create strong culture

How to Create a Strong Culture in Your Organization

Whether you’re part of a a business, a nonprofit, or somewhere in between, building a culture for an organization is critical to its overall success.

In fact, culture is more important than having a vision, a mission statement, and a strategy of how things are going to be done.

People want to know how the organization is run before they sign up to be a part of it, right? I mean, isn’t that part of what you were told to do when interviewing for a job? Find out about company culture and see if it fits you?

Doesn’t it make sense that you should offer your new team members or new employees the same benefit?

If you don’t have a well defined culture, people aren’t going to really know the rules of the group.

While you might be able to grab some early adopters to help you out, in the long run, not having a defined culture is going to cause problems.

So let’s avoid those problems and see if we can’t start to build a culture within your group.

Why Culture First?

You might have done a double take when I said that building a culture needs to come before your vision, mission, and strategy.

Why would I say that?

Well, the simple truth is that culture is all about people – who are really the most valuable asset in your or any other organization.

I mean, when you think of vision, sure, there’s the saying a “a man without vision shall perish”. A mission statement is kind of the same thing.

Then there’s the idea that to differentiate yourself from other companies, you have to have your own strategy.

These are all true – BUT – they’re more focused on products, services, and outcomes of your particular organization.

If your goal is to impact as many people as possible through your work, (or your company’s work,) then you’re going to have to get help. Having a defined culture will help you bring in the right people and retain them in your organization. Otherwise, you’ll bring people in, but they might not know what the lay of the land is and where they fit in it. That might just make them eventually go somewhere else that have those parts established.

What is Culture?

So, if you’re ok with the idea that the focus of your organization should be on people first and secondly on how things are done, then we should probably move on to defining culture.

Culture can simply be thought of as “the way of life” in a community, or in this case, an organization. It is cultivated over time through three aspects that are utilized and messaged throughout the group:

  • Behavior
  • Symbols
  • Systems

As human beings, we’re hardwired to adjust and fit in the communities of which we are members of. It’s essential if we want people to act a certain way when it comes to the group. If the “rules” are spelled out clearly, people will adjust their own rules accordingly. And, if they can’t, they’ll show themselves (or be shown) the door.

Let’s look at those three components a bit closer:



Make sure to do team building activities beyond the office.

When it comes to culture, the first thing we need to focus on is what we ourselves are doing. Do we, as leaders, walk the walk as well as talk the talk?

Ask yourself if your actions or demeanor change when you’re in a 1 on 1 setting, compared to the setting of a small group of people, or when you’re in a large group?

The reason this is important is that once you bring people in, you want to make sure they stay. And if you say one thing and do another, it’s not going to help your case any.

For example, if you’re wanting to run a company or (be part of one) where you want to make millennials in it happy, make sure to do these three things:

  • Build Connection – Be transparent by sharing stories, valuing strengths, and recognizing individuals for their work. Don’t treat people as robots. Instead, give them activities outside of their normal work that will allow them to gel a bit more as a team.
  • Be a Coach – If you see a personal problem that needs to be addressed, don’t focus on the negative part of it – that they screwed up and they need to fix it. Instead, help them see how they can handle the situation better next time.
  • Give them Significance – Let them know how their job connects to the big picture. If they know how their role is significant, then they’re less likely to search for meaningful work elsewhere.



The Ritz-Carlton service card is a symbol of their culture.

Next, we need to think about the meaning behind how things are done the way they’re done in our working group.

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, for example, is actually pretty meta about this. They have their employees carry around a card that reminds them of their culture. Not only is the card a symbol of their culture and how important it is, but if they were to actually forget a part of it, it’s there for an easy reminder.

Other symbols of culture that you could consider for your organization might include:

  • How time is spent. Do you have short time sensitive meetings? Why?
  • Do titles actually mean anything? If so, how do people get promoted and why?
  • How communication works. Do people have to communicate in a hierarchical manner? Why or why not?


Finally, the third part of an organization’s culture are the systems that it uses to get things done.

In the online small business world, one of the topics that comes up all the time is systems.

You’ll hear many seasoned entrepreneurs say, “make sure the work you’re doing can be written up in a systematized way so that when it’s time to pass it off to someone else, it won’t be difficult to hand it over”.

As an example, this can mean something as complex as editing media and content and specifically what to do, all the way down to keeping track of what’s measured when that media is published.

