
knowing when to quit

Knowing When to Quit: Sometimes you have to Slow Down to Speed Up

I’ve been struggling with a question that has been making me think recently. Last week during my 9/12 rememberance, one of the things that I realized was that “things change”.

This has always been the case, obviously, with just about anything – but it’s especially true with online business and marketing.

When I first ran across the online entrepreneurial community, there weren’t nearly as many players as they are today. Facebook and Twitter were still becoming mainstream for businesses to use (I mean, I remember when the Twitter Marketing for Dummies came out. It was the first of its kind!)

Back then, blogs were still popular on the web and the good blogs had their own YouTube channel and podcasts.

In fact, at the time, Pat Flynn said the strategy that worked for him to get noticed was one he dubbed “Be Everywhere”.

And for the longest time, it seems that this strategy has worked for plenty of other folks out there – people who have had success building their popularity on the web.

But, as I said, things change.


Using the Web in 2017

When you think about how people use the web in 2017, how is it different than say someone using it in 2013 or even 2011?

For me, I know that more than half of consumers who used to use laptops and desktops have opted for something a little smaller – especially in their time off.

They’re using their phone.

Even more, they’re probably checking Facebook and other social media apps much more regularly than going to someone’s web page or simply checking what’s trending on Google.


Just like you want to make it easier for people to take as few left turns as possible to get to a drive-thru, Facebook has made it so that everything can be found under one roof. Much easier than navigating on a browser to a webpage… and then another.

Why leave Facebook?

So, it’s pretty easy to see why people are making a killing building sales funnels through Facebook. The eyeballs are on it all the time.

Sure, you can spend a ton of time becoming a thought leader and developing your own external brand, but why?

Things have changed. What worked 5 or even a couple years ago, might not necessarily work today.


Knowing when to Quit

So, here’s the plan, guys. As you might have heard on the podcast last week, I’m going to be more available on Facebook throughout the week as well as taking a few courses that I’ve been meaning to take.

After my initial posting of the Facebook Mega Group post, I’ve been thinking – why aren’t I building one of these groups myself?

What occurred to me was that I’m getting lost in the details of the work I’m doing. It seriously takes me like 2 and a half days of working time to produce a podcast episode based on my personal tastes. That’s half the week! Not to mention the time I put into finding and talking with guests, and then marketing the new episode.

By the time all is said and done, I easily have 3 days in each episode. The other two days are shot with meetings and/or researching and writing these posts.

Frankly, I don’t have much time, if any, to actually go through new courses or spend time engaging with you all!

So, last week, as per what Lisa recommended, I have to spend my energy more appropriately. I have to get higher. I can’t stay down in the weeds all the time.

Plus, I have to make sure I follow the recent advise that Brendon said. It went something like “If your current work isn’t going to get you to a place where you’re happy – then why continue the work?”.

Here’s the video of Brendon on when to quit.


Coming to a Solution – Slow Down to Speed Up

Here’s the thing, though. I don’t want to quit the podcast outright. It’s been my way of meeting great people on Facebook and at the same time, giving them a way to get their message out there. Personally, since I listen to podcasts as often as I do, I’d just feel weird if I wasn’t producing them all of a sudden.

So, that’s where the two a month solution came from. While it might not be new content each week – I get the chance to actually study other’s content again and apply new findings to my business and help you guys with yours as well.

Plus, I figure this might give some folks a bit of time to hear all the old episodes. Heck, it might even give me some time to remaster some of those old interviews!


Action Steps

So there’s my take guys. This why I need to change things up a bit. Hopefully it gives you guys some permission to change things up in your own business as well.

Ask yourself – is what you’re doing right now, the way you’re doing it, going to get you to happiness any quicker? Is there something else you could try to get there?

For Arne and JR – making a Facebook Group was the option they took to achieve the results they have today. Maybe it’s time for you to consider the same thing?

That said, stay tuned for specifics on the new group! I hope to have info out about it at the end of the week!!



Also, since we’re on the topic of slowing down to speed up. Check out this footage of a Bugatti Veron having problems with a speed bump:

best business ideas

Just Getting Started: Why Execution is More Important Than Having the Best Business Ideas with Jeremy Miller (AoL 101)

What could possibly come after the big 100th episode of AoL? How about an episode where the guest does pretty much everything we talk about in that session item by item.

In this session, Albert and I are joined by Jeremy Miller. Jeremy is a well known entrepreneur around Indianapolis due to his speaking engagements and the work that he does through the multiple companies he’s involved with.

