
Claude Errera on Halo.Bungie.Org: Build The Games You Want to Play (AoL 072)

For many creators, money isn’t the driving force for them in their craft.

They do it simply out of the joy that it brings them.

It’s been said that being successful is about being great at doing something, not necessarily pursuing to be great in itself.

Being great is a very vague goal.

In this chat with Claude Errera, we find that he built Halo.Bungie.Org (HBO) because he wanted there to be a place to discuss Halo (and to practice code for his day job as a website developer).

Not because he wanted to make a profit off of all the fans of Halo.

What did that plan and goal get him?

Well, at it’s peak, we find that HBO had over half a million visitors a day.

In today’s chat, JC speaks with Claude about how HBO got started, what he does as his day job, and some of the things he’s learned as father of HBO which will help others build their own communities.

Maybe you can apply some of his knowledge to your new business or passion project!



  • What Claude is known as on HBO and why he chose that alias. 9:56
  • Why did he want to start HBO in the first place? 12:57
  • How did HBO become structured as it was and is? 15:57
  • What does Claude do as an actual online entrepreneur? 18:58
  • How did HBO get some successful in the first place? 24:03
  • Was there ever a time where he thought he’d pass it on or have it pay for itself? 26:17
  • What has been his relation with Rooster Teeth over the years since RvB first started? 30:23
  • Are there any other successes that he’s been able to watch grow in success? 34:51
  • What are some steps that Claude would take to duplicate the success he had with HBO? 38:19
  • What tactics does he employ to prevent himself from becoming a complete fan of something? 41:30
  • What’s he looking forward to (or not) in 2017? 44:24
  • Claude’s top 3 favorite books and/or movies he tells others about. 37:42
  • Smallest decision he’s made that has had the largest impact on his life? 47:30
    Three truths he’s found out over time that he’d want others to know. 48:27
  • Who does he think of when thinks of the word success and why? 50:01
  • What’s it mean to have a life of abundance? 50:42
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Louis Wu receives the First Claude Errera Award:

Claude is interviewed first time on video while talking to dboTV’s Duncan about PAX 2013:

Claude’s house party scene via the Making of Halo 2 DVD:

For Fans of Bungie: Claude is interviewed on Guardian Radio about Destiny and Bungie:


If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


share your business

How to Share Your Business in a Meaningful Way

January is a month of implementation. Whether you’re beginning to work on something as common as committing to be in better physical condition or simply learning something new on a regular basis – many people commit to self-betterment in this month

Why should starting your own business be any different?

In the last two posts, we’ve looked at what it takes to be an entrepreneur and how they think differently than a typical employee. We also looked at some things that your website needs to have in order to be a functional portal for business.

So essentially, we’ve learned what it takes to run a business and we’ve discussed how to give ourselves a store front.

There’s one big thing that we need to iron down before we’ll start seeing success.

Define your new role in what you’re doing so it’s easy to tell others how you can help them.


The Importance of Knowing What You’re About

Until you know which direction you’re facing, you never going to arrive at your destination. Not only is that true in travel and life, but it’s also the same in business. You have to be clear on what you’re setting out to do.

You know when I was first starting out building New Inceptions, I kept asking myself what it was that I was setting out to do. Was I going to be a clone of Pat Flynn, Fizzle, or any of the other people I follow and just talk business all the time. Or should I try and do something a bit different. Something that’s a bit more personal for my audience?


It was hard for me to convey my thoughts and mission for the longest time in what I was doing. In fact, I changed the subtitle of New Inceptions several times in the last couple of years.


Journey to the New You became Empowering Renegade Work, which then ended up being Do Work That Matters.

The truth is that as I narrowed down the focus of what I was discussing, it seemed it lost a little bit more of what I was aiming to initially do.


Eventually, I landed on Navigation to Personal Freedom – which I think is the best all encompassing description of how I can help people.

I help people find themselves so that they can build a life which they enjoy.


Or, more specifically,

I help aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs, artists, and experts discover, share, and monetize their life’s work so that they can live a lifestyle they’re truly proud of.


I believe it’s when you get to this level of clarity that people can be like “Ah, I see how he can help me!”

