learn new skills

2 Frameworks to Help You Learn New Skills and Improve Your Memory

In general, entrepreneurs can be a picky bunch when it comes to using our 24 hours. Most of us have routines that we pride ourselves in having.

However, sometimes those routines get in the way of more efficient practices and routines that we don’t even know exist.

That’s why it’s important to keep learning. As solopreneurs, we need to keep learning about skills, mindsets, and interacting with others. It’s when we learn those better routines where we find ourselves being a superhero version of ourselves.

In this post, I’m going to share two frameworks that I recently heard on a podcast with Jim Kwik, founder of SuperHeroYou. Ironically, I’ve employed these frameworks in my own learning, but I wasn’t consciously aware of it! I guess it was just one of those situations where I was a unconsciously competent.

Both of these processes have allowed me to learn skills and new ideas quickly and retain them – I know it will be useful for you as well if you haven’t heard of them!


It Helps to be a FAST Learner

The first acronym which was shared in the interview was FAST. Since I’ve been a teacher in the past, I developed these habits for myself. But as mentioned, it’s cool to have them made into a framework to share with others.


The F in FAST stands for Forget

Now, you might be thinking, “isn’t forgetting the last thing we want to do in learning?”.

Well, sorta.

Here’s the thing. The forgetting that needs to take place is actually the perspective that we have on a given topic. We don’t want to approach something from a know-it-all perspective. Whatever we feel that we know of a given subject is going to get in the way.

This is precisely why most kids learn faster than adults. Most adults approach new topics from a point where they’re trying to relate it to information they already know about a given situation. They try to make sense of it and store each new piece they learn with something they already know.

Another thing we want to forget is limiting beliefs. Just because something might not have worked for you in the past doesn’t mean it can’t work for you in the future. Maybe you feel that you’re not worthy to receive success? Well forget that too. That’s not true. Especially if it’s in something that isn’t related to your physical abilities.


The A in FAST stands for Active

The next part to remember is that you need to be active with anything you’re learning. That’s why the courses that people like to take are the ones with workbooks. We might have hated those as we were growing up in classes, but there was some good intention there.

As you might know, I’m not a big fan of our current education system – the Prussian Education System. (I mentioned it in session 5 of the AoL podcast.) It simply isn’t preparing today’s students for where the world is at.

In a nutshell, this system teaches us how to take orders. We implemented it in the United States when the economy required more workers than leaders. I believe that today’s economy needs more leaders – not followers. More people taking initiative than people waiting to be told what to do. Be PROACTIVE, not REACTIVE.


The S in FAST stands for State

The next thing about learning quickly is that you have to be in the right state of mind and body. Not only do you have to be ready and open to learn, you also have to be in the right position.

The state your mind has to be in is one of curiosity. If you’re apprehensive about a subject, you’re really not going to understand it in the same way. Remember, approach the subject as a kid would – with wonder.

The state your body needs to be is one of attention. For example, if you were really into a movie, more than likely you’re going to be in a different position than if you were casually watching TV.


The T in FAST stands for Teaching

I listened to this podcast twice because I knew I wanted to share it with you guys. Because of that, I’m learning about it at a deeper level than I would have if I was just casually listening to it for myself.

If you really want to learn something thoroughly, learn it as if you’re going to teach it to someone else – like a best friend. Prepare for questions they might have by making notes to yourself and relating that new information to topics they might already be familiar with.

Remembering Through the MOM Framework

So, learning is one thing. But remembering is another.

Everyone can learn facts or new things (including names!) but unless you use the following items, you’re going to forget what you’ve learned.


The First M in MOM is for Motivation

You need a reason to remember what you’re learning. As they said in the chat, if you were promised $10,000 to remember someone’s name, you’re going to be able to remember their name even if you’re bad at remembering in names.

Since that’s pretty unrealistic in most cases, you’ll need to figure out what your motivation is to remember whatever you’re learning.