It can also mean when you’re moving from one project to another that you know what gets reported to the client or other members of the group.

When you’re building systems, make sure you include the use of:

  • Structure – Is the work that people are doing being done in a effective way? Can it be better adjusted to fit the needs of the client or audience?
  • Measurables – What kind of payoff is the work having?
  • Reporting – Who needs to know about what measurables and why?

Intangibles of a Culture

Once these pieces of culture have all been considered and installed, it will definitely affect things that we can see. People might start dressing differently. They might be on time when they’re supposed to be. And perhaps you might not feel like you have to do everything.

But it will also start having an effect on things that are harder to grasp.

Knowing about these intangible parts of a culture can help you as the leader. You’ll actually be able to put your finger on the pulse of the organization to see how well it’s actually doing.


Remember me?

Remember doing this? Don’t forget the meaning behind this exercise!

Is there trust in the group? If there is an absence of trust, then it probably stems from the leader’s unwillingness to be vulnerable with the group. If you’re not open about your mistakes and weaknesses, then there’s not going to be a foundation of trust.

Unified and Distinct Culture

Can you articulate a unified and distinct organizational culture? If you can understand your organization’s culture, it will have multiple payoffs within your organization.

Members of a unified culture will more likely have:

  • Strong feelings of personal effectiveness.
  • Company loyalty
  • Consensus about the group’s goals
  • More ethical behavior.
  • Reduced levels of job stress and tension.
  • A higher willingness to work hard and care more.

Action Steps to a Strong Culture

So what culture are you trying to create or sustain? What actions are you and those around you carrying out to live out that culture?

Here are some questions that will help guide you through this evaluation process. If it’s more than you at the helm, I suggest you get those other members together and brainstorm through this discussion.

  • What type of culture do you desire? Write it down as you verbally describe it with your team.
  • Have someone else verbalize it back to you. Are you satisfied with how they translated it? If not, describe it better.
  • Creative five actions for each of the three elements of building a culture (behavior, symbols, and systems) that you and your leadership will create, display, and live out to support your desired culture.
  • Using those same three areas, list two or three things that you feel should be eliminated or changed because they creative negative tension and don’t support your desired culture.

Don’t keep this discussion in the dark. If there’s more people in the company than you and your immediate leadership, make sure they get in on this exercise too. They’ll get to know the desired culture AND learn how they can support it by their actions.

Cam Adair

Cam Adair: Traveling to Tanzania, the Value of Service, and Building Community (AoL 062)

Making content and regularly posting it is a great way to grow an audience.

In fact, it’s like, one of the most common pieces of online business advice around right now to do some sort of content marketing as soon as possible.

Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube videos – these are all forms of content marketing.

But the real question is, how do you build engagement? And once you build that engagement, how do you keep people coming back for more?

Cam Adair, today’s guest, is all about building relationships with people. That’s one of the main things he gets out of helping those in his Game Quitters community. Relationships.

Oh, that, and he just loves helping people with whatever he can.

In fact, this past October, Cam went to Tanzania to help a village get potable water… and he made even more “online” friends while he was there.

So in this first Silver Edition session (meaning second interview), Ginger and I get the chance to chat with Cam about his recent trip. We also talk a little strategy about how he’s been able to engage so well with his followers, and finally what he’s planning on doing to continue building Game Quitters.



  • What was Cam’s recent experience in Tanszania like? 8:51
  • What is EPIC all about? 9:57
  • How Cam is going to relate his experenice to Game Quitters. 11:53
  • What was the most meaningful part(s) of his trip? 13:54
  • What’s his involvement in CampuSpeak? 19:14
  • How do you meet people that have the same interests that you do, even if you’re in college. 25:17
  • How has travel made Cam more creative in his business? 27:46
  • What was the biggest hurdle in building the lifestyle he wanted when he started Game Quitters? 30:34
  • What has worked for Cam in creating a following on YouTube? 33:23
  • How does someone get people involved in the work they do? 35:37
  • Does Cam think that commenting is dead on most blogs and sites outside of the big social media platforms? 39:37
  • How does being of service to people actually fuel Cam to do what he does? 42:13
  • What is Cam looking forward to be working on in the New Year? 47:01
  • What is something that he believed as a 25 year old but doesn’t now? 52:24
  • What is one thing that all high school students must know? 53:16
  • One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 55:42
  • What does it meant to live a life of abundance? 52:03
  • How can someone be a difference maker for their community? 57:36
  • What are 4 steps to being more like Cam? 1:01:21
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



What is the Meaning of Life?:

Expectations vs Requirements with JuVan Langford :

Moving on from Pro Gaming with Adam Roa:

Cam on Adam Roa’s Podcast – Deep Dive:

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A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Millennial Leader

The Millennial Leader: How the US Will Prevail Beyond the 2016 Election

Today is Election Day 2016. If you’re yet to vote today, vote your conscience.