Do you have this statement made for yourself? If not, keep reading…

Find Out How You Help People:

So how did I finally reach this level of clarity with how I can help people? Well, I ran across a formula that helped me locate it.

I’m going to share it with you guys in this post.

You can call it the Audience, Expertise, Benefit Formula.

And in its vanilla form, it looks like this:


I help X (your “niche” audience): _____________

Do/Understand Y (something you’re good at helping people with): _____________

So that they can Z (a benefit your audience would want): _____________


So, in my case, the formula would come out to be like this:

I help aspiring and veteran entrepreneurs, artists, and experts

Discover, share, and monetize their life’s work

So that they can live a lifestyle they’re truly proud of.


Now it’s your turn, but hang on a second.


Back It Up with a Story:

We’ll want to add a compelling story behind why you choose the answer you’re going to choose.

Reason why? Because chances are if you’re at a networking event and people ask you why you do what you do, you’ll need it.

We, as humans, love stories. And the better the connections we make with our story to what we do, the more we’ll stand out to others.

So, for instance, in my case, it can be as simple as (here’s mine):

“Well, when I was going through school, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. For the longest time, I thought it was going to be something STEM related. So, I went to college and realized that what I thought was cool and fun at one point, was actually pretty tough for me. It was like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. After I graduated, I realized how much of a mistake I had made and tried to rectify it in grad school. I soon realized that it wasn’t me that was wrong, it was the system trying to force me, that square peg, into that round hole.

So I started learning about personal and business development to turn my life around. (Because I also found out that I make a pretty lousy “Yes, sir.” employee.)

From there, people started wondering how I managed to change and I started teaching them what I had found out.”


Try to keep it as simple as that. It’s something you’ll want to have packaged in your mind. This will prevent you from having to spend time trying to think of it as you go.


Action Steps

Ok, so this week, let’s make sure we have an idea of how we can express what we do for people.

Use the formula to come up with something short and succinct. Try to be specific as possible.

If you’re struggling to fill this in, use yourself as the niche example. What you can help people with can be something that you wished you had when you were younger. If you can’t think of any benefits, then again, think of something you would have liked in that situation.

Then, give that mission some substance with a story. The more unique it is, the better. Be sure to make it something between a paragraph or two so it’s easy to remember and you can be ready to drop it on someone at any time.

Let me know below if you have any questions!

jess catorc interview

Jess Catorc on Finding your Path to Success, Personal Branding, and DIY Website Design (AoL 070)

Hey, let’s face it. There are so many big names out there, how can you possibly compete with them?

By acting like them and doing exactly what they do?

Actually… no.

By doing what you do best and being yourself.

Today’s guest, Jess Catorc gives us a rundown of what that means in this week’s show.

Which path are you going to take?

Trying mediocritally to be like someone else or being amazing version of yourself?


  • Where Jess’ knowledge of originally making sites came from. 8:27
  • What prompted her to pursue helping people with their sites? 11:09
  • What Jess got from going to college in a major that she was already proficient in? 13:41
  • When did Jess determine that she wanted to reach out to people on a large scale as an “expert”? 16:24
  • How did Jess build a community around her services and knowledge? 18:22
  • What was the first large publication she was able to get into and how did she get started? 19:59
  • What can people expect to see in Jess’ DIY Website Academy video series? 22:53
  • What are some tips people can use in making their first online course? 25:56
  • What are key factors in creating a cohesive brand? 28:45
  • What are upcoming plans for the New Year? 35:27
  • Who are three of Jess’ favorite influencers? 44:39
  • One gift that Jess likes giving others. 36:20
  • What would she do if she woke up as her 10 year old self with her memories still intact? 37:00
  • Jess’ three truths that she’d share with others. 37:31
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 39:05
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Jess’ appreciation video to Pat Flynn:

Carrie Green interviews Jess:

Interview with Amy Porterfield:

Interview with Lisa Nichols:

Thank You For Sharing Some Time With Us!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


John Powell

John Powell: Leave All Excuses at the Door: How to Embrace the Truth About Who We Are (AoL 068)

This is the time of year when people are either making New Year’s resolutions or planning out their next year – especially if they’re a creative.

However, you might find yourself in a situation where you’re not entirely comfortable with where you are in life so making plans might be the last on your mind.