But just a tip – Dale Carnegie wrote that people love hearing their name. So when you are learning names, perhaps you should remember them. Especially if you’re a business owner. You don’t know if knowing someone will eventually land you a $10,000 deal – OR more!


The O in MOM is for Observation

One of the things that Brendon Burchard is really big in advising others to do is be present. Soak it all in, not only for others, but for yourself.

This works both ways because, for one, if you’re paying attention to your surroundings when you learn something or meet someone important, then you’re going to have more connection to that moment.

Also, if a person is present for others, they’ll remembered by the person they were conversing with. Why? Simply because most people are noticeably not paying attention to what’s being said – they’re either trying to think about how they’re respond or they’re focused on something else completely.


The Second M in MOM is for Mechanics

It’s ok to come up with your own acronyms – whatever works for you. The trick is to find a process or trick that works for different situations and practice it. Over and over. For instance, you won’t get better at memorizing names until you start practicing it.


Action Steps

I want you guys to apply these frameworks in your day to day lives. So the first thing I want you to do is listen to a conversation with Jim. I listened to him through Jordan Harbinger, but maybe you’d prefer to hear him talk with Lewis Howes.

If you’ve already started applying these frameworks in your life, I’d love to hear about your experiences below. What is something that you’ve applied one of these frameworks to? How’d it work out?

facebook groups list

6 Facebook Groups for Creative Entrepreneurs – My Facebook Groups List Revealed!

When Facebook first started, it was mainly geared towards college students. Back then, it had features that reflected that fact. I remember there was one place where you could put in the classes you were taking – and let’s not forget that you could only register with .edu email accounts.

One feature that’s been there the entire time has been the ability to form groups. Over the years, these groups have changed from being a place to share interests, to being almost forgotten during the early Facebook Page days, to now being the new way for online marketers to build followings.

Today, those groups that are successful have turned into mega groups. I call them mega groups because they have over a thousand members.

I’d say that many of these mega groups are some of the best places to build relationships and build awareness of the existence of whatever you’re trying to do.

In this post, I want to share with you the mega groups that I’ve found to be the most valuable. Not only do they come without a hidden agenda, but they really do foster an atmosphere for you to build your own thing!


Smart Passive Income Community

If you guys know me, you know that Pat Flynn has been a huge influence in my business career. It was mainly because of him that I realized that there were other ways for everyday folks to build passive income streams outside of multi-level marketing.

At the time of this writing, his Facebook group (Smart Passive Income Community) is over 30,000 members. It was one of the first places that I started networking when I really started building New Inceptions and seeing what value I could add.


Podcast Discovery Center

Ok, so as a podcaster, I’ve been looking to be involved in groups that didn’t have an agenda. I first found my local group, Podcast Indy, but soon realized that I was one of the few business related podcasts in the group. Kinda hard to make guest appearances on other shows if they’re all talking about pop culture and geek related topics.

I knew I had to find another larger group.

That’s when I found the Podcast Discovery Center, also known as the PDC. Hosted by Scott Doucet (AoL Session 080) and Anthony Hayes (AoL Session 087), this place is a great resource for podcasters who want to jump in, hone their craft, and meet other podcasters in their niche.

It’s a really great place to build relationships with other folks who use podcasting as one of the ways to get their voice out onto the web too!


Millennial Entrepreneur Community

As I’ve been meeting other podcasters through the PDC, I met one in the business niche who had a fairly large following.

Arne Giske (AoL Session 084), host of the Millennial Entrepreneur Podcast and founder of the Millennial Entrepreneur Community, is pretty darn good at this group building thing. Not only has he given it a very laid back style where people have the opportunity to present their wares, but also a place to be open about your issues as an entrepreneur and any issues you might be having! A great community for beginners and veterans alike!


The Rising Tide Society

Another large group (The Rising Tide Society) I recently heard about was through Steph Crowder’s (AoL Session 034) new podcast, Courage and Clarity. In session 11 & 12, she spoke with Natalie Franke who is the founder of the group.