“But what if I really vehemently despise one candidate and feel that I have to vote for the other major party to help make sure they don’t get in office?”

Well, that’s totally your decision. If you don’t like either major party’s nomination like I did, then it’s ok to vote 3rd party.

Either way, this is quite possibly the last election that the Boomers are going to have candidates in. And that means that a lot of us non-Boomers are going to have to step it up.

That means Gen X’ers just as much as it means Millennials.

So, for this week’s post, I thought it’d be important to look to the future and discuss how Millennials can set themselves up to be leaders in the years to come.

Who are Millennials, Really?

Over this past weekend, I found myself going to the 40th wedding anniversary of my neighbors from my hometown.

40 years – wow. For any marriage to make it that long anymore seems to be almost unusual.

Which is unfortunate.

Personally, I think it’s awesome that they’ve stuck together. So often, anymore, you hear that when the kids leave, the parents end up going their separate ways because they realize that they’re both different people than who they were when they were married.

Especially if they were married in their 20’s. In today’s world, many people aren’t considered real adults until after the age of 25. (I mean, there’s got to be a reason why the Obama administration decided that it would be ok for kids to be able to use their parents’ insurance until the age of 26, right?)

In this couple’s case, despite the fact that he’s a good 20 years older than her, I think a good reason that they have stuck together is that the husband was about as young as you could be in being part of the Greatest Generation. The generation that grew up during World War 2.

Also, I know that the wife’s parents had stuck it out over the years as well. In fact, they were so close that when one passed away, it wasn’t much longer that the other followed.

I had a great aunt and uncle that were the same way. They passed within a year or two of each other.

It’s hard to tell if that affection has rubbed off on younger generations. But one thing is certain, that generation rarely divorced.



While Millennials don’t understand what the word Socialism means, they reject the idea of it.

Well, maybe because they were in tune with themselves enough to know what they were looking for when they picked a spouse. Or maybe they had principles that didn’t allow them to divorce.

Millennials are Actually Pretty Conservative

Whatever the reason is, most members of the Greatest Generation were pretty conservative in their beliefs compared to their kids and their kids’ kids.

Interestingly enough, us Millennials might behave more like the Greatest Generation than many think. They fought socialism in World War 2 and studies are starting to show that while many Millennials don’t really understand what it is, we don’t like the idea of what it really means either.

In fact, we’re trending more conservative than our parents.

I mean, it makes sense. So many of us are embracing simpler lifestyles. Having companies like Apple, Uber, Google, and Tesla around have given us that ability. Can you imagine those companies being run by the government? Ha!

We’re Trained About Participation More than Winning:

When other generations talk about millennials, we’re often referred to those head in the air, good-for-nothings that think they are entitled to things without working for them. They continue to say that we don’t take responsibility for our actions in what we do or do not do.

Many times they’re right.

But here’s the truth – they, our parents and educators, made us this way. They taught us what it meant to be unique and shoot for the stars. That anything was achievable.

But they also rewarded us for putting in very little work. For many of us school was fairly easy – just show up and you’ll get a C. Do the least amount of work you can do and get good at taking tests and you’ll get a higher grade.

For many, sports were even easier. In the past, people got rewarded for winning. We were the first generation where you started hearing about participation trophies. Whether or not you trained hard to actually win or did very little didn’t matter. We got rewarded for just showing up.

Some of Us Learned the Hard Way

College (or the military) was the first real learning curve for many of us. It was the first time that many of us had to learn how to really work hard to move up. But even that has gotten worse as I found out as a graduate instructor (and Maria has found out as a higher ranking soldier).

Whether we were doing something to win it or just to feel good about ourselves, Millennials have learned that participation counts. Limiting our growth potential in the world after graduation has made many buck the system. The difference is how we’ve responded.

Those Millennials that continue to spin their wheels looking for the easy reward are part of the Lost Generation. One book that they might need to read is “Who Moved My Cheese?“.