Well, the truth is that if you’re not making plans to succeed, you’re automatically going to fail.

So how can you get started if you’re not sure where your inner self wants to go?

In our chat with today’s guest, John Powell, we discuss this and much more, including his book My Journey, My Truth.

At first glance, it might seem that the book is all about him – but it’s much more than that. It’s actually about the reader.

You see, John has gone through many struggles in his life and now finds himself helping many people with many of the same struggles.

The book shares quite a bit of what he’s learned through the years through the hardships that he’s had to go through.

In this interview we also discuss the creation of the Expert Community as well as why he loves coaching so much.


  • What’s the purpose of the Expert Community? 6:51
  • Where did the inspiration of his book, My Journey, My Truth came from? 9:29
  • Has transparency always been a strength for John? 13:33
  • What would people that have already overcome difficulties in their life be able to get from his book? 15:41
  • What was it like for John to write the book? 17:42
  • How he knew he was done with all the edits of the book. 21:36
  • What was the hardest part of the book to write about? 23:19
  • What made John get into coaching? 27:17
  • Who does John like to coach? 28:59
  • What would John say to those folks who are stuck after the age of 25 and want to build some momentum? 31:22
  • John’s thoughts of the broken schooling system. 34:40
  • Does he have a process of helping people get out depression since he’s been there a couple of times? 40:03
  • What is John looking forward to in 2017? 42:22
  • Three top favorite books or movies he tells others about. 45:13
  • One gift John likes giving others. 47:05
  • Something that he believed when he was 25 but doesn’t now. 47:56
  • Who’s the most awe inspiring person he’s ever met? 52:31
  • Who comes to mind when he thinks of the word success and why? 55:05
  • What are 4 steps to a better future? 56:30
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Vincent Van Gogh visits his work in the Gallery:

Les Brown on Learning to Trust Yourself and Pursue Your Dreams:

Lindsey Stirling interviewed by Larry King:

Tony Robbins on Building Lasting Change:

john powell

Thank You For Sharing Some Time With Us!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Jesse Winton: Making Movies, Millennials, and Learning to Mind the Gap (AoL 066)

People will come up with a million excuses not to do something. But it takes one good one – one why – to actually go and accomplish a big lofty goal.

Case in point – Jesse Winton, had never made a movie before. But yet, his first one, made it national.

Sure, he could have psyched himself out by saying that his goal was unattainable, but instead, he chose to kick those thoughts to the side and go after this goal.

In this session, learn from Jesse how he was able to get his idea off the ground, what his perception of Millennials are when it comes to how they’re viewed, and how he handles discomfort during the middle of a project – aka The Gap.



  • How did his homeschooling background contribute to where he’s at now? 6:01
  • Were his parents supportive of his aspirations? 8:07
  • What kind of specific knowledge or training did he have to get his ‘Targeted’ off the ground? 11:16
  • Jesse’s perception of Millennials vs what others view them as. 15:34
  • How do we convert more Millennials to become creatives? 21:03
  • What sparked Jesse to create the film? 25:07
  • Why Jesse identifies with Libertarians. 28:27
  • Why did Jesse create Wintons Motion Pictures? 33:00
  • What goes into preparing for pitch meetings? 35:34
  • How Jesse went national with his documentary. 31:33
  • Was there any fear in reaching out to influencers? 42:29
  • How did Jesse and his dad find interviewees for the documentary? 46:26
  • How does he handle discomfort that comes up during the middle of a project? 51:57
  • What’s coming next for Jesse? 58:50
  • Who are three influencers that have helped him get to where he is today? 1:01:17
  • Top Favorite Books that he recommends 1:02:22
  • Smallest decision he’s made that has had the largest impact on his life 1:03:18
  • What is one thing that all high school students must know… even if it involves Dane Maxwell. 1:04:08
  • What’s it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:06:14
  • What can people do to live an inspired life? 1:07:15
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Targeted DVD Promo:

Interview with Glenn Beck:

Interview with Perry Atkinson via theDoveTV:

The Gap by Ira Glass:

Jesse’s mad skills on the Fiddle:

making movies

Thank You For Sharing Some Time With Us!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


Becoming an Expert

Becoming an Expert: Taking Freelancing to the Next Level

In last week’s post, we discussed the answer to the age old question “What Should I Do with my Life?”