Since Natalie made her business on photography, you can expect to see a lot of photographers in this one!

Shoot Videos That Sell

If your thing is more about video production, here’s a group that might interest you. When it comes to making great videos, there’s a couple of people that I’d recommend following. Their names are Caleb Wojcik and Travis Shields.

Now, Caleb I know from the Pat Flynn / Fizzle side of the online marketing world. He’s awesome at what he does and you can find his PAGE here.

However, since we’re talking about Facebook groups in this post, the group I’d recommend is Travis Shields’ Facebook group Shoot Videos that Sell.

I didn’t know about Travis until recently, but I have to say that I’m impressed by his work. He is currently Brendon Burchard’s video guy for his studio work. So obviously, he knows what he’s talking about if he’s been hired by one the biggest names in digital marketing!

Order of Man

If you’re a guy and you’re wanting to do more with your life, but you feel stuck in a rut – I have a group for you. Join Ryan Michler (AoL Session 82) and his group Order of Man.

Now while this group isn’t exactly geared towards entrepreneurship as a whole, I think it’s important that entrepreneurs know the material that’s covered in it. There’s a lot of truth spoken.

Ryan LOVES to live streaming in his car. But man, those car rides definitely have some deep thoughts. And if you like what you see there, he’s starting to do live events as well. The most recent one he brought in David Rachford (Aol Session 038) to help his guests get a better grip on yoga!

If you think you have to be a male to get anything out this group, you might surprised. Maria tends to get just as much out from Ryan’s talk as she has from Jordan Harbinger from the Art of Charm.

Action Steps

So there you have it, the 6 mega Facebook Groups that I check out on a regular basis.

I feel this should definitely get you started in meeting new people online if that’s a goal of yours. Also, if you’re looking for just some cool groups to get some ideas from – these work as well!

Do you have any favorite entrepreneurial mega groups that you belong to that I didn’t list? Let me know about them in the comments below!


true fans

Making It Start To Work by Identifying Your True Fans

In part of last week’s post, I mentioned that if we’re going to be involved in digital marketing, we need to be aware of who our Raving or True Fans are.

The question was asked, how do you find who those people are?

This is a great question. So good, in fact, that I’m going to make this post all about answering that question.


What Makes a True Fan?

So real quick, if you’re not familiar with the phrase “True Fan”, let’s fix that real quick.

A True Fan is basically someone that will go out of their way to be involved in your work.

They’re the ones that, if you’re speaking for example, will travel 150-200 miles to hear you talk.

They will open up and read your emails.

True Fans are those that tell others about you all the time.

And, they’re the ones who self identify themselves as fans of your work.

So, really, these folks are people that believe in what you’re doing and want to be a part of it in anyway they can.


How Does Someone Become a True Fan?

A person becomes a true fan of yours when they feel that they’re engaged in what you’re doing.

That word “engaged” is the key.

How do you build engagement? One person at a time.

If someone takes the time to comment on a blog post, or emails you, or does anything else to reach out to you, answer them. And I don’t mean answer them with a “Oh, thanks!” sort of response. I mean give them a paragraph or two that brings them in further.

A better response to a compliment instead of “Oh, thanks!” would be “Oh, hey <sender>! Thanks for reaching out. Yeah, that <whatever they’re complimenting on> is so important to me. I’m glad you found some value in it! What’s your thoughts on <insert related topic>?”

If they respond, great! Keep going down that path with them.

One thing that I’ve found which has helped me is by finding out how I can add more value to them.

I mean, they might not become a True Fan in the end (we can’t control that) but if they respond, then we might have better insights of helping your real True Fans.

Always seek to improve others lives by letting them have a part in your work. Whether it’s through your art, products, or other services, find out what they want – don’t guess if you can help it.


Identifying True Fans

Active True Fans

So, we’ve gone over what true fans are and how people can become one. But how do you identify them?