What’s great is that just like Dane Maxwell back in session 56, Jeremy’s been able to use entrepreneurship as a way to put his energy into something that has give him purpose.

Here’s the catch, though. While Dane found entrepreneurship in college, Jeremy found it while he was still in high school.

And now that he’s graduated, he’s really starting to open things up! He’s not wasting time stuck in a chair preparing for tests!

In this conversation, we learn more about his backstory, his perspectives on some of the general mindsets that someone considering to be an entrepreneur needs, and why execution beats the best business ideas!

Thanks for spending some time with us and enjoy!


  • How’d Jeremy get into entrepreneurship? 11:09
  • Did he have a mentor and how did he end up seeking them out? 13:45
  • How does Jeremy balance work, travel and life? 16:54
  • Where did he travel to once graduating? 22:07
  • How did Jeremy start living intentionally? 28:27
  • Jeremy’s thoughts on over executing the competition vs worrying about stealing an idea. 30:59
  • What are some steps that people can take to make a difference in the world? 33:30
  • Which is right? The perspective of finding passion in your work or your passion leading to the work you do? 37:31
  • What’s Jeremy looking forward to in the not too distant future? 40:37
  • What are his Top 3 favorite books? 43:17
  • What’s his least favorite social custom? 44:17
  • What advice does he hear adults giving young kids that he’d call BS on? 49:51
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their own community? 52:20
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Jeremy’s Story:

Jeremy on WTHR 13:

Subaru Impreza Movie:

Mike Rowe on NOT following Your Passion:

best business ideas
best business ideas
best business ideas
best business ideas


Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


how to be an entrepreneur

Learning How to be an Entrepreneur: A Review of 2 Years of Business, Podcasting, and Life with Laila Rahmatian (AoL 100)

It’s been nearly 2 years since I started this podcast. In those two years, I’ve been able to meet a ton of awesome people. Many who have been great connections that have opened me up to various ideas and new concepts. Even new ways of thinking.

The same could be said for Laila Rahmatian, who joined the show as frequent co-host after her first interview on session 14.

Since then, we’ve both had our growing pains and learning curves as we’ve climbed the entrepreneurial ladder.

In this session, we go over everything we’ve learned in the last couple of years. From taking a stand and using your past to be part of your future to not having to re-create the wheel, we’ve learned a ton!

Join us as we recap some of that information and discuss some of the common themes that we’ve learned along the way.

Thanks for spending some time with us and enjoy!


  • What’s Laila been up to recently since she was last on the show? 8:53
  • How has a goal of traveling more been able to give her the power to get more accomplished? 16:15
  • Where’s JC at in business after 100 sessions of the AoL podcast? 19:14
  • Things that Laila has learned while being involved with the AoL Podcast? 34:34
  • What has JC learned through doing the podcast thus far? 44:27
  • What are common themes that we’ve heard about throughout the different interviews of the show? 52:56
  • What’s a short roadmap that new entrepreneurs should follow as they’re getting started based on what we’ve learned through 100
  • podcasts? 1:11:50
  • What are we looking forward to working on from here? 1:20:56
  • Who are three influencers that have helped Laila get to where she is today? 1:23:54
  • JC’s Top 3 favorite books to tell others about? 1:25:22
  • Something Laila still wishes was a thing? 1:26:57
  • What was the smallest decision that JC made that had the largest impact on his life? 1:29:28
  • What is something Laila thinks all high school students must know? 1:31:02
  • Most awe-inspiring person JC has ever met in person? 1:32:54
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Why Laila Quit Her Job:

Why Laila Chose NOT to take the Professional Engineer Exam:

Reflection: 2 Years After Wedding:

Why You Need the Perfect Wedding Photographer:

how to be an entrepreneur how to be an entrepreneur how to be an entrepreneur how to be an entrepreneur

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


how to make friends online

Finding REAL Relationships in a Digital Age: How to Make Friends Online with Felicia Slattery (AoL 096)

Relationships today are so much different than they used to be.

I can’t exactly put my finger on why, but it seems that so many people rely on social media to interact with other people. Personally, I’d rather have a good conversation with someone – I think these podcasts show proof of that!

The problem is with relying on social media, texting, and whatever else you want to put in the blank… these communications are usually fairly short and from what I can tell, surface level communication.

Meaning, they’re not very deep.

Growing up, I remember that everyone knew everyone in their neighborhood. This was common all over the place.

That said, I’m glad that people like today’s guest exist in helping people create better relationships in their lives.

Felicia Slattery is on a mission to bring people closer together. In her upcoming book, she tackles how people can create REAL relationships in their everyday life.