In the answer, I talked about how the best solution is to find out where you fit into the world. Meaning, you need to figure out where it is that you’re adding the most value.

In this week’s post, I’m going to add onto that by suggesting that everyone needs to start looking at themselves as at least a freelancer in our new economy and how you could capitalize on that.

I’m going to say it right now – in the future, jobs won’t be about working for a company. Instead, they’ll be geared towards working with that company.

In my chat with Dr. Joe Albano, we talked about how the employee mindset no longer works in today’s world. His reasoning was those people who can think outside of the box and act on their own are much more desirable than those who have to be told to do – and how to do – everything.

Automation is Happening Whether We Want It Or Not

According to Michio Kaku, there’s another reason why we need to get ourselves out of the traditional employee mentality that we’re all used to:


Everywhere you look, you can see that what he’s saying is true. It’s been happening for several decades already in many of our industrial areas.

In fact, the most recent big news about automation happened just this past week when President-elect Trump nominated Andy Puzder as Secretary of Labor. If you don’t know Andy, let’s just say that he’s pretty favorable of automation in the fast-food industry.

But this shouldn’t be big news! Remember this scene from Back to the Future 2?

That movie came out in 1989. Talk about delayed!

Needless to say, I think it’s just a matter of time before automation in general changes everything up that we’re used to.

Automation is going to happen. It’s not a matter of if but when.

Adjusting to the New Economy: Freelancing

More automation means we’re going to see a lot more people out there looking to make an income in new ways.

The problem is, there’s only so many traditional jobs that those folks can have. And, as we heard from Michio, even those aren’t safe from automation.

So what do all those folks do that are out of work and looking for a paycheck?

Typically speaking, they become a freelancer.

They give themselves the freedom to work with multiple companies at once or one for a prolonged period of time as a contractor.

Whether or not they’re a consultant, an Uber driver, a Rover dog sitter, or a Airbnb host – freelancing is picking up. In fact, by 2020, 40% of American workers will be considered freelancers.

But Why Stop There?

Remember, Michio mentioned that those who are going to benefit the most from this new world are going to be those who engage in intellectual capitalism.

Again, these are people who use the following to do their job: creativity, imagination, leadership, analysis, telling a joke, writing a script or a book, or doing science.

Now, don’t get me wrong. You can be a freelancer and do work you love. But the one thing that many people don’t think about is that freelancers trade hours for dollars.

That’s not really leveraging the power of the internet.

The big companies I already mentioned (Uber, Rover, and Airbnb) do leverage it in a SaaS (Software as a Service) format.

There’s several ways of doing that, but one of the most common and easier methods is to simply bottle up your talent into little informational robots – or as they’re more commonly known –  books, audio programs, courses, and videos.

Having these products out there working for you will allow you build passive income streams so you won’t have to trade hours for dollars.

Don’t think you can call yourself an expert yet? Ha! An expert is only a person who knows more than their audience. You can be 10 steps ahead of them, or just 1. Either way, they can still learn from you. So that means that anyone can become one. It’s just a matter of putting your mind to it once you decide if it’s something you want to really pursue.

Are You Cut Out to Be an Expert?

The next question is this: are you made of the right material to be an expert? Is it something that you should be pursuing as part of your career? Cause you might have the knowledge, but if don’t have the correct mindset, then you’re not going to be too successful at it.

So to see if you have the right mindset, let’s see if this list from Brendon’s Burchard’s book, the Millionaire Messenger, vibes with you:

    1. You’re willing to do work based entirely on your passion and knowledge. You’re going to be the engine behind this train. Do you like helping people by being an educator?
    2. Your work activities center on “relating and creating.” This means that you focus creating products that are useful for your audience.
    3. You work anywhere and anytime, starting now. Armed with a laptop, phone, and a broadband connection to the web, you’re ready to work anytime, anywhere.
    4. You work with whom you want. It’s up to you to make your job as easy, fun, or complex as you want. This means that you can hire and fire any help you have as well as getting rid of annoying customers.
    5. Your promotions are based on your promotions. The great thing about this field is that if you make a product that is in demand, the hard part is going to be getting the word out there. Find out what people want and deliver, deliver, DELIVER!
    6. Your pay equals the value you deliver, not the hours you work. We already covered this one. But make yourself valuable and the products will work for you.
    7. You don’t need or want a big team. Eventually you’ll have to hire your own help to cover your own blind spots or to simply do the work that you shouldn’t be doing. However, as an expert, your team will be small. You’ll need help with media, marketing, and admin – and that’s about it.  This is not something where you need many bodies to do all kinds of work – so don’t get them involved until you need them. Also, starting out as a solopreneur might even prove to be beneficial so you can properly scale your business over time and create systems to help your future crew.
    8. You like using simple and inexpensive tools to achieve success. Each successful expert has basically had to go through the same path to become that expert. In the past, the jobs that needed to be done had to be done by the expert or by hiring out those jobs. In today’s world, many of those jobs can be done by simply, cheap, and often free online tools and software.
    9. You like the idea of making more income on your efforts than you could in any other industry. Instead of letting the robots work against you, you let them work for you. The more people you help, the higher value your work is perceived to have. The higher the value your work has – the more people will want it.

If you’re ok with all of these points, then you should look into becoming an expert at something that you could teach others about.

If you’re not ok with them, then you might want to consider doing something else. Maybe like building a software solution for a particular industry.

Action Steps:

So, you’re now aware that the expert industry exists. I’ve given you 9 criteria to help you determine if it’s something you might want to consider as a career.

If it does, then there’s a few things you can do next.

  1. Get Brendon’s book: The Millionaire Messenger. It goes deeper into what this world is like.
  2. Join us in The Expert Community and start networking with other like minded people.

If you feel like it’s not necessarily something that fits what you want to do, then there’s other options. There’s a total of 10 different online businesses you can pursue. Maybe something like The Foundation is in your future?

Laura Petersen: Teaching Future Podcasters and Writers from Around the World (AoL 063)

If you’re creating a business from scratch, there’s going to be so many things that you need to learn.

If you’re going to building it online, you’re probably going to be utilizing some form of content marketing. Be it a podcast, making videos, or writing.

If you’re making a podcast, there’s plenty of information out there.

But what I’ve found out is that there’s not many folks that are going to take the time and really show you from the beginning what you need to know. There isn’t really any niched podcast teaching assistants.

In this session, I get the chance to chat with Laura Petersen, one of the co-founders of Podcast Teachers.

Not only does she teach people how to podcast, but she also teaches copy as well. And she does it all while she’s traveling around the world.

In this podcast, we discuss how relatively “easy” it is for people to get started in podcasting, what she’s been able to learn from past businesses, and we talk a little about mindset when starting a successful business.



  • Why Laura and her husband decided to spend the last year in Europe. 6:13
  • What are some things that Laura has learned in her travels? 11:34
  • What she felt when she finished reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad 16:54
  • How long did it take for her to realize she could actually start her own business? 19:33
  • What were some struggles she had to deal with when she started her first business? 23:02
  • How can someone get over the mindset that money is really hard to come by or is bad? 26:09
  • Where did her podcast and Podcast Teachers come from? 31:00
  • What are some of the hurdles that people normally deal with when starting a podcast? 34:49
  • Are Instagram quote images still a thing? 38:13
  • What are three of her more popular podcast episodes? 40:41
  • The story behind Laura interviewing Brandon T. Adams 44:40
  • More about the book she’s working on. 49:33
  • What are top three favorite books? 52:24
  • Something she believed when she was a 30 year old and doesn’t now? 54:11
  • What is one thing all high school students must know? 57:08
  • One thing that costs under $100 that has changed her life? 59:03
  • When she thinks of the word success, who comes to mind and why? 1:01:48
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.




Copywriting for Podcasters:

Landing Page Audits:

Ep. 3 Future Pacing – The Simple & Subtle Trick to Get Your Prospect On the Path to “Yes”.

Ep. 20 Landing Pages, Subscription Boxes, and Serial Entrepreneurism

Ep. 36 Small Town Boy Turns Crowdfunding King by Age 26 Using Psychology with Brandon T. Adams. 

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!