Those of us who are trying to figure out how to win are part of the next Hero Generation.

The Hero Generation

The Hero Generation is one of four generations that come and go throughout time. The other three being the Artist, Prophet, and Nomad generations. They are responses due to 4 types of events that happen in every cycle called Turnings. I first learned of these turnings when I saw a documentary a year or so ago called Generation Zero, which was released in 2010.

If you want to find out more about the four turnings or their associated archetypes, you can do so in Wikipedia here. If you want to go deeper, the two books that the authors Neil Howe and William Strauss are most well known for are here:

The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy (1997)

Millennials Rising (2000)

If you want a Crib Notes version, here’s a video for that:

Signs of Heroism

Now, if we really are this Hero Generation, would there not be signs that we’re trying to save this world that is falling apart around us?

I think there is. I think it’s this growing boom of creatives that are starting businesses and sustainable social enterprises.

As I said, Millennials don’t know how to wait to be successful. Those who have played the game to win are going to keep winning.

They are replacing the old employee and non-profit mentality. Both of these mentalities were popular but never sustainable. A company could fire an employee at any time. A non-profit could eventually lose their funding.

In fact, I remember a episode of Home Improvement where they made a joke about Tim’s brother who called himself an entrepreneur.

Most small businesses and social enterprises are designed to be self reliant. This means that no one person can control the livelihood of another.

And it’s also what the AoL Podcast is all about. Finding and talking with those individuals who have made the switch to lead their own career and finding out how they made the leap.

One such Millennial that displays our form of Heroism is Dane Maxwell, who my co-host Daniel and I got to interview in session 56.

Leadership is Learnable

Many of those who have taken this leap are considered experts in their field.

Whether it’s deserved or not, experts are looked at as leaders. This makes sense, though, right? Experts can lead others to the answers they’re looking for. So many times we call them thought leaders.

And what really is leadership?

As defined by John Maxwell, leadership is Influence.

Because of this, he has always said that leadership can be taught. So if you find yourself having problems influencing others, then perhaps it’s time to start learning about influence and leadership. John’s work would be a great place to start.

What Type of Leader are You?

Being an expert or Thought Leader, like John, isn’t the only way to lead people. Maybe you’re not interested in becoming the next guru in a particular field of study. There’s still something that you can lead in.

There’s three other types of leaders:

  • Courageous Leaders
  • Inspirational Leaders
  • Servant Leaders

Courageous Leaders

These are people who set an example by pursuing a vision in the face of considerable opposition and risk. Typically, they’re known to have strong convictions about their mission (purpose), vision (long-term goals), and values (right and wrong). They usually set the example by speaking up for their core beliefs and fight for their values, even when their stand is unpopular.

Some popular examples of this type of leader might be Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln were definitely example of this. Yet, some would even say that Edward Snowden is an example.

Inspirational Leaders

Many people compare Donald Trump to an anti-Ronald Reagan. While Reagan’s actions usually brought people together towards a common goal, many folks believe that during his campaign, Donald did the exact opposite.

Ronald was an example of an inspirational leader. He promoted change by being able to look forward to the future and help others commit to ideas and ideals.

Yet another example is MLK, Jr.. Like Reagan, he was able to envision a future and unify others behind him for that future.

Servant Leaders

This is the example of leadership that so many of us know and hear about. Usually these are the types of individuals who are discussed on the evening news for going out of their way to do something.

Typically, these folks become leaders by asking “How can I help?” and then following through.

There here have been some really big names over the years that might give you a visual.

Mother Teresa, Oprah with Harpo Inc., and Eleanor Roosevelt’s work in human rights.

Generally these people ask for very little if nothing in return – but, as you can tell, get plenty of publicity.

Who Are You Going to Lead?

Now with all of these examples of leaders, you might be wondering how you can set forth on your own journey of becoming a leader.

It’s actually fairly simple. Ask yourself which of those 4 types truly fit you the most.

For me, as an example, I’ve always seen myself as a teacher. So I’m a natural fit for being a thought leader.

But at the same time, I’ve always thought that I might get into politics somehow, and now that I’m 35 – I feel that I might just have enough experience to start looking at that a bit more seriously.

It’s ok to be more than one of these 4 types – in fact, most leaders are. But you can always tell if someone is better at one than the next.