Well, for one, I think you should know that there are two types of true fans. The first group is a bit more active in following your work. For example, they always share, comment on, or like posts on social media. They always open your emails. If you attend conferences, they’ll definitely come and talk to you.

Usually these folks make it abundantly clear that they’re listening to you.

They’re the ones who you can count on and they’re relatively easy to identify.

Do you know a few folks like this? Make note of their names, their likes and dislikes, and their contact info. Heck if you’re just starting out, perhaps a Google spreadsheet might be useful!

Keep engaging with them and finding more and more ways to add value to these folks.

Passive True Fans

Not all true fans are outspoken as those that I would call active. There’s a more passive variety that you might only hear from time to time or not at all.

But, they’re still engaging with your stuff on another level. They might buy all your products, or they’re telling their friends about what you do.

Many times these same people don’t have the time to follow all of your posts on social media or read all of your emails. Perhaps they’re busy in their own world.

The thing is you have no idea that they’re out there because they don’t usually self identify.

So how do you find this group of fans?

The number one easiest way is to give them the opportunity to raise their hand and say they are a true fan.

Perhaps this might be a special landing page for a separate email list that will allow them to get special news as MVP’s. Sure, you might be getting your active true fans in the list as well, but it’s easier to communicate with them then as well!

Also, consider a special Facebook Group (like I have for the AoL Podcast here). Just make sure that whatever you create, that you don’t leave it on automation too long. I’ve seen some groups start well and then the leader disappears after setting it on auto-pilot with another group member.

I’m sure there’s other ideas, but these are the ones that I use.


Action Steps

The key takeaway that I want you to get this week is for you to start building engagement. Only then can you build products and give services that you know people want.

Here’s the strategy in short:

Reach out and add value.

Find out who engages back with you readily and regularly.

And offer them extra value to become True Fans (MVPs?).

Let me know below how you you’ve reached out to your true fans below!


P.S. I didn’t speak too much about Twitter. But you can use tools like friendorfollow.com to see who’s following you. Or, if you want more functionality, check out Commun.it.

(Note: If you decide to use Commun.it – do so while knowing that some of the functions in it might be somewhat annoying to certain individuals. While I was playing with it, I got on certain people’s radars in a way that wasn’t necessarily the best way!)

Then, send some messages to those who are fans of you (they’re only following you) or you’re following each other. Let them know about your MVP list or group.




jack sparrow cosplay

“Long Jon Sparrow” Jon Boersma: Business to Arts, Arts to Business: How to Find Your New Horizon (AoL 073)

For many of us creators, we do things because we have a passion for it.

The question often is, how do we monetize something we enjoy doing without taking the fun out of it? Or, if we’re doing it because we see it as a mission – how do we keep from tainting that mission?

Like today’s guest, I believe, if done right, you can take something you love to do and make a living doing it.

That’s why I believe in Fizzle so much. That’s exactly what they teach people to do.

In this session, Laila and I sit down with an entrepreneur who has taken his passion of geeking out as Jack Sparrow to another level.

He gets paid to actually impersonate Jack as Long Jon Sparrow.

In today’s chat with Jon Boersma, we find out what inspired him to impersonate Captain Jack Sparrow, how much of his work was learned from formal education vs being self taught, and we dive a bit into how knowing about the 4 basic personalities have helped him in his career and how others can apply the same info to their lives.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What inspired Jon to do a Captain Jack Sparrow impersonation in the first place? 8:40
  • Where did he get the help to come up with his costume? 11:43
  • When was Jon first bitten by the entrepreneur bug? 14:45
  • Where did his company, Horizons, come from? 16:05
  • How much of his work is formal education vs self taught skills? 17:43
  • How did he get started with Super Gainz Fitness? 23:23
  • When did his business really take off? 26:22
  • What’s the deal with his project Business to Arts, Arts to Business? 31:08
  • Does Jon deal with any copyright issues with impersonation? 34:28
  • What’s some more info on the personalities and how can they help in someone’s career? 36:23
  • What are some of the things that Jon’s looking forward to in 2017? 43:11
  • Three books that he tells others about. 46:47
  • What social norm has taken a 180 degree turn in the past 10 years? 48:50
  • What’s the smallest decision Jon’s made that has had the largest impact on his life? 57:26
  • If he woke up tomorrow as his 10 year old self with all of his memories intact, what would he do? 59:42
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 1:01:14
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Long Jon Sparrow giving a business presentation:

Prince EA: Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives:

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Alyson Tabbitha’s Jack Sparrow Transformation/Tutorial:

jack sparrow cosplay personality types jack sparrow cosplay jack sparrow cosplay

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


How to Grow Your Network and Start Setting Up Meetings TODAY

Networking is vital to building your reach as a creator. Whether you’re starting a nonprofit, a business, or just wanting to build awareness of whatever else you might be doing, you’re going to have grow your network.

In this post, I’m going to share with you how you can start meeting like minded people today. This is the first step in building key relationships to help expand your community, audience, and/or business.


Get Started Locally

Many people in business are used to going to networking meetings in their local area. BNI, Toastmasters, and the Rotary are just a clubs you can meet other business owners. The great part about these particular clubs is that they’re everywhere.

There are a couple of places where you start looking for groups with similar interests to yours: meetup.com & eventbrite.com. The events that you might find might not be down the street, but they’ll be worth the drive.

For example, when I was first getting my feet wet when it came to entrepreneurship here in Indy, I would go to 3+ meetings a month where entrepreneurs could get together and discuss the newest and coolest things.

After a while, what I came to find out, especially here in Indy, was that I would tend to see the same people each week.

That’s great if what you’re looking to do is build solid foundational relationships. In fact, you might need to start there. However, after a while, the same people can only help you get your reach so far.

You need to keep meeting new people.

When you start feeling the itch to expand, it’s time to change things up.


Getting Out Of Your Town

Going to Conventions

For most industries, the way to meet people has been to gather in places where the leaders of the industries would gather. Conventions have been a part of history for a very long time. Maybe not to the extent that they are today, but they’ve been there.

When people think of conventions, they might think of something like Comic Con or CES. (Both are two that I want to check out before too long.)

I’ve been to my fair share of conventions. When the second trilogy of the Star Wars movies was coming out, I went to a Star Wars convention here in Indy called Celebration. A couple of years later, I went to a few trade shows, and then I started going to a series of business conventions.

Going to events like these – especially to those that you have a deep interest in topics discussed there – is one of the best feelings you can feel. I’m not sure how to entirely describe the feeling, but the best way that I can describe it is like going to a toy store (Toys ‘R Us for me) when you were in middle school.

You understand what it means to be there and there’s just so much potential of what could be.

The big difference between going to a toy store and going to a convention is that when you go to a convention, there’s other people there who are like you. They might have an audience already and doing what you want to do or they might be at your same level and have a missing piece to what you’re wanting to start.

Either way, conventions are a quick way to find people that understand you, think like you, and believe in what you’re doing as a creator.


Social Media:

While nothing can really replace the feeling of going to a convention, you can come close to the after effects (connecting with people) if you learn how to network on social media.

There’s a reason why you can max out your friends list on Facebook at 5000 people. Facebook really doesn’t expect you to really have that many deep relationships. However, they know there will be types of people who want to have as many connections as they can. Whether that’s for business or just for the heck of it, Facebook lets you do it.

So, if you’re a business owner or some other type of creator who wants to get their work known, don’t be afraid to network on Facebook.

For the last couple of years, ever since you had to pay for your page’s posts to reach more than 5% of your audience, groups have been making a huge comeback.

Luckily for you, there’s groups of all kinds.

