You show up, give your presentation on your topic, and then, if everything goes right, you’ll soon see people signing up for your newsletter or, better yet, buying from you.

However, in a world where there are those of us who haven’t made a name for ourselves, or simply want to have a large event, a solo webinar might not be the best choice for you to promote your services or products.

That’s where virtual summits come in.

Like a conference, a virtual summit is a collection of speakers discussing one topic.

But unlike a conference, you can host it on the web like a webinar. Which is great! Virtually no overhead and no one has to travel to receive the information.

In my chat with Jaime Slutzky, founder of Virtual Summits Tech, we discuss more about the topic of virtual summits, how she got into helping people with them, and some of the keys that will make your next one a success.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How Jaime got started in Computer Science as her major. 7:28
  • What got her interested in being in web design? 11:51
  • What made her pull the trigger to kick her corporate job? 14:00
  • How did her immediate circle of influence take the news she was leaving her corporate job? 15:19
  • Where did her first clients come from? 16:50
  • What early hurdles did Jaime overcome in starting her business? 21:09
  • What is a virtual summit? 26:08
  • Why would someone host a virtual summit vs hosting their own webinar? 27:31
  • What are some of the key parts to having a successful virtual summit? 28:48
  • How exactly does Jaime help her clients with their virtual summits? 32:01
  • How does someone find the right kind of guests for a virtual summit? 37:46
  • What’s Jaime looking forward to helping people with in 2017? 41:34
  • Who are three influencers in Jaime’s career? 44:05
  • One gift she likes giving others 45:01
  • What would she do tomorrow if woke up as the 10 year old version of herself with her memories intact? 46:53
  • What is one thing all high school students must know? 48:59
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 49:54
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Create PayPal Link to Use Inside Emails:

Shared Website Hosting:

Updating WordPress to Keep Your Site Secure:

Session 38 of Copy that Pops Podcast with Laura Petersen:

virtual summit tech
virtual summit tech
virtual summit tech

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


alexis parris

Alexis Parris: Doing What’s Important but Not Expected – How to Find the Education You Really Need (AoL 074)

The world crafts us to be a certain way, there’s no doubt about it.

To this day, most formal education teaches us to be employees.

However, there’s some formal education out there that teaches to our strengths.

But many times, those places are really hard to get into because of the highly custom work they do.

Today’s guest, Alexis Parris, worked hard enough in her craft of dancing to get into one of those schools.

However, she soon learned that while she was good, if not great, at dancing, she had work to do that she really wanted to help people with.

Finding their true gifts themselves.

In this session, Daniel Postma and I chat with Alexis to find out more about her path, including why she left her amazing dancing career to pursue her new dreams, how she’s been able to get great mentors in her life, and what she truly believes that personal development means and why it’s so important.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was the process like in Alexis getting started as an entrepreneur? 7:18
  • How did she get into dancing early on? 9:45
  • When did she realize she wanted to do something other than dance as a career? 11:41
  • What made her make that choice? 12:37
  • How did she learn her definition of sacrifice vs what most people think of it as? 14:25
  • What made her quit school altogether? 18:39
  • How would Alexis like to change the world? 21:22
  • What inspired the name of her company “Anomalies at Work”? 25:05
  • How does Alexis reach out to people who aren’t tuned into bettering their lives and those around them? 33:04
  • Why did she chose the title “Why I Quit College to Learn” for her book? 34:19
  • How she would recommend getting mentors into your life. 35:08
  • What made her write her book? 41:08
  • What kind of journal does she use to document and keep records? 44:07
  • What does personal development involve? 46:22
  • Influencers who have helped her to where she is today? 52:32
  • One gift she likes giving others. 52:54
  • A piece of advice that has changed her mindset the most? 53:25
  • One thing all high school students must know? 54:04
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 54:57
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Alexis’s takeaways from the Super Bowl:

Alexis on Embracing how You Stand Out:

Gary V on being real with yourself about who you are vs who you want to be.

Jim Rohn on Taking Charge of Your Life:

alexis parris
alexis parris
alexis parris
alexis parris

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


jack sparrow cosplay

“Long Jon Sparrow” Jon Boersma: Business to Arts, Arts to Business: How to Find Your New Horizon (AoL 073)

For many of us creators, we do things because we have a passion for it.

The question often is, how do we monetize something we enjoy doing without taking the fun out of it? Or, if we’re doing it because we see it as a mission – how do we keep from tainting that mission?

Like today’s guest, I believe, if done right, you can take something you love to do and make a living doing it.

That’s why I believe in Fizzle so much. That’s exactly what they teach people to do.

In this session, Laila and I sit down with an entrepreneur who has taken his passion of geeking out as Jack Sparrow to another level.

He gets paid to actually impersonate Jack as Long Jon Sparrow.

In today’s chat with Jon Boersma, we find out what inspired him to impersonate Captain Jack Sparrow, how much of his work was learned from formal education vs being self taught, and we dive a bit into how knowing about the 4 basic personalities have helped him in his career and how others can apply the same info to their lives.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What inspired Jon to do a Captain Jack Sparrow impersonation in the first place? 8:40
  • Where did he get the help to come up with his costume? 11:43
  • When was Jon first bitten by the entrepreneur bug? 14:45
  • Where did his company, Horizons, come from? 16:05
  • How much of his work is formal education vs self taught skills? 17:43
  • How did he get started with Super Gainz Fitness? 23:23
  • When did his business really take off? 26:22
  • What’s the deal with his project Business to Arts, Arts to Business? 31:08
  • Does Jon deal with any copyright issues with impersonation? 34:28
  • What’s some more info on the personalities and how can they help in someone’s career? 36:23
  • What are some of the things that Jon’s looking forward to in 2017? 43:11
  • Three books that he tells others about. 46:47
  • What social norm has taken a 180 degree turn in the past 10 years? 48:50
  • What’s the smallest decision Jon’s made that has had the largest impact on his life? 57:26
  • If he woke up tomorrow as his 10 year old self with all of his memories intact, what would he do? 59:42
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:01:14
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Long Jon Sparrow giving a business presentation:

Prince EA: Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives:

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Alyson Tabbitha’s Jack Sparrow Transformation/Tutorial:

jack sparrow cosplay personality types jack sparrow cosplay jack sparrow cosplay

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


ascension mentorship

Albert Winks on Building Ascension Mentorship – A New Kind of Networking (AoL 071)

Networking meetings, meetups, Facebook groups.

These are just a few places where entrepreneurs go to meet others in their quest to build their businesses.

But what does being a part of these groups do for the member?

What is it about that particular group that sets it different then all the other ones out there?

That differentiation will make or break the group in the long run.

Those that are put together well are often thought of as villages because the people are seen as a tribe.

Join us in this chat as we discover what makes a good village and how you might be able to get involved with one yourself.


  • What’s Al’s background? 6:48
  • When did Al know it was time to get out of the military? 15:22
  • What kind of creative influences did he have growing up? 20:19
  • Some of the Al’s thoughts on military influence in pop culture. 24:02
  • What’s Ascension Mentorship really all about? 19:56
  • What kind of businesses are involved with Ascension? 36:27
  • How can someone build their own functional offline community? 43:10
  • What the Veteran Leadership Coalition is about and who should be interested. 50:23
  • Al’s Top 3 Favorite Books 56:41
  • Something under $100 that has changed his life. 59:06
  • Something he believed as a 30 year old but doesn’t now. 1:01:12
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Dr. David Rock on the SCARF Model:

Patrick Lencioni on one of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team:

John Maxwell introduces his book Intentional Living:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


ascension mentorship ascension mentorship ascension mentorship