Action Steps:

Now that we’ve looked at why Millennials are perfect to be leaders, you might be wondering how exactly you’re supposed to figure out what type of leadership role you want to be a part of.

If you have no idea, just go be around extracurricular groups of people that discuss things you have some sort of interest in.

Maybe you’re in a good sized town. If that’s the case, there should be some meetup groups near you that you can attend. If you’re in a small town, then perhaps you can join the local Rotary Club or perhaps get involved with the Masonic Lodge. Many leaders have been involved with both of these during our country’s history.

Once you find something that you think you enjoy being a part of, start applying for leadership roles within that organization. Start low and work your way up – unless you think you’re qualified to start at a higher level.

Other than that, all I have to say is get out there and meet people. If you think you might want to run for political office one day, start small and work your way up there too.

Here’s a neat little wiki that can get you started on a plan.

share your ideas

6 Steps to Share Your Ideas Around Friends and Family

Have you made the decision to be better person? Or maybe you’ve decided that you want to start a new business? You might have already taken some action in doing one of these (or both!) and you’ve been putting off telling those around you.

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you, but even I had to wait before I told Maria that I was a diehard self improvement and business fanatic. I don’t think she ever really realized that while we were dating, but I definitely made her aware after our Honeymoon, and it was a wide awakening for her!

In retrospect, I probably should have done that introduction differently. But I also think that it would have been more of a magnet had I done it better too. Up until then, she knew I was in Amway and that I was a teacher at heart. But that’s about as far as it went.


Keeping It Real

But, yes, there’s different reasons YOU might be keeping this information from people. For one, it might be you think those people won’t want to change with you. Or perhaps they don’t believe that you are capable of starting your own business. That you should have a job.

These are normal reactions.

Just because you want to change something in your life, doesn’t mean that another person does. Heck, you might be the only one out of a group of people who want to change. What’s a person to do?

Personally, I’ve had to deal with both of these in my life. I grew up believing that I should care what others thought of me. That alone drove me to trying to be someone I wasn’t. It also made me suppress a ton of emotions. Emotions that everyone else had. Emotions that I’m now in touch with.

Today, as I’ve made being captain of New Inceptions my full time gig, people have wondered when I’m going to get a full time job because they don’t see the results from my work. The answer is “Never.” but they don’t get that because they’ve never had compatibility issues with their job.

Truth is, you might have similar issues with what you’re currently working on. In fact, it might feel as if your entire social circle is turning on you as you start seeing results.

If you’re wondering how to deal with it, here’s how I’ve done it:


Test the Waters: Give As Much or As Little Detail as They Want

So, here’s the first truth. Your friends and family are going to realize that you’ve “changed”. That you’re either happier in general, maybe you’re “weirder”, or you just talk about “your business” more than you discuss anything else. They will notice.

One of you will cave first and want to discuss it.

Since the incident with Maria, I’ve gotten better at this process…

Let’s say that they ask first.

When you respond, they will give you a general feel in whether they appreciate the conversation. But don’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do. If it’s for them, they’ll ask more questions. If it’s not, they’ll probably try to change the subject to something else.

Let it go until another time.

If they give you crap for it, move on to the next step.

Recognize Friction

Recognize Friction

If there is friction between you and them, take note of it. You’re going one way and committed to that path while others are going another way… or not going anywhere at all.

Just like tectonic plates shifting, these subtle changes might eventually cause at least a tremor in your friendship or worse yet, an earthquake.

Ask yourself this: Is the drama that you have with friends or family based on you changing or making something? If so, is it a cycle? If it isn’t, then shrug it off. If it is, then let’s move on to the next point.


Understand Where They’re Coming From

Really, this part can be hard at first. Our natural reaction to people causing drama in our life in a repeated fashion is usually anger.

We feel slighted. We’re the one making the adjustment – why can’t they understand that?

Well, the thing is they probably feel threatened.

Just as an example, for my wife and I, we’ve both had to deal with parents who struggle with empty nest syndrome. That’s something that many parents deal with who have been helicopter parents their entire life. They don’t know what to do with themselves once the kids are gone.

Many of our friends already do the same thing with their kids, but we understand where they’re coming from. Many of us Millennials have grown up that way. Our parents made their lives all about ours.

But if you’re successful in your own business down the line, there’s a good chance you won’t have the opportunity to be there all the time for your kids. However, as I’ve said many times before, if you make your kids the reason you work as hard as you do and not the excuse, then you’re probably going the right direction.