If you want to build relationships outside of your town, you can start today. Just open up Facebook, search for something you’re interested in, find a group that looks somewhat alive, and then add value to the conversation.

Do that upwards of 20 some times (over a month) and people will know you provide value. Keep doing it over a few months, and you might actually start getting traction in that group as being a figure who knows what they’re talking about!

grow your networkAs Claude Errera of HBO said in session 72 of the podcastIt basically comes down to showing up.

As you’re engaging in those groups, feel free to add people as friends if they seem like they’re cool. Chances are they’ll accept and you can carry the conversation on outside of the group.


Making It Happen

Eventually you’re going to want to meet with people in person. Whether that’s face to face or through something like Skype, you’ll need to find a time to meet up with someone that you’ve started engaging with.


The Traditional Method:

When you’re looking to meetup with someone you’ve met outside of the usual events or groups you engage in, you might have an idea to send them an email to meet up. You send a few back and forth and you come up with a date and time to get together.

Then, you’re probably going to record it somewhere – unless you have a really good memory.

If you’re a busy person and have lots of meetings, or just like to keep track of things in a calendar, you might use one on your phone, computer, or perhaps online. For me, I use Google calendar for just about everything these days.

It wasn’t always that way. When I had a very repetitive schedule, I had no reason to use one.

Funny enough, I only started using a calendar when I had to start booking guests to interview on my podcast.

And now, I’ll just say it’s easier to write things down in a calendar then it is to try to remember all the events I have to be at or write them down on random pieces of paper.

A quick note: Always get the person’s email that you’re booking a meeting with. That way you can invite them through Google Calendar. This acts as sort of a confirmation that you’re actually putting it in your calendar. If they weren’t already, they’ll take you more seriously this way.


Automate It:

Since many podcasters have guests on their show like me, they have to set recording sessions on a regular basis.

Having to send multiple emails or messages and writing down the agreed upon date can take up a fair amount of time – especially if it’s repeated over and over.

To help gain back some of that time, there have been a few tools created over the years which can make this process much easier.

  • Calendly.com If you’re a host and you have a set schedule each week, then Calendly could definitely become one of your favorite tools. All you do is connect it to your Google calendar and let it know what types and length of meetings you’re wanting to do.
    After that, it will give you a link to share with people you want to meet with. Once you give it to them, they choose a time and you don’t have to have a trail of emails. Again, pretty handy if you have a set schedule each week!


  • Doodle.com This tool is one of my favorites because I have co-hosts who I work into the show whenever possible. It’s a solution for for more than 2 people.
    Instead of connecting this to your calendar, you manually pick a few dates and times you’re available to meet. Then, you share a poll with the other people you’re interested in meeting with. They vote on the times that they can get together and if a time has everyone match, that’s the one you choose to get together on.

There are other tools that are very similar to Calendly and Doodle, but I haven’t used them, so I can’t readily tell you the difference. Both of these do what I want them to do when needed!


Action Steps

Back in 2010 when I first started on my journey, groups on Facebook (or LinkedIn for that matter) weren’t as common as they are today. There’s literally no reason why you can’t start building your network today.

Here’s a few steps for you if you haven’t been leveraging Facebook to it’s fullest potential.

  1. Clean up your profile. Make it look like it’s a run by someone who cares about how they present themselves to the world. If it’s easier to start another “professional” account, then do that instead. Make sure it’s filled out so that you appear as if you’re real.
  2. Add 5 groups that you think are in your realm of expertise.
  3. Look for conversations you can add value to and do it. Don’t force yourself onto conversation you know nothing about. 😉
  4. After a couple of days of engagement, feel free to add up to five people from the group. If they ask you about a new account (provided you made one in step 1), let them know the truth – you’re original profile is too cool for the group! 🙂

Anyhow, hope that helps you build out your network guys. Let me know if you’re struggling. Remember, the more friends you have that are building the same types of things you are, the faster you all will get to where you’re going.