In today’s conversation, Veronica and I find out from her what REAL relationships are, the dos and don’ts of social media, and what are some ways that creatives can be more engaging with their followers.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was it like growing up around Chicago? 12:02
  • How did Felicia get started in speaking? 13:45
  • When did Felecia realize that she wanted to help people build better relationships? 17:02
  • How can people stop talking at each other and build better relationships? 21:12
  • What are REAL relationships? 26:16
  • How can we be more mindful in our lives to get more REAL relationships? 33:47
  • How can someone get more comfortable with doing LIVE videos? 38:06
  • What are things not to do on social media so you’re not being irritating? 44:14
  • What are some of the ways to get more engagement out of different social media platforms? 1:01:07
  • What’s the future hold for Felicia? 1:03:52
  • What are Felicia’s favorite 3 books? 1:06:31
  • Something under $100 that has changed her life? 1:08:32
  • What advice do you hear parents giving advice to children that she says is bs? 1:09:18
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:14:15
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



How to Write a Speech in 5 Minutes:

Networking at a Picnic:

Funny Outtakes with Joel Comm:

Felicia on her Success Rituals:


how to make friends online

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


business practices

5 Business Practices You’re Probably Doing Wrong… and How to Fix Them

The last couple of years have been a heck of an experience for me. I’ve been learning a ton. Many times through mistakes and many times much later than I would have liked to.

One thing that I’m glad I do regularly is reflect – specifically weekly, monthly, and yearly.

And since we’re just about to hit halfway through 2017 already (dannng!) I thought now would be a good time for me to hit you with a few things that either I’ve struggled with or business friends of mine have.

So here are 5 things you just might be doing wrong in your business:


You’re Not Prepared for Scaling

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here – and just say you’re a workaholic. Whether you’re still in a 9 to 5 and work on your business at night, or you’ve gone full entrepreneur mode and having no problems finding customers – there’s a really good chance you haven’t prepped for scaling.

What do I mean by that?

Well, for one, if you’re doing this thing on your own and have full blown superman syndrome – how do you plan on getting out of your own way?

Sure, you can hire help to do certain tasks – but what good is that help if they have to spend a year watching you do their work?

Wouldn’t it make sense to have systematized everything so you can hand over the reigns of particular job in a week to a month’s time and not worry about if it’ll come back right?

Start documenting what you’re doing on a regular basis so that when you are ready to hire someone, it’s much easier to do and you’re not completely saturated with work.

Here’s a good SPI Podcast session on this topic.


You Don’t Think You Need to Market Your Business

This weekend, I had to go to the vet. I asked one of them if they thought that they needed help with Facebook Advertising. Since this is something that I know a lot of businesses struggle with, and I’m just recently learning about it, I thought I’d reach out and see if they’d be open to simply testing the waters.

Their response to me was, “Oh, we have pretty good customer traffic as it is now. We’re always busy!”

That response kinda took me back a bit. I’ve never been the type to believe that the best way of working is to fill out all your working time with as many clients as possible.
Sure, it’s one way of measuring success – but I’ve always been a “pay me by the job not time” kind of guy.

If you’re this type of business owner, you might want to reconsider doing marketing – and what that actually means to you.

How are you doing when you reach out to customers you already have? Did you know that repeat customers are worth up to 10 times more than new customers? Is YOUR online presence consistent and up to date? If not, might be time to make that something you get help on.


If You Are Marketing Your Business, You’re Probably Not Using Social Media Correctly

Facebook is not LinkedIn and Twitter is not Instagram. All of these formats have different ways of engaging its users.

First off, if you want to get more out of social media – you’re going to have to figure out which platforms work for you. Trying to do more than 2 well isn’t really feasible as 1 person. So remember this before you spend anymore time on a platform you have no business on:

Here’s a short quick run down of each platform according to Luan Wise.

  • Facebook – Business to consumer and peer to peer content sharing.
  • Twitter – If your business is about ‘In the Moment’ news and topical discussion, Twitter is a great place for you. It’s all about trends here!
  • Google Plus – This is a great platform if you want people to find your products or services through SEO. (Not sure what SEO or backlinking is? Here’s a great resource.)
  • Instagram – Do you have an image-friendly business (like Laila’s?) or have quotable guests on a show? Then Instagram might be a good way to get your message out!
  • LinkedIn – If you’re looking to get your current business circle up to date on what you’re doing, LinkedIn is the way to go. However, don’t go adding everyone like you would on Facebook – LinkedIn isn’t meant for that.

Need more help here? Be sure to get Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. Much of it still applies to today.