In my mind, these two perspectives clash. And while I might not necessarily think that people should essentially devote their entire life to their kids, I do think that our kids grow up with us as examples.

If you do have kids, what kind of example are you showing them? Are you proud of that example? If so, then that’s great!

Consider what the other Person Brings to the Table

So, there’s a conflict of interest here. It’s recurring and you can’t wrap your head around where they’re coming from.

Now’s the time to start questioning their involvement and influence in your life.

If they’re usually supporting of everything else you do, then it might be a difference of opinion and that’s all it is. But, if the value they did bring to your life has disappeared, then unfortunately it might be time to just them go.

Seek a Balance


As you might have already figured out, there’s going to be some people in your life that even if you would like to let them go, you won’t be able to. Family members, especially parents, sisters, and/or brothers might be this way.

Life has a way of treating us all different. They, like you, might have changed. However, unlike you, they might have gone through some negative influences that you shouldn’t have to be expected to deal with in your own life.

So, to put it bluntly: maybe you just won’t spend as time with your siblings as much anymore.

It doesn’t mean you can’t still stay in touch – you should always have complete control over how involved someone is in your life. But don’t think that you’re wrong in holding someone at more of a distance than you used to be.

If they want help to move forward in their life like you, you can help them then. But don’t let them bring you down in the meantime

Take Action and Reassess

Once you realize where a friend or relative lies in their value to you, it’s time for the hard part. You’re going to have to follow through with your decision in how limited they are in your life.

Truth of the matter is that friendships tend to run their course naturally. So, as you start on your new path in improving yourself or building your business, you’re going to meet new people that have more in common with you.

There’s only so many hours in a day. Those folks will be your new friends and you’ll naturally have less time for your old ones. It sucks, but that’s how it works.

As far as family members go, you’re always going to love them and care about them, but being a little further away than you used to be will naturally make them have to think about going out of their way to beat up on you.

More often than not, they’ll realize they’re wasting their time and “you’re a lost cause” and that’s when you might be able to build a better relationship with them at a distance.

If they don’t get the message here, you might have to be very direct with them sometime. There’s good and bad ways to do this. Do it in a good way. You don’t want to be the bad guy here.


So, let’s go over real quick what we just discussed.

  • Test the Waters – You want to see if their receptive to the topic first. See if they’re interested or not.
  • Recognize Friction – If there’s any friction that you’re sensing from your friends or family, determine if it’s cyclical. If it isn’t, not a big deal. Bring it up again later and see what happens. If it is cyclical…
  • Understand where they’re coming from – People have different perspectives in life. Let people who they are. If they want to make any changes in their life you think they should, they’ll let you know.
  • Consider what Value the Person Brings to Your Life – If someone is causing drama about what you’re doing and not bringing any further value in your life, it might be time to let them go.
  • BUT – if they’re a family member or a long time friend, you might need to be a bit more careful in how you do that. If you can move across town, that might be an option. If you just say you’re busy, keep doing that until you’re not with them as much. You know the person, you have a better idea in what will work.
  • Take Action and Reassess – DO whatever you planned, and see if it helps you feel better about your changes in life. They’ll hopefully get the message. If they don’t, then you might have to “break up” with them.

Want More Help with Dealing with Frustrating People in Your Life?

Early on, one of the first AoL podcast episodes we did was about this topic.  There’s much overlap here, so if you want to hear this topic actually discussed, you can find it here:

AoL Session3
AoL 003: 6 Key Methods in Dealing with Frustrating People

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personal freedom

Are you a Brick or a Stone? Personal Freedom is A Decision

This week I’m going to be releasing a very special interview of myself and Daniel’s. The guest is Dane Maxwell, formerly known as the guy who has helped numerous people build their own SaaS (Software as a Service) based businesses through a program called “The Foundation”.

If you’re not familiar with Dane, check him out on one of Pat’s “early” podcasts via this link. This interview was a game changer (and still is!) for many online entrepreneurs.

The election process is something that a lot of people take for granted. But in the US, we shouldn’t ever forget how many people have fought for what we have today.

Unfortunately, the powers that are in control in society – especially the media and the federal government – have led many of us to believe we’re only capable of what others say we are.

If you look at both sides of presidential ticket, one side says we need more protection from all the bad things in the world, while the other one says that we need protection from all the challenges that we might face in the world.