Bonus Video on Booking Yourself Solid:

If you want to set up more potential client meetings, head on over to Fizzle and check out the course by Book Yourself Solid guru Jason Billows.

Here’s an interview of him with Paul McManus to give you a taste of what he’s about:

ascension mentorship

Albert Winks on Building Ascension Mentorship – A New Kind of Networking (AoL 071)

Networking meetings, meetups, Facebook groups.

These are just a few places where entrepreneurs go to meet others in their quest to build their businesses.

But what does being a part of these groups do for the member?

What is it about that particular group that sets it different then all the other ones out there?

That differentiation will make or break the group in the long run.

Those that are put together well are often thought of as villages because the people are seen as a tribe.

Join us in this chat as we discover what makes a good village and how you might be able to get involved with one yourself.


  • What’s Al’s background? 6:48
  • When did Al know it was time to get out of the military? 15:22
  • What kind of creative influences did he have growing up? 20:19
  • Some of the Al’s thoughts on military influence in pop culture. 24:02
  • What’s Ascension Mentorship really all about? 19:56
  • What kind of businesses are involved with Ascension? 36:27
  • How can someone build their own functional offline community? 43:10
  • What the Veteran Leadership Coalition is about and who should be interested. 50:23
  • Al’s Top 3 Favorite Books 56:41
  • Something under $100 that has changed his life. 59:06
  • Something he believed as a 30 year old but doesn’t now. 1:01:12
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Dr. David Rock on the SCARF Model:

Patrick Lencioni on one of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team:

John Maxwell introduces his book Intentional Living:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


ascension mentorship ascension mentorship ascension mentorship

Laura Petersen: Teaching Future Podcasters and Writers from Around the World (AoL 063)

If you’re creating a business from scratch, there’s going to be so many things that you need to learn.

If you’re going to building it online, you’re probably going to be utilizing some form of content marketing. Be it a podcast, making videos, or writing.

If you’re making a podcast, there’s plenty of information out there.

But what I’ve found out is that there’s not many folks that are going to take the time and really show you from the beginning what you need to know. There isn’t really any niched podcast teaching assistants.

In this session, I get the chance to chat with Laura Petersen, one of the co-founders of Podcast Teachers.

Not only does she teach people how to podcast, but she also teaches copy as well. And she does it all while she’s traveling around the world.

In this podcast, we discuss how relatively “easy” it is for people to get started in podcasting, what she’s been able to learn from past businesses, and we talk a little about mindset when starting a successful business.



  • Why Laura and her husband decided to spend the last year in Europe. 6:13
  • What are some things that Laura has learned in her travels? 11:34
  • What she felt when she finished reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad 16:54
  • How long did it take for her to realize she could actually start her own business? 19:33
  • What were some struggles she had to deal with when she started her first business? 23:02
  • How can someone get over the mindset that money is really hard to come by or is bad? 26:09
  • Where did her podcast and Podcast Teachers come from? 31:00
  • What are some of the hurdles that people normally deal with when starting a podcast? 34:49
  • Are Instagram quote images still a thing? 38:13
  • What are three of her more popular podcast episodes? 40:41
  • The story behind Laura interviewing Brandon T. Adams 44:40
  • More about the book she’s working on. 49:33
  • What are top three favorite books? 52:24
  • Something she believed when she was a 30 year old and doesn’t now? 54:11
  • What is one thing all high school students must know? 57:08
  • One thing that costs under $100 that has changed her life? 59:03
  • When she thinks of the word success, who comes to mind and why? 1:01:48
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.




Copywriting for Podcasters:

Landing Page Audits:

Ep. 3 Future Pacing – The Simple & Subtle Trick to Get Your Prospect On the Path to “Yes”.

Ep. 20 Landing Pages, Subscription Boxes, and Serial Entrepreneurism

Ep. 36 Small Town Boy Turns Crowdfunding King by Age 26 Using Psychology with Brandon T. Adams. 

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