
outgoing introvert

How an Outgoing Introvert Can Become a Leader

Since 2011, I’ve been a John Maxwell Team member. And while I haven’t been able to use the skills directly that I have learned from the group, there’s definitely one thing that has serviced me.

It’s a great way to network and meet all kinds of interesting people who have chosen to make John’s work part of their arsenal of ways they can help people.

In this post (which was one that I made soon after I was “officially certified” as a member of the team), I talk about what it takes for someone who isn’t traditionally considered a typical “people person” (an introvert) to become a leader.

Funny enough, it’s not as hard as you’d think!


Growing Up an Outgoing Introvert

Us introverts, we’re an interesting bunch. We like to think deep and hard about things and, for the most part, we like people – but we don’t want to deal with them all day.

At least that’s what the classical definition would say about us.

Growing up I was an only child – so I don’t know if my introversion was nature or nurtured.

But one thing has always been the same. I was always outgoing. Talking with just about anyone – when needed.

Usually it was about things I had learned that might apply in their life. I never was one for casual talk – so many times I jumped right into the middle of the conversation. (Yeah… about that!)

Be it knowledge I had learned about technology, art, through TV shows, in college, or now in business, I’ve wanted to help where I could.

One movie that I recently watched and totally connected with me was The King’s Speech. I guess you could say it’s the inspiration for this post.

If you’re not familiar with it, here’s the trailer:

Make it a Commitment

So the basis of the movie is about George VI being a leader of a country and having to address the company on radio. The problem is, he was essentially scared of his own shadow.

But he had to do what he was going to do (learn to give a proper speech and not fumble all over it) and so he set out on getting comfortable with that shadow.

He committed to his task.

The first thing you need to do is start by realizing that this is something you’re going to want to do. It’s one thing to say “Oh, I’m going to be successful because lots of people are going to pay attention to what I have to say”, but it’s quite another actually getting to that point.

Becoming a leader, whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert doesn’t happen by chance. You have to make an effort to get there.


Improve Your Interpersonal Skills

Art of Charm has been one of my favorite podcasts for a long time because I feel that the host, Jordan Harbinger, is an introvert in disguise. On his show he talks about a number of issues that us introverts have to learn about because we don’t naturally have skills to deal with them.

In his story, he says that he learned that the fastest way to get what you want in life is being a relationship builder. For many of us introverts, we have no idea that this is an actual skill we can use to our own benefit because we’re either too preoccupied by building our own skillsets or we’re just straight out grinding away hoping that our break (whatever that looks like) will come.

So learn to initiate conversation and when you do, pay attention and listen. Instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next or cutting them off in mid paragraph (or mid thought!!), let them say what they need to. Pauses are only awkward if you make them. 😉

Also, remember as an introvert, you probably have great empathy and understanding of others. If a conflict in your group arises, do the opposite of what you’d naturally want to do (avoid the situation) and deal with it.

Remember, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.


Get Comfortable Taking Small Risks

One thing that I’ve had to get better at over time is getting better at getting out of my comfort zone. As introverts, our comfort zone is fairly small.

We’re used to hanging out with our close friends and family. But when we go beyond that, we start to panic a bit. We need to get over that. (I did by making 100 cold calls a week at one point!)

We love being as perfect and professional as possible at work. It prevents us from being recognized or sticking out too much. That’s something else you’re going to have to get over. Learn how to suggest and implement bold yet carefully researched actions. Sometimes those actions might not work out – but at least we learn from the failure and make it better next time!

Here’s the thing: leaders stick out. That’s what makes them a leader. If they’re a good leader, they’re going to be leading others from the front!


Rely on What You Know

If you’re like most introverts, you’re probably a geek in something. Whether it’s technology or some form of creative work, you need to use that to your advantage.

For me, I’m a tech geek – I have been for most of my life. I’ve always been the guy that my friends and family would go to for help with their gadgets and computers – either to help them figure something out or “help them” fix it.

Therefore, growing up talking to them through AoL Instant Messenger about how to do something became commonplace. Maybe the same is true for you?

Heck – I got to a point where some things were so common for me to describe that I’d make documents describing how to do things just in case I had to show someone else.

Today I do similar work through platforms like Slack, Facebook Messenger, and Google Docs to keep it all straight!

Maybe there’s a few platforms you’re already comfortable with so you can use it to make yourself more effective?


Develop Your Three Layers Of Confidence

Many people talk about faking it until you make it. But the truth is, that could be really bad advice for some people. Another piece of potentially bad advice? Oh, just act yourself! Yeah, sometimes acting yourself isn’t going to work in all situations. Sometimes you have to act a certain way with one group of people but if you’re with another group, you’d act completely different.