Either way you look at it, the Federal Government is trying to tell us we need more of it in our lives.

In return they’ll give us liberty to live a peaceful life and just keep doing what we’re doing.

But is it really so simple?

We’re All Stones Treated as Bricks

I recently heard an analogy about how the world is trying to make us copies of each other. Like we’re being made into bricks to be the infrastructure of this society. We all conform into a certain code of conduct.

And we do. Especially those of us who are products of higher forms of formal education.

It’s what our school system trains us to be. Teach to the test, not the individual.

Sure this is fair treatment, but is it the best treatment?

I don’t think so. Not everyone is the same naturally.

Instead of bricks, we’re more like stones. Some of us are big, some are small. Some have weird angles and yet others are made of different materials.

You can still build with stones… but not as easily as you can with bricks.

It’s easy to understand why working with brick might be more preferable by a craftsman (or in the real world, the top 1% of the top 1%). They want the easiest way to build something that has a strong structure.

But value of the end result isn’t going to be as high as if stones were used.

With bricks, you just place each one on top of each other until you have the form you want and put a roof on it. With stones, you have to strategically think about how each stone fits into the building.

Like Glenn, when I see a stone house, I admire the work that went into it.

Can You Be a Stone once You’ve been Trained as a Brick?

When it comes to people, I believe so. We’re never truly bricks. We’re just treated that way.

That’s really what New Inceptions is all about. Helping people who think they’re bricks “refind” their uniqueness. Their own perfect spot in the world.

When it comes to finding your spot, Dane wants us all to know about our individual worth and value. We are valued for who we are and our contributions to helping others.

You might have heard that he’s becoming a musician to get that message out. Further than he could with The Foundation.

His songs are meant to help people feel loved and appreciated for who they are. Here’s a glimpse:

I recommend subscribing to his newsletter to get the rest of his new songs.

But yes, it takes a lot of work to find what makes you unique and realize you’re a stone.

Exercising Your Personal Freedom

Here’s the deal. You, like me, or even Dane, are not defined by your past.

We don’t have to always be the person that everyone sees us as.

Perhaps society and your education would make you believe otherwise, but really your future does not rely on who you’ve been or what you currently think of myself.

Heck, just yesterday Maria let me know of a guy who killed himself over the pressures of what was going on in his life. From what I understand, he turned to alcohol and other means of blocking out the pain. And eventually it got to him. You really have to feel for his family and the grief that he caused them.

But yet, I’m sure he felt stuck.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

As Sandra Bellamy said in session 50 of the podcast, you need to embrace your quirkiness. Or as I would simply put it, you need to exercise your personal freedom.

How do you do that?

Well, besides what Sandra suggests, I’d become familiar familiar with the 5 Obstacles of Personal Freedom. Start with health because you can’t really help people if you don’t have the energy to.

With it being October of 2016, I want to make sure you’re aware of the fifth one.

You need to know what liberties are currently granted to you in your country. Essentially these are the rules that you have to play by.

If you’re like me, you’ll want to fight to keep things as free as they are. The more liberties governments gives their people, it’s usually done through taking away something else that we weren’t aware of.

Remember that the Constitution is all about what powers the government has – not what liberties it gives us. The government should work for us, not the other way around.

And currently it’s looking more and more like we’re bricks working for it.

Wrap Up

As you’re hearing this heavy pounding of political ads this month in the US, I want you to remember the difference between Personal Freedom and Personal Liberty.

Personal Liberty is the “playing field” that the outside world gives us. Personal Freedom is the freedom you give yourself to be the natural you in that space.

Familiarize yourself with which candidates talk about giving you more freedom. Not necessarily those who talk about “being fair”. Brick makers are usually the ones who talk about strong “education” and treating each other as “equals”.

With the internet, you can educate yourself. Educate yourself to be the best version of you and not what formal education teaches you is “important”.

Also, we shouldn’t judge people by what their demographics are. We should judge them based on their character and their actions – if at all. No one person is inherently better than the next.

Not a person who owns 16 profitable businesses or a person who has a spark of a dream.

Now, get out there and meet some other stones!


Barrett Brooks: ConvertKit Transition, Empowerment of Others, and Meaningful Conversations (AoL 054)

We’ve all felt that feeling where, at the end of the day, you wish you felt better about the work that you’re doing. Perhaps you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Maybe you want to pursue something else with your time? Make more impact on people.