Your Business is Flying Under the Radar

Even if you’re a freelancer who barely gets any work, you should really consider giving your business some legitimacy.

First of all, make your business at least an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). There’s a couple of reasons to do this.

  1. If your business ever gets sued, you can’t lose your personal assets if it’s incorporated.
  2. If you’re considering doing any kind of affiliate marketing work, there’s a good chance they’re going to ask you what your business name is and if you can’t prove that you actually own one, you might have some issues.

Another recommendation here – make sure you find an accountant for tax purposes.

Doing a 1040EZ through H&R Block online is one thing – but when you start looking to start keeping track of deductions and all of that… Get someone that knows how to do this.

In fact, this is probably the first “hire” you should DEFINITELY make for your business.


You’re Not Networking As Efficiently as You Could

There’s a saying I heard recently that keeps resonating with me. It goes something like…

“It’s not what you know, it’s not who you know. It’s who knows you.”

Here’s the thing. You need to know people. You need to be a connector. And frankly, if you’re not helping other people find business, then the favor isn’t going to get returned.

The more you help others get what they want, the more you’ll get back yourself. Karma is a real thing – especially in business.

Want to network more? First off network with me, other fans, and guests of the podcast here.

Be sure to check out Ascension Mentorship – I can introduce you to the founder Albert Winks if it sounds like something you’d like to know more about.

Get a book called “Coffee, Lunch, Coffee – a Practical Field Guide For Master Networking”. Find out more about this book via Joe Crane’s podcast, Veteran on the Move.


Action Steps

So, yes, these are just a handful of things that we all might do when we’re starting out in business. Maybe you have a few years under your belt and you never had the need to do one of these items.

Would it help?

That’s for you to think about.

Personally, I’ve implemented all of these with New Inceptions.

I have systems in place, I’m marketing (better and better all the time!), NI is legit, AND I’m networking.

How about you? What are some things that have bit you in the past before? Let me know!!

Teenagers with Attitude: Learning About Today’s Teen Entrepreneurs with Easton Allred (AoL 089)

Teenager entrepreneurs are blowing up around the internet these days. It’s crazy.  It’s not uncommon to hear of 14 year olds making thousands, if not millions, of dollars in their businesses.

For me growing up, this was never an option. Even when I was in Amway, you had to wait until you were 18 to officially start. As the internet has evolved over the last few years – you just see more and more kids and teens being and doing more so much earlier. Sometimes I feel blessed that I grew up in the 90’s which I consider the ultimate decade to be a kid, but then I see kids like today’s guest and it makes me think – would I have started my own business online when I was starting high school?

For today’s guest, it was a no brainer. Like me, he got started in an MLM, but soon found out that he wanted to be an online entrepreneur as well. Today he’s a motivational speaker as well as a podcast guest and will soon be an author.

Through his podcast he aims to inspire other teens by hosting inspirational figures including entrepreneurs like Caleb Maddix (check out the show note extras), sports figures, and others to find out more about them.

In our conversation, we talk more about his beginnings, where he got the idea for the show, and what has him excited for the future.

If you know any teens struggling to find direction in their lives – perhaps it might be worth your while to have them check this interview out!

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How has being a homeschooled student been a catapult in Easton’s success? 7:27
  • How does he balance his active sports life with his schooling and his business? 12:48
  • How does a homeschool student become part of a school team? 13:46
  • How did Easton become interested in starting his own business? 15:36
  • What caused him to pivot into motivational speaking? 17:41
  • Who have Easton’s mentors been as he’s been developing his podcast? 20:47
  • Where can someone find a mentor for themselves? 23:24
  • How can a teen help a friend of theirs find their own identity? 26:54
  • What are some steps that a person can take to achieve a goal? 29:07
  • What’s the book about that Easton is writing? 32:24
  • How did he write his book? 33:37
  • Anything else he’s excited about this next year? 35:35
  • Top 3 Favorite books he recommends to others? 36:18
  • Scientific Fact that he knows is real but still blows him away? 38:21
  • What is something that isn’t as bad that he initially thought it would be? 40:38
  • What’s a service that doesn’t exist that Easton would gladly pay for? 41:26
  • What does it meant to live a life of abundance? 42:04
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Intro to Fueled for Teens:

Basketball coach Nick Graham Interview:

Caleb Maddix Interview:

Interview with Casey Adams:

teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


first client

Make a Living From Your Passion: Finding Your First Clients & Introducing the Sales funnel

Last month we talked all about freebie items that you can use for yourself and your business.

But even with free stuff, there’s not much point in calling what you’re doing a “business” if you’re not making regular income with it.