What makes those groups different is more than likely you’re own confidence. With your friends, you’re going to seem very outgoing and be mistaken for an extrovert.

But if you’re at a networking meeting or drawn into give a speech, you might seem like a fish out of water.

You need to develop your three layers of confidence:

  1. Surface
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Core

Here’s a video from Matthew Hussey on what these actually mean:

Update: And, if you’d like, here’s a recent talk of his at a Lewis Howes’ event going a bit deeper with the topic:

Share Your Vision Early On:

If you’re already in a leadership position, make sure you share your vision with those that are following (or simply engaging with) you from time to time.

You don’t want to surprise your group with what you really wanted when the project is going or even worse, when it’s about to be complete.

They say that a man without vision shall perish – well, the same could be said for a group of people as well. You plan with the end in mind, make sure you bring your group members in on what the plan is and, better yet, involve them in making the plans as well so you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting!

Action Steps:

So what’s next? Well, I’d start with what Matthew talks about in that video – work on your three levels of confidence whatever that looks like to you. You need to start practicing the person you want to be like so you’re actually them!

After that, if you’re not already in a leader position, plug into a group that you actually enjoy building and helping with. The more you put into the group, the more likely you’re going to get a leadership position through that group.

At that point, whatever else you’re doing will be recognized as well. And you might have your own followers at that point, too!

business practices

5 Business Practices You’re Probably Doing Wrong… and How to Fix Them

The last couple of years have been a heck of an experience for me. I’ve been learning a ton. Many times through mistakes and many times much later than I would have liked to.

One thing that I’m glad I do regularly is reflect – specifically weekly, monthly, and yearly.

And since we’re just about to hit halfway through 2017 already (dannng!) I thought now would be a good time for me to hit you with a few things that either I’ve struggled with or business friends of mine have.

So here are 5 things you just might be doing wrong in your business:


You’re Not Prepared for Scaling

I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt here – and just say you’re a workaholic. Whether you’re still in a 9 to 5 and work on your business at night, or you’ve gone full entrepreneur mode and having no problems finding customers – there’s a really good chance you haven’t prepped for scaling.

What do I mean by that?

Well, for one, if you’re doing this thing on your own and have full blown superman syndrome – how do you plan on getting out of your own way?

Sure, you can hire help to do certain tasks – but what good is that help if they have to spend a year watching you do their work?

Wouldn’t it make sense to have systematized everything so you can hand over the reigns of particular job in a week to a month’s time and not worry about if it’ll come back right?

Start documenting what you’re doing on a regular basis so that when you are ready to hire someone, it’s much easier to do and you’re not completely saturated with work.

Here’s a good SPI Podcast session on this topic.


You Don’t Think You Need to Market Your Business

This weekend, I had to go to the vet. I asked one of them if they thought that they needed help with Facebook Advertising. Since this is something that I know a lot of businesses struggle with, and I’m just recently learning about it, I thought I’d reach out and see if they’d be open to simply testing the waters.

Their response to me was, “Oh, we have pretty good customer traffic as it is now. We’re always busy!”

That response kinda took me back a bit. I’ve never been the type to believe that the best way of working is to fill out all your working time with as many clients as possible.
Sure, it’s one way of measuring success – but I’ve always been a “pay me by the job not time” kind of guy.

If you’re this type of business owner, you might want to reconsider doing marketing – and what that actually means to you.

How are you doing when you reach out to customers you already have? Did you know that repeat customers are worth up to 10 times more than new customers? Is YOUR online presence consistent and up to date? If not, might be time to make that something you get help on.


If You Are Marketing Your Business, You’re Probably Not Using Social Media Correctly

Facebook is not LinkedIn and Twitter is not Instagram. All of these formats have different ways of engaging its users.

First off, if you want to get more out of social media – you’re going to have to figure out which platforms work for you. Trying to do more than 2 well isn’t really feasible as 1 person. So remember this before you spend anymore time on a platform you have no business on:

Here’s a short quick run down of each platform according to Luan Wise.

  • Facebook – Business to consumer and peer to peer content sharing.
  • Twitter – If your business is about ‘In the Moment’ news and topical discussion, Twitter is a great place for you. It’s all about trends here!
  • Google Plus – This is a great platform if you want people to find your products or services through SEO. (Not sure what SEO or backlinking is? Here’s a great resource.)
  • Instagram – Do you have an image-friendly business (like Laila’s?) or have quotable guests on a show? Then Instagram might be a good way to get your message out!
  • LinkedIn – If you’re looking to get your current business circle up to date on what you’re doing, LinkedIn is the way to go. However, don’t go adding everyone like you would on Facebook – LinkedIn isn’t meant for that.