How do you do that?

There’s so much to the answer of that simple questions.

Like the team at New Inceptions, Barrett Brooks, today’s guest, is all about helping people make an impact. He did it with his first business called Living for Monday, then went on to join Fizzle, and now he works with ConvertKit as their Brand Strategist and Community Builder.

In this chat with Barrett, we find out more about that transition to ConvertKit and what he looks forward to doing with them. We also got the opportunity to find out more about his time with Seth Godin, why he likes empowering others, and why he believes meaningful conversations are the basis for great relationships.


  • How Barrett got involved with ConvertKit 8:00
  • What’s the people and culture at ConvertKit like? 11:28
  • Who is ConvertKit for? 13:48
  • What was Barrett’s time with Seth Godin like? 15:56
  • Knowing what he knows now about business, how would he have changed his business plan for his old business “Living for Mondays”. 23:13
  • How did Barrett get started with 26:17
  • What were things that made Barrett want to become an empowerer of others? 29:05
  • Where does he get his interest in politics and world events? 40:02
  • Why he believes that great relationships are built on deep conversations and connections. 45:16
  • Who does Barrett coach and how does he reach out to them? 47:26
  • His thoughts in how to get more people in deep and meaningful conversations. 52:01
  • Biggest 3 Influencers in Barrett’s Life 59:24
  • What he believed when he was 21 and now sees as bogus. 1:00:11
  • Who’s the most awe-inspiring person he’s met? 1:01:23
  • One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 1:02:37
  • Who comes to mind when he thinks of success? 1:03:10
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.


Barrett’s Choice Books:


Barrett’s TEDx Talk

Teaser for the Fizzle Jess Lively Interview

Jess Lively Interview:

barrett brooks jess lively












His interview via Talking Davos:

Thanks for Listening!

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If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!



veronica kirin

Veronica Kirin on Utilizing Personal Connections in Web Design and Coaching (AoL 051)

Of course you’re worried about your business idea. You’re not sure if it has what it takes to do anything out in the wild of the market. Do people really want what you have to offer? Who knows?

For so many of us, this worry keeps us from moving forward with our idea. Many times we’re held back more by the fear of what we might lose than what we might gain – even if we don’t have anything to lose yet.

According to today’s guest, Veronica Kirin, women tend to feel this fear and other emotions even more. She herself has had to struggle with being an outsider looking in – in her home town. She says,  “both men and women burn out, but women have to deal with extra hurdles that men might not have to”. 

Knowing these differences allows her to design websites and coach her clients in a very personal manner. She gets it because she’s been there herself.

In this chat, Laila and I talk with her about how she got over her initial obstacles of starting a business. (Which included having people in her network that didn’t support what she wanted to do because she had other ideas.) We also talk a bit about her new podcast, Degrees of Separation, and we also find out more about her experiences with coaching.

The thing about business ideas is that there’s no such thing as certainty, only confidence. There is no way to tell if a business is going to work with 100% certainty, but we can find confidence. Perhaps hearing Veronica’s story, will help you start finding your confidence.


  • Where her interest in helping others came 13:55
  • Why she majored in Social Anthropology and how she put it to use after graduation. 15:21
  • Why she decided to start a non-profit disaster relief organization. 20:21
  • How her first business, Green Cup Design, got started. 23:30
  • What she learned from Fuse West Michigan 28:53
  • How she knew it was time to enter into coaching 33:01
  • What she likes and dislikes about coaching 38:30
  • Why do entrepreneurs struggle with getting past point A? 43:44
  • Why she wrote a presidential speech when she was 17 49:08
  • Struggles women might have when starting an entrepreneurial career 50:18
  • What her new podcast, Degrees of Separation, is about. 55:21
  • What other projects she’s looking forward to releasing. 56:37
  • Who are 3 of her favorite influencers? 58:53
  • What are 3 of her favorite podcasts? 59:53
  • One gift she likes giving others. 1:00:18
  • Something she’d tell her 21 year old self is bogus. 1:00:45
  • Message or ad that she’d put out into the world where lots of people would see it. 1:01:57
  • When she thinks of success, who comes to mind? 1:02:49
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Interview with Chad Bostick:

Trailer for Untold Stories:

Where Untold Stories Came From:

Virgil Westdale on why he’s happy Veronica is doing Untold Stories:

Thanks for Listening!

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If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