Sure, you can call it a mission, a calling, a passion project, even a “nonprofit”. But until you’re actively trying to make an income with it, it’s not a business.

It becomes a business when you get that first client – someone that actually pays you to do something.
Whether they pay you a $10 on fiverr for your services, or $14.95 through Amazon, or $300 for help with a website, only then can you say you’ve started your business.

Have you made your first sale?


Let’s get on that!


The Basics: Who?

In recent years, there’s been lots of talk about this thing called “an avatar”. An avatar is basically a figure of a person who is your ideal client, audience member, etc.

This is the person you’re looking to talk to or help when you’re making your content or products.

As an entrepreneur, it’s your job to get your products in front of people through marketing and then make the sale.

Remember that marketing is simply about getting the word out. It’s not the same thing as sales which is answering questions in a way that influences a final buy.

The better you can communicate how your product can help or add value to a certain group of people, the less problems you’re going to have selling it.

So spend plenty of time getting to know your audience, potential clients and customers.


Alright. Now that you have your ideal person figured out, here comes the next piece of the puzzle.

Where can you find these folks to help them? Because you have to get in front of them if they’re going to find out if you exist.

What channels can you find them using?

Are they online? If so, where can you find them? Do they use social media regularly? Do they respond to email marketing over social media marketing?

If they’re offline, where can you find them? Farmer’s markets? Art shows?

You’ll have to think of how to get in front of these folks so they know you exist.


Temperature of Prospect

The third thing we need to consider is the temperature of our prospect or leads. Meaning do they trust us enough to want to actually buy something?

A hot prospect does.

A hot prospect knows and trusts you enough that they believe that what you’re selling them is going to help them. They’re very easy to sell to as long as your product is somewhere in the ballpark of what they need.

Think of this group as your “A Listers”. Often times this might be friends and family when you’re first starting out.


However, before a prospect knows and likes you enough to be a hot lead, they’re in a zone where they’re called a “warm” prospect. These are folks who might be interested in what you’re offering to help them with, but because they don’t know who you are or exactly why they need your product, they’re merely curious.

Your job with warm leads is to simply educate them enough about what you’re offering a bit more to get either a yes or a no (by the way – this is sales).

These are “B Listers”. Acquaintances and everyone else you know besides close friends and family members usually go here.


Finally, you’ve probably heard of marketers “cold calling” prospects. They’re called cold calls because there is no relationship or trust built between the marketers and those prospects. Very rarely do those marketers get sales because, frankly, those prospects have to be in the right state of mind to buy right then and there.

These folks are your “C Listers” because you don’t know them yet.


Making C’s into A’s – Intro to Sales Funnels:

When you’re first starting out, it’s going to be hard to get more sales after you exhaust your beginning list of A listers and B listers. You’ll eventually have to rely on a steady flow of C listers into your business.

But how do you do that if they don’t even know you exist?

You create a system where they CAN get to know you.

That’s what a sales funnel is all about. It’s a system that’s put in place to have a C Lister eventually turn into an A Lister – making it easy for them to buy from you.

Interestingly, progressing your cold C Listers into A Listers who are ready and willing to buy from you is fairly straightforward. Many times this process is called a sales funnel. And, today, with the help of the internet, we can set it on automatic.

Here’s a simplified example of what that might look like in 10 steps:


  1. You get in front of them in a channel, like Facebook, for the very first time.
  2. They check out your content, realize they like it and want to know more about it.
  3. They make it over to your website.
  4. After awhile, they look at you as an authority and know what you’re talking about.
  5. You offer a free something that piques their interest.
  6. They provide email to get that free something.
  7. They now get more regular updates from you in their email.
  8. Eventually you offer them a product and/or deal that’s too good to pass up.
  9. The benefits you give them match up with what their pain is.
  10. Sale is made.
  11. Optional, but good practice is a Followup – give them access to a community of other users using the product or yourself so they can build relationships.

first client


From that group, you can get ideas for “spin-off” products and start the process all over again.

What’s great is that this group you have now is actually one that’s already bought from you. If they liked what you provided before, then they’re more likely to buy from you again.

Oh, and there’s the side perk that they’re probably going to tell other people about what you’re up to and about.


Action Steps:

The above model is overly simplified. But, really, that’s all there is to it. In the next post, I’ll give you a bit more about how to start hacking this system. But, in the meantime, I want you to start identifying your potential first clients from your A and B Listers.

If you’ve already had your first client, can you remember what it was that made them your client in the first place? Could you duplicate it you had to? If not, I want you to also think about how sales funnels can play a part in your business. What would that look like?