Need more help here? Be sure to get Gary Vaynerchuk’s book, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook. Much of it still applies to today.

Your Business is Flying Under the Radar

Even if you’re a freelancer who barely gets any work, you should really consider giving your business some legitimacy.

First of all, make your business at least an LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). There’s a couple of reasons to do this.

  1. If your business ever gets sued, you can’t lose your personal assets if it’s incorporated.
  2. If you’re considering doing any kind of affiliate marketing work, there’s a good chance they’re going to ask you what your business name is and if you can’t prove that you actually own one, you might have some issues.

Another recommendation here – make sure you find an accountant for tax purposes.

Doing a 1040EZ through H&R Block online is one thing – but when you start looking to start keeping track of deductions and all of that… Get someone that knows how to do this.

In fact, this is probably the first “hire” you should DEFINITELY make for your business.


You’re Not Networking As Efficiently as You Could

There’s a saying I heard recently that keeps resonating with me. It goes something like…

“It’s not what you know, it’s not who you know. It’s who knows you.”

Here’s the thing. You need to know people. You need to be a connector. And frankly, if you’re not helping other people find business, then the favor isn’t going to get returned.

The more you help others get what they want, the more you’ll get back yourself. Karma is a real thing – especially in business.

Want to network more? First off network with me, other fans, and guests of the podcast here.

Be sure to check out Ascension Mentorship – I can introduce you to the founder Albert Winks if it sounds like something you’d like to know more about.

Get a book called “Coffee, Lunch, Coffee – a Practical Field Guide For Master Networking”. Find out more about this book via Joe Crane’s podcast, Veteran on the Move.


Action Steps

So, yes, these are just a handful of things that we all might do when we’re starting out in business. Maybe you have a few years under your belt and you never had the need to do one of these items.

Would it help?

That’s for you to think about.

Personally, I’ve implemented all of these with New Inceptions.

I have systems in place, I’m marketing (better and better all the time!), NI is legit, AND I’m networking.

How about you? What are some things that have bit you in the past before? Let me know!!

Teenagers with Attitude: Learning About Today’s Teen Entrepreneurs with Easton Allred (AoL 089)

Teenager entrepreneurs are blowing up around the internet these days. It’s crazy.  It’s not uncommon to hear of 14 year olds making thousands, if not millions, of dollars in their businesses.

For me growing up, this was never an option. Even when I was in Amway, you had to wait until you were 18 to officially start. As the internet has evolved over the last few years – you just see more and more kids and teens being and doing more so much earlier. Sometimes I feel blessed that I grew up in the 90’s which I consider the ultimate decade to be a kid, but then I see kids like today’s guest and it makes me think – would I have started my own business online when I was starting high school?

For today’s guest, it was a no brainer. Like me, he got started in an MLM, but soon found out that he wanted to be an online entrepreneur as well. Today he’s a motivational speaker as well as a podcast guest and will soon be an author.

Through his podcast he aims to inspire other teens by hosting inspirational figures including entrepreneurs like Caleb Maddix (check out the show note extras), sports figures, and others to find out more about them.

In our conversation, we talk more about his beginnings, where he got the idea for the show, and what has him excited for the future.

If you know any teens struggling to find direction in their lives – perhaps it might be worth your while to have them check this interview out!

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How has being a homeschooled student been a catapult in Easton’s success? 7:27
  • How does he balance his active sports life with his schooling and his business? 12:48
  • How does a homeschool student become part of a school team? 13:46
  • How did Easton become interested in starting his own business? 15:36
  • What caused him to pivot into motivational speaking? 17:41
  • Who have Easton’s mentors been as he’s been developing his podcast? 20:47
  • Where can someone find a mentor for themselves? 23:24
  • How can a teen help a friend of theirs find their own identity? 26:54
  • What are some steps that a person can take to achieve a goal? 29:07
  • What’s the book about that Easton is writing? 32:24
  • How did he write his book? 33:37
  • Anything else he’s excited about this next year? 35:35
  • Top 3 Favorite books he recommends to others? 36:18
  • Scientific Fact that he knows is real but still blows him away? 38:21
  • What is something that isn’t as bad that he initially thought it would be? 40:38
  • What’s a service that doesn’t exist that Easton would gladly pay for? 41:26
  • What does it meant to live a life of abundance? 42:04
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Intro to Fueled for Teens:

Basketball coach Nick Graham Interview:

Caleb Maddix Interview:

Interview with Casey Adams:

teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs
teen entrepreneurs

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


fear of public speaking

Getting over the Fear of Public Speaking: Discovering the Stage Fright Cure with Marti MacEwan (AoL 088)

Stage fright, fear of public speaking, or performance anxiety are things that many people, especially creatives, have to deal with to achieve some sort of success in their lives.

If you want your message to be heard, then you’re just going to have to deal with it – so many of the experts say.

How exactly do you deal with it?

Personally, I’ve always struggled with it as far back as I can remember. It prevented me from joining the debate team in high school and it also prevented me from trying to achieve more in band. Later, when I was in college, I couldn’t help but have a dear in headlights look in my communications classes… and then finally, when I hit grad school, it was really a fight or flight situation. Either I get over it and teach 6 classes of 30+ students, or don’t go to grad school. I had no interest to do research.

Those classes were rough, but I made it through.

For today’s guest, Marti MacEwan, she had a similar struggle. It suddenly hit her when she attempted to sing – but couldn’t.

From that point on, she made it a point to figure out why she couldn’t. And she came to find out that it stemmed all the way back to her childhood.

As she found out where her fear actually came from, she learned to cope with it. What she found out she later shared in her book: The Stage Fright Cure.

In today’s chat, Veronica and I learn from Marti more about this path of hers, where the book came from, and some really good tips for you if you’re struggling with stage fright.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was Marti’s background with stage fright before she could help other people tackle theirs? 9:13
  • Why did she choose theatre as a major in college even though she would get stage fright? 11:00
  • How did Marti get into therapy while her background was in theatre? 13:01
  • What inspired Marti to write her book, the Stage Fright Cure? 15:52
  • What’s the difference between therapy, training, and coaching? 28:33
  • What’s her take on pivoting in one’s career successfully? 39:27
  • What are some of the things that someone can start doing to work on their own stage fright issues? 43:45
  • Top three favorite books? 52:54
  • What is a scientific fact that she knows but yet still blows her away? 56:32
  • What’s something that isn’t as hard as she thought it was going to be? 1:01:22
  • What’s a basic life skill that Marti is amazed people lack? 1:02:48
  • What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:04:30
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Glenn Interviews Lewis Howes (Starts at 37:38):

A bit more about the Stage Fright Cure:

Marti discusses how to untie emotional knots with psychotherapy and energy work:

Prof. Dave Guin discusses why We Fear Public Speaking:

Richard Greene on the 7 Secrets of the Greatest Speakers in History:

marti macewan fear of public speaking fear of public speaking fear of public speaking

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


what to do when depressed

Surviving the Troughs of Life: What to Do When You’re Depressed with Anthony Hayes (AoL 087)

Depression can be a heck of a struggle – and it can hit us at any time. For creatives, depression can be triggered by the simple feeling of being alone because no one understands what it is you’re trying to do. For a lot of people, though, it can set in from life not going the way we’d expect it to.

Personally, I went through depression 3 times in my first two years of college. I was used to being great in my academic studies and all of a sudden, I wasn’t. Eventually I found out that the cause of my depression was due to my major, and I switched soon thereafter.

For our guest, Anthony Hayes, he realized back in 2004 that he was chronically depressed himself. He set out on a mission to figure out how to not only get out of it, but then to not fall back into it ever again. Besides coming up with his M5 strategy, he also has written a book on the matter, and continues to help others with the problem.

Besides this mission, he’s the host of Me, Myself, and I Radio, and co-founder of the Facebook Community – Podcast Discovery Center.

Join us as we find out more about this journey of his and the purpose of his work that he does today.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How did Anthony realize that he was severely depressed? 9:55
  • How does he keep from entering into his troughs in life? 19:08
  • What was the purpose behind Anthony writing his book? 23:29
  • What’s Anthony’s podcast about and who should be listening? 27:13
  • What prompted Anthony to join Scott Doucet in creating the PDC? 33:25
  • What’s Anthony’s M5 Strategy and what effect they’ve had on his life? 39:27
  • What’s the big ambitions for Anthony in 2017? 47:10
  • 3 Top Favorite Books? 50:00
  • One thing he wishes was still a thing? 50:42
  • One gift that he likes giving others? 53:41
  • What’s one thing that all high school students must know? 54:25
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 54:46
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Anthony on the Importance of Goals as a Podcaster:

Anthony on the topic of including descriptions in your podcasts:

Dr. Kasim Al-Mashat on How Meditation Redefines pain, happiness, and satisfaction:

Light Watkins on Debunking the 5 Most Common Meditation Myths:

what to do when depressed what to do when depressed what to do when depressed what to do when depressed

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


business achievement

Sabah Ali: The Double Major Entrepreneur – How to Combine College Life and Business Achievement (AoL 083)

College can mean different experiences to different people.

For me, I lived two lives. One, when I was an undergrad, where I was studying all the time and worrying about why I sucked so bad at taking tests and feeling like I had to plagiarize just to pass my classes. I never felt comfortable in my own skin, let alone think about doing anything extracurricular.

And then, in grad school, things changed dramatically. I was suddenly forced into the front of the class – 6 times a week – and found myself in all kinds of clubs.

This had a profound effect on my perspective of life and I finally started emerging from my shell.

But that was just my take on college.

Some people go into college knowing precisely what they want to do. They also have a mission to do as well. Laila’s story was like that as we’ve come to learn. So is today’s guest, Sabah Ali.

Sabah is simply crushing her college career. Not only is she double majoring (yeah, that’s hard enough right there!) but she’s finding time to do a ton of extracurriculars. Writing and publishing a bestselling book. Starting a podcast. And even going to various conferences with mentors and various connections.

In this session’s chat, we find out more about this path of hers. Where the inspiration for the book and podcast came from, and how she’s successfully balancing everything.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • What was Sabah’s life before he got started as an entrepreneur? 10:24
  • What inspired her to get into fashion? 11:57
  • Why did she double major in fashion and business? 14:16
  • What inspired her at an early age to want to start a fashion business? 17:05
  • What is Sabah currently working on (as of this interview)? 23:19
  • How has her background knowledge of achieving goals helped her create her book? 29:07
  • Why did she write a book in one are when she’s wanting to build a business in fashion? 35:05
  • What’s the story behind the event that Sabah is putting on at Iowa State? 39:28
  • If she could change the world anyway she could, what would she help other people go? 42:19
  • What can people expect from Sabah and Dan’s podcast? 44:53
  • How do they position the podcast? 47:09
  • 3 Influencers that have helped Sabah get to where she is today 51:16
  • What’s the hardest thing that she’s had to say no to? 51:49
  • Something she used to believe in as a 18 year old and doesn’t now? 52:14
  • If she woke up as her 10 year old self and all of her memories were still intact, what would she do? 52:47
  • What’s the secret to achieving personal freedom? 53:20
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



Hector Santiesteban interview:

Hanging Out while a new Spring Semester gets Started:

Thanks from Sabah:

Dorm Rooms to Conference Rooms – Pivoting in Your Life:

sabah ali
sabah ali
sabah ali

Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

Also, please leave an honest review for The AoL Podcast on iTunes! Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and we read each and every one of them.

If you have any questions feel free to email them over via the email mentioned in the show or by our contact form.

And finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the show on iTunesStitcherSoundcloud, and/or Google Play Music. It’s absolutely free to do so.

A huge thank-you to you guys for joining us!


habits of success

Clay Green: Make it Happen – 3 Habits To Help You Get What You Really Want (AoL 078)

Many of us have heard many times the actual steps to being successful. In fact, I’ve wrote about many of these topics in blog posts here at New Inceptions. They include:

  • Reading and/or learning from others who have what you want regularly.
  • You should plan regularly to get what you want.
  • Reflect as much as possible – Daily, weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
  • Appreciate what you have because doing the opposite is what we’re used to and it’s a big reason why so many of us have negative attitudes.

The list goes on.

In today’s episode, co-host of AoL and founder of EnthusiatiCLAY, Clay Green, shares with us his three top habits. These habits include much of what we need to do to achieve long term success.

And we’ve heard people talk about them before.

In this podcast, however, he takes it to the next level. He actually shares proof in why we should be doing these three things.

I also ask him some in depth questions that lead to a great conversation as well.

This is his silver edition, so if you want his background, you can find out more about him in session 46.

As always, thanks for listening, and enjoy the show!


  • How we got started in this talk. 6:25
  • How’s his trek going throughout the country going? 8:15
  • What’s the first step to building your own belief? 12:16
  • How do you build your belief circle? 18:02
  • How do you start listening to your own internal voice of what you actually want? 26:50
  • The three habits which can change your life. 21:30
  • Why meditation is important to so many successful people. 31:40
  • Why gratitude is essential to long lasting success. 43:14
  • The hardest thing he’s ever had to say no to. 46:46
  • One thing that cost under $100 that has changed his life. 48:41
  • What’s the smallest decision he’s made that has had the largest impact on his life? 49:30
  • What is one thing all high school students must know? 53:31
  • How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 56:58
  • … and MUCH more!

Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.



First Tour of Clay’s Trailer:

View of the Garage of Clay’s Trailer:

Followup thoughts on today’s interview:

Enjoying Life:

meditation is a habit of success
belief is a huge part of success
get anything you want
to get what you want you need to think selfishly